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High King Haarold V The Great Uniter

High King Haarold Elgirsssen, Lightbringer (a.k.a. The Great Uniter)

Amongst Aedrinar's most famous and well regarded kings, Haarold V The Great Uniter of Lastlight would be the 3rd monarch of the Seventh Kingdom of Aedrinar and began the kingdom's golden age known as The Century of Light. Despite being a talented warrior and leader, The Great United is remembered for his oratory, diplomacy, and statecraft. A patron of the arts, Haarold began a cultural rennaissance and revitalization of Aedrinaran culture.   Coming to power in the aftermath of the tumultuous reign of High King Karl III, Haarold would end decades of instability and rebellion, spilling minimal blood in the process. As king, he would restore peace with Asrinheim and end House Stormbarer rebellions for a century.   Haarold occupies a space of global admiration in Aedrinaran culture, a position few High Monarchs have shared. Within Lastlight, he is exulted as amongst their greatest ever rulers and forms an important part of the city's identity and historical pride. He is also regarded fondly in Vanaheim for his role in restoring peace to the Eastern Islands. His charm and speeches earned him political fame, whilst his grounded nature and participation in arena fights and funding of the arts earned him regard amongst the common people.   Throughout his life, Haarold displayed attributes of a warrior poet, a paragon of Aedrinaran values of honour and skaldic history. A learned man, Haarold was said to have memorized the chronicles of every famous warrior and high monarch as well as the myths and legends of The Honoured Gods. Since his death, many have tried to emulate the great monarch with only his immediate dynasty and High Queen Sigrunn III coming close to his status and achievements since.  

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Haarold was born as the second of four children to Elgir Lightbringer and Emma Gully in 562, 3e in Lastlight. Born to a powerful city house, his family controlled the city's docks and shipyards giving Haarold a privilleged life of high status. At the time of his birth, Lastlight was under the rulership of House Goldsworn, a mercantile family and mine owners. 29 years earlier the city was occupied by King Olaf III Kingmaker in his conquest of the Southern Islands after being an powerful and indpedent city for nearly a thousand years during The Great Interregnum.   As a child, Haarold would be educated by his parents, showing an appitude for music, writing, and oratray. His chronicles claimed he became a popular performer in the city as a child, a prodigy of the lyre, lute, and poetic edda. As a teenager, Haarold expanded his martial craft by joining the Lastlight guard. In 579, as a 17 year old, Haarold travelled to the areans of Aedrinar as a touring fighter.   He would briefly return to a military career in 580, joining Olaf IIIs armies in Furunheim putting down the Fury Rebellion. He returned to Lastlight in 582 as a battle-hardened warrior to pursue further interests. Haarold took his ship, The Starlight, to Western Marcia, touring the courts of the post-Marcian War nations to learn more of the greater continent. He returned in 585 to assume control of the family business, and brought new techniques in shipbuilding to maximize production and expand the city's trade infrastructure.  

Election as Jarl

By 589, at the age of 27, Haarold had become one of the wealthiest and most famous citizens of Lastlight. Aedrinar itself was undergoing turmoil, as the north of Aedrinar had seceeded into an independent nation, Furunheim had been reconquered by House Furyborn, and revolts were breaking out in the eastern isles and eastern hold. Lastlights ruling House Goldsworn were losing popularity for their ties to High King Karl III and for selling the city out to Olaf. When Jarl Holstaff died in ritual slaying, Haarold would be nominated by the families of Lastlight.   The moot would be tightly contested between Olav Oath-Knee, Falur Goldsworn, and Haarold. Through grand speeches to the assembled families and thanes, Haarold would win wiyh 6 votes in his favour. For his coronation, he organized a grand feast in the markets of the city. He would spend his time eating at the tables of the common citizens, only speaking to the nobles in formal matters. During the long night of feasting and drinking, urban legend holds Haarold challenged every bard in the city to a flyting contest, winning each one, and improvising an entire edda on his lute for the gathered masses.   As Jarl, Haarold was focused on reforming Lastlight. Haarold redevelopped the Gamelsby and Stenvegg districs as well as replanning the docks. He widened the roads around the city and paved the main trade routes heading north. His urban development saw fires decrease and economic output triple within the city. He kept Lastlight netural during the uprisings during Karl's reign, sending only token forces and ships to aide the High King.  

