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Seventh Kingdom of Aedrinar

The Seventh Kingdom of Aedrinar, known historically as 'the broken kingdom' was a united Human Aedrinarian state that existed from 519-789 of the 3rd era. Founded by King Olaf III Kingmaker, the seventh kingdom was the first unifed nation in 600 years and the first Aedrinaran kingdom of the third era. The formation of the kingdom marked the end of the Great Interregnum period that existed from end of the war between King Knut and High King Ebbe in 2263, 2e.   Even by Aedrinaran standards the seventh kingdom suffered from incredibly instability. The realm suffered numerous rebellions during the reigns of High King Karl III, Haarold VI, and Sven I. The kingdom saw numerous uprisings by House Stormbarer as well as the Fury Uprising. It also marked the first time since the reign of Haarold I Seasnake in the first era that Aedrinar directly controlled provinces of Asrinheim and Jotun.   Despite the Seventh Kingdom seeing numerous developments in Aedrinaran society under the 'Century of Light,' the kingdom would ultaimtely be remembered for its disaterous end during the Calamaity of the Terrasic where thousands of Aedrinaran warriors and nobles died at the hands of superior Eldrian Empire navy. The results of the Calamity would see Aedrinar withdraw completely from continenntal affairs and become a minor power until the 40 Year War three centuries later.  


Like its predecessors, the Seventh Kingdom was a decentralized elective feudal monarchy under the rulership of a High Monarch. Beneath the monarch were various holds, ruled by Jarls, and Thaneships within the Jarldoms. Cities such as Kriegerholm held a lower rank of noble, known as Aldermen.  
List of Jarldoms
  • Jarldom of the Northern Hold (519-585) (599-789)
  • Jarldom of the Eastern Isles (519-789)
  • Jarldom of the Southern Hold (519-680)
  • Jarldom of Kriegerholm (680-789)
  • Jarldom of Halgafjar (680-789)
  • Jarldom of Drekenheim (530-789)
  • Jarldom of Northern Sudureyja (532-596)
  • Jarldom of Lastlight (533-596)
  • Jarldom of Sudurejya (596-789)
  • Jarldom of Einmanfjell (540-789)
  • Jarldom of the Northern Islands (533-789)
  • Jarldom of Nyttkrow (585-713)
  • Jarldom of Furunheim (520-584)
  • Bishopric of Gudshard (606-719)
  • Jarldom of the Western Hold (519-789)


Rise of Olaf Kingmaker

The Seventh Kingdom came at the end of the 6 century long Great Interregnum period. This began after the short lived sixth kingdom collapsed under the poor rulership of High King Ebbe. This period had seen the various regions of Aedrinar become independent and infighting was rampent between the various noble houses. Many islands were divded amongst themselves, with only a few powerful Jarldoms able to project their power into the continent for raids.   Of those, the Jarldom of the Eastern Isles under the rulership of House Dragontooth was one of them. A powerful merchant and naval state in the region, the Dragontooth Jarl Falur was amongst the most powerful and attractive men in the islands. Falur would father multiple bastard children alongside his 'legitimate' line, including Olaf Falurrsen , born to a Vaniri commoner and fisherwoman from Freywen.   Despite the protests of his wife and children, Falur would frequently invite his bastards to court and grant them positions of power. Olaf was invited to visit the island, allegedly just to spite Falur's wife at the time, and the mercenary proved himself a competant courtesan and was offered a position as a huscarl. Olaf enjoyed this privilage in Orsturkirk until Falur's death at the hands of his long suffering wife in 477, 3e.   Despite contesting the moot, Olaf recieved no votes and Falur's trueborn daughter, Erikjya Dragontooth, was appointed Jarl of the Eastern Isles. She immdeiatly cast Olaf and the other bastards out of the Dragonhall, and the warrior became a mercenary and Jomsvikingr, eventually founding the Wyrmlings Guild of fighters for hire.   During his time as a guild leader, Olaf became known as the 'Kingmaker' for his role in installing members of nobility across Jotun, Aedrinar, and Asrinheim. One such example was in the town of Valkyrie. After answering a call to rid the town of a hostile Yeti Tribe in 490, 3e, Olaf found the joint Aedrinaran and Vaniri rulership could not pay the required fees. Working with a minor Aedrinaran named Lurki Swiftspear, Olaf staged a coup and took the island as a soul Aedrinaran settlement.   This action broke thousands of years of peace bewteen the Ice Elves and Aedrinarans of Vanaheim forged by High King Ragnar III the Wintersheart. It also angered the House of Dragontooth, Olaf's parent house. Arriving for a Parley with the current Jarl of the Eastern Isles, Rejya Dragontooth, Olaf arrived with only a handful of his warriors and Thane Swiftspear. That evening, through allying himself with Kolar the Ambitious, Rejya and her loyalists were purged across the town in the 'Night of the Dragon' and saw Vanaheim folded into The Eastern Jarldom, effectively creating the first piece of what would become the 7th Kingdom.  

Uniting Aedrinar

By the latter quarter of the 5th century, Northern Aedrinar was in a state of civil war against the ruling House Winter-Shield. The war had devestated the propserous region and left it near bankruptcy. Seeking to restore order and out of desperation, Jarl Torstin Wintershield, sometimes called 'the short-sighted' would enter a lengthy contract with Olaf Kingmaker to hire his 700 Wyrmling warriors to put down the revolts in 508, 3e.   With the north reunited and the powerful Wintershields effectively in Olaf's debt for a century to come - the ambitious warrior seeked a title of his own. The southern hold had been divided amongst petty jarlships centered around the three major cities of Halgafjar, Odinsthrone and Kriegerholm. Exploiting internal disarray in Odinsthrone, the city of Knut, Olaf called in his debts and took a joint army of Wyrmlings and Wintershields to beiseige the city.   Despite the Odinsthrone house outnumbering Olaf's army, The Kingmaker met with Gultha Iceaxe and the Iceaxes joined with Olaf's forces. A second secret pact with House Fairhair saw the ancient southern house abstain from the coming battle, keeping to their hold in the Harehall distrit of the city. With Odinsthrone's fall, Olaf saught to recreate the Southernhold and sent demands for submission to Halgafjar and Kriegerholm. Only Halgafjar accepted and Olaf crowned himself Jarl of the Southern Hold after being nominaly appoitned by the Iceaxes, Fairhairs, and rulers of Halgafjar.   Olaf then marched his army