Broken Spear Rebellion

In 591, the Broken Spear rebellions broke out in Northern Sudurejya and Drekenheim against High King Karl III. Haarold again remained neutral, but increased training of his house's huscarls and imported additional arms and armour to defend the borders with Northern Sudurejya incase House Thairgir retalliated against the south.  The north of the island was devestated by the High King's forces, pushing refugees and those opposed to the war into Lastlight, largely into its working districts.   Haarold remained neutral for 5 more years, not intervening until 596. Using his expanded army and imported weapons, Haarold finally sent word via his son Erik to High King Karl that he would launch an attack on Northern Sudurejya and Drekenheim in the coming month. Haarold retook Fargenvur, pushing the Thairgir Jarl to Fiskvatn. Fargenvur, the Thairgir's home, was sacked heavily with only the temple being left intact by the time his army withdrew.   The following week Haarold marched on Fiskvatn. Unlike Fargenvur, Fiskvatn had steep walls and an armoured keep to defend it. Haarold split his army in two, marching one along the northern coast road, one across the southern alps, and a naval fleet that sailed up the River Yane under night cover. Using the army to assault the walls, the river docks were unguarded and allowed his raiders to ambush and take the town from within. The gates were opened and the army pushed on the keep, using imported East Marcian Trebuchet designs to whittle down the walls. By dawn, the last Thairgir troops surrendered and the north was conquered, folding the Jarldoms of Lastlight and Northern Sudrejya into a single realm. Tearing down the defences and repurposing the reamaining warriors in the north into his own forces, a month later Haarold looked to invade Drekenheim.   Haarold's first victory on the volcanic island came at Raven's Shore during his landing of troops. Drekenheim shock raiders fired arrows and used the thick woodlands for cover to whittle down the invasion force. Expecting this resistance, Haarold used part of his fleet as a decoy and sent small bands of troops into the wood with oil and cloth. When the signal was sent, the scouts withdrew and a fire was set, exploding the oil and burning the woodland shores, forcing the Drekenheim raiders to either die in the flames, retreat into the forest, or be pushed onto the beach where they were met by Haarold's shield wall.   The Ravenswood would face more burnings to oust the raiders hiding there, and Haarold pushed further into the island. His second major victory came at Stonetrel in the mountainouse heart of the island. His smaller main army was ambushed in a narrow causeway with Haarold inside. A circular shield wall was formed to block incoming arrrows and attackers from the mountainside. Meanwhile, Haarold's support forces of two cavalry divisions and a mobile scouting unit convered on the ambush, flanking the Drekenheimers and slaughtering their army.   For his major victories, Haarold was left incharge of putting down the rebellion. A year later in 597, after two more key battle victories on Shadow Beach and the Oskunstrond valley saw Drekenheim forces near depelted. Haarold reached out the rebellion's leader, Yorvik Grimsbane, and met for a parley. Haarold offered a treaty that would spare the reamining settlements and offered Yorvik recognition as Jarl of Drekenheim if they re-swore fealty to High King Karl. The Grimsbanes accepted, and riders were sent out to stand down the remaining rebels. Haarold sent a letter to Odinsthrone to inform his king of his victory and Drekenheim's reintergration into the realm.   Expecting thanks, Haarold was instead met with anger by the king. For reasons unknown Karl was angered by Haarold's treaty, and claimed he was a traitor trying to undermine his rule. He declared Haarold and enemy of the kingdom, effectively declaring war. All of Sudurejya and Drekenheim sided with Haarold, as well as the island of Einmanfjell which recognized his military might and tactics. Haarold rested for the year in Lastlight, allowing his warriors to tend to their harvests and industries, maintaining only his standing navy incase Karl attacked. Karl launched a token few raiders that were easily defeated by Haarold's forces and allies in the summer of 598.   In late winter 598, Haarold mustered his supporters in Lastlight and organized a grand fleet. In the meeting at Lastlight, Haarold, Yorvik Grimsbane, and Jarl Haartha Whiteguard of Einmanfjell agreed that Karl must die and a new moot organized. Karl sailed his fleet in Flowertyme 599 to the southern hold, landing in Kriegerholm and peacefully occupying the city after meeting with the five houses. The Kriegerholm nobility supported Haarold and joined with him in rebellion. Haarold's daughter and high martial, Astrid, was sent to Westwatch to meet with House Horfhand and the western jarls agreed to support Haarold's war, leaving the king with no allies outside of the weakened Dragontooths and Northern Isles.   Haarold was intent to remain in Kriegerholm till the summer, but when word the Wintershields had marched on Odinsthrone and laid it to siege, the Jarl knew it was time to strike. Taking his now mighty host to the city, he releived the siege and defeated the northern host, securing their surrender. He asked to be let into the city to meet with Karl under an honour duel, but the king refused. The city's population turned on the king and mobbed his palace in Knut's Keep, killing him and welcoming Haarold's host into the city.  

Election as High King

With nobles from Odinsthrone, Kreigerholm, the Western Hold, Sudurejya, Einmanfjell, and Drekenheim present there was quorum for the election of a new high king. Haarold rejected this proposal, and sent his children to the Northern Isles and Orsturkirk to invite delegations from the northern and eastern isles. Within a weak, the delegations had arrived and an election was called. Bickering soon broke out amongst the gathered nobles as Haarold's loyalists were angered at the inclusion of Karlists and said they should be punished. Haarold ended hostility with the following speech:
"Even has the sun rises on this realm again, you gathered nobles seek the coming of the night yet again. When this seventh kingdom of Odin's children was born, my mother and father were but children. When my city, my home, was folded into this kingdom they were warriors on the gates looking at their Jarl battle King Olaf in honourable combat. How old were you when the Kingmaker forged this realm? Were your parents simple pups learning to wield the axe, learning their trades? You have no memory of time before this realm was born, and you all seem happy to let it end here.   Shame on each great house here. You long for a war that is not needed. You wish to tear this realm apart again for what? Pride? Individual honour? Well have your warriors not had their share of blood, have your houses not reaped the rewards of war enough? You seek more - and once more I ask for what purpose? If our ancestors had looked to only their own family's or self's honour, would we have had such great kingdoms and armies? No. To the houses of Kriegerholm, would your greatest king, Rollo the Kingslayer, have conquered the empire of Marcia had his houses squabbled like this? To the Jarl of Einmanfjell, would your most famous son Knut have toppled a tyrant had your own family not forsaken their own oaths and honour to support him? To the gathered of Odinsthrone, you have been so eager to turn against the jarls of the northern isles and east, yet only a fortnight ago you too supported your king against me - should I strike each of you down with my blade? No.   There shall be no reprisals, no petty vegenance, no games of politics for the benefit of your own houses. This realm has suffered for decades of needless rebellion for scraps of honour - we should unite now and bring this realm together so our honour should be shared. For have I not shared my honour with you? When I gathered you all in my home, did I not offer you all my riches, my hospitality, my respect? When I put down the rebellions in Drekenheim and Sudurejya, did I not share the glories of battle with all, no matter what house or status they came from?   End this shame now, and stow your blades - we come here to appoint an heir to Odin, not to spill the blood of his children."
The gathered nobility were left silent until Haarold was nominated by Jarl Haartha, and the gathered nobles all supported this claim. Haarold was crowned and declared as Haarold V.  

Ending the Rebellions

Despite Haarold's election in 599 uniting the remainder of the realm behind him, three open 'revolts' were still ongoing as legacies from Karl's reign. The Stormbarers, in control of the eastern hold, were raiding into the southern hold and eastern isles, whilst the occupied Elven territories in the eastern islands were facing an uprising across The Correlites, Vanaheim, and Kastaland. The north remained and indepedent state after Karl recognized their secession in 587.  
The Seventh Kingdom of Aedrinar (red) in 599, 3e upon Haarold's election. Northern Hold (Blue), Stormbarer rebellion (Green) and Eastern Isles Revolt (Yellow) shown.
The north had happily retreated after Haarold's defeat of them at the Siege of Odinsthrone. Haarold decided to speak with the Wintershields and other northern houses personally to discuss their reintegrating into the realm, leaving his daughter Astrid in charge of the armies to hold back the Stormbarers from continuing to pillage the southern hold, and used the navies of Kriegerholm, Einmanfjell, and Drekenheim to hold back the Stormbarer navy in the Vaniri Sea.   The Wintershields and northern houses honoured Haarold when he arrived by horse in Winterharbour. In the aftermath of Odinsthrone's seige, Haarold had 'shown honour' by his kind treatment of non-fatally wounded warriors and allowing the more seriously injured honourable deaths with their weapons in hand upon his victory. In a two-week discussion Haarold would successfully convince the north to rejoin the kingdom. Common history holds how Haarold's charisma and oratory helped to convince even the staunchest supporters of northern independence that he could bring the whole Aedrinaran nation to propserity.   In 600, Haarold focused on the Stormbarers. His vassals and daughter had managed to stem the influx of attacks on the kingdom's territories, and the north secured their border with the Eastern Hold, utilising jomsvikingrs from the Bear and Goat clans to stop further invasions by sea or land. Liasing with the surviving members of Karl's court, Haarold was intrigued by the Strombarer's always surrendering after their hometown of Isbrygge was within stirking distance of hostile armies.   Haarold, wanting to spare his exhausted warriors from further bloodshed that may allow a stormbarer army to continue pillaging the countryside or lose more lifes, planned a diplomatic solution. He took his flagship, Crown of the Lastlight, into Isbrygge's harbour, bypassing all Stormbarer patrols and scouts. The remaining warriors in the town rushed to the harbour, where a calm Haarold stepped down and had his crew empty the hold, containing nothing but mead and ale barrels. The Stormbarer Jarl accepted the gift, and according to his official chronicles Haarold described the tribute as, "A gift for Gods and men alike." Drinking with the Stormbarers and locals of the town, The Stormbarers stood down their raiders and accepted Haarold as high king.   Haarold still needed to reorganize the remainder of the realm before he could handle the Eastern Islands revolt. Decades of civil strife had devestated the countryside and economy of the island of Aedrinar, so Haarold spend the remainder of the year 601 helping to rebuild roads, mines, farms, and pastures as well as reallocating the finances of the realm, including the minting of Aedrinaran currency from northern gold mines.   He would finally find time to visit Vanaheim in 602, where he opted again to use diplomacy to end the conflict than warfare. After securing the key harbour of Crowsport, Haarold left his army in the port, riding with only one other warrior and his daughter to the troubled multi-national town of Valkyrie. Entering the town, he rode straight into the markets, and was surrounded by Aedrinaran supporters and Vaniri nationalists. To the assembled masses, he gave what is regarded as his greatest speech, The Speech to Vanaheim. Here he pleaded for peace between the children of Odin and Frigga, calling on previous peaces and the relationship between the chief gods of Aedriaran and Ice Elf peoples to reconcile their differnces and forge peace.   This speech moved the citizens of Vanheim to put down their arms, and a dialgouge was opened between House Salinir, the former Elven Great House who ruled the conquered territories, and King Haarold. The previous treaty was largely restored, with some financial compensation for elven civilians. Vanheim became a jointly-ruled island between the Salinir and 7th Kingdom. His work in uniting the realm under a peaceful banner saw Haarold proclaimed as The Great Uniter by Gier Saltsby at a Yuletide feast that year.  

Later Reign

The next 8 years of Haarold's reign would be rigourous. Setting up a government in Lastlight, he brought trade and political power to his city, but for half the year the king would tour the war torn regions of his realm. He would oversee new developments, encouraging the creation of better roads, harbour innovations, and new shipyards as well as advanced smithing techniques.   His reinvigoration of the kingdom saw the economic output increase. General wealth and living standards increased, with the average lifespan increasing to 51 from the previous 46. Alongside his public innovation, Haarold was entertained at various courts. Still practicing his music, he would frequently perform for houses at which he was a guest.   The king would also continue to battle in arenas across the realm. Making his entrances a surprise to ensure no warrior would take it easy on him, Haarold had one of the best arena records in the country. Whilst away on his tours, he would leave his children to oversee the government in Lastlight. His children worked closely together, with Astrid becoming the clear choice of successor for the great uniter.   Despite his rigourous schedule and the pressures of rebuilding the realm seeing the king start to loose his hair and weight, Haarold refused to take things easy, swearing his life to redeveloping the realm as he was chosen to do decades before. He was the first high king to show a true affinity for the common Aedrinaran who was unlanded and not of a notable house. Haarold would attend a yearly hunt in the wilds of Aedrinar, where he would only take a small party with him and rely on the hospitality of rural homesteaders to house him. In one sudden and harsh snowstorm, Haarold was forced to seek shelter in a farmers barn for two nights, where they ate the cows and burnt the hay for warmth. When the storm passed, Haarold had twice what he'd taken sent to the farmer as compensation.   Whilst not touring, Haarold helped to fund the arts and theatre within his home city and across the realm. He funded bardic training in Odinsthrone, Lastlight, and Orsturkirk. Haarold would build a grand theatre in Lastlight, encourging artists and skalds from across the realm to attend and perform for him. It is claimed Haarold loved parodies of himself, laughing hysterical at songs and plays that made light of him.  


By the age of 60, Haarold was starting to show his age and was suffering issues around his health. His weight continued to decrease throughout the year 623, but despite the concerns of his family and council he refused to stop his schedule. On a visit to Krigerholm, Haarold again entered the fighting pits in celebration of Thoringar, the holiday celebrating Thor marked by arena tournaments around Aedrinar. On the final day of the festival, in the final fight of Kriegerholm's Arena, Haarold was duelling Dragnar Tigerheart when in the middle of the fight, he began to wane, and started to collapse. To spare his king a dishonourable death, Dragnar struck a killing blow. In popular legend, and according to Dragnar, the king's last words, "You grant me glory, let my deeds grant you and your children the same."   His death marked a period of national mourning as the great monarch was universially adored across the realm. A grand funeral was held in Kriegerholm the following day, where nearly a million Aedrinarans and Ice Elves gathered to unleash a war cry to send Haarold into Valhalla.

Morality & Philosophy

Haarold was an outlyer of great Aedrinaran kings. Although a talented warrior and general, Haarold perfered to use discourse and words to further his goals. His appeals to honour, great speeches, and knowledge of history made him a progressive figure in Aedrinaran politics. His style of peaceful negotiation had not been truly seen since Ragnar III Wintersheart formed the Fourth Kingdom nearly 2000 years previousy and would has not been truly replicated since.   An innovater, Haarold believed in furthering Aedrinaran technology and their economy to keep up with the continental powers and their Awakening ideologies and technology. Although his descendents would continue to innovate, a regressive counter-revolution in the decline of the kingdom would undo much of what Haarold worked towards. It would not be until the 8th kingdom his dream of a technological advanced and economically strong Aedrinar would be realised.


Family Ties

Haarold had an extensive family in House Lightbringer, including two brothers named Karl and Elof. Upon his election as Jarl, Karl would tend to the family's historic businesses and Elof joined him as a huscarl. Karl's would die two years before Haarold, and his children Sigrun and Sigurd would continue the family name. Elof would become the High Marshall of Aedrinar from 620-28 before becoming a raider on the northern coast with his wife, Anjya, and children Falur and Olaf.   Haarold married a fellow Fury Uprising warrior from Lastlight named Gertrude Erikasdottir, an unlanded unhoused warrior in the Goldsworn army. They would remain together for his entire reign, the queen acting as a chancellor for the realm and a diplomat to the north Sudurejyan houses. The would have three children, Erik, Astrid, and Haakon. Erik led a mild life in comparison to the rest of his family, becoming an urban planner whilst Haakon was a talented sailor and shipbuilder.   Astrid would be the most celerbated and famous of his children. Rising the ranks with her father as a talented warrior, she would regularly rule as Grand Marshall of Aedrinar and when Haarold's diplomacy would not be enough, Astrid's threats of violence would silence resistance. Feared and honoured, she also inhertied her father's diplomatic nature and learned to listen to and heed advice.   By the time of his death, Haarold had three grandchildren. Yngrid, Haarold, and Uller.

Religious Views

A worshipper of the Honoured Gods, Haarold openly worshipped each of the pantheon and helped rennovate and rebuilt numerous temples and shrines throughout the kingdom. There was no particular god Haarold worshipped more than others, but through his speeches it is commonly beleived he held Frigga and Odin in special regard. His knowledge of religious myth and stories shows his high education, and despite some later regressive critics claiming he did not live up to the Aedrinaran ideals of warfare set out by Odin, Haarold beleived he showed his honour and faith by uniting the Aedrinaran people and making peace with their ancient allies in Asrinheim.   Legends sometimes claim Haarold was a secret Loki worshipper. His focus on diplomacy and bardic skill seemingly support this conspiracy theory, but the Cult of Loki has never acknolwedged this and all evidence is largely circumstantial.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
High King of Aedrinar  
Reign 599, 3e
623, 3e
Predecessor High King Karl III
Successor: High Queen Astrid III The Titan Queen.
Jarl of Lastlight
Reign 589, 3e
623, 3e
Predecessor Holstaff Goldsworn
Successor High Queen Astrid III The Titan Queen.
Date of Birth
29th Highsun, 562 3e
Date of Death
5th Auldlyne, 623, 3e
Place of Death


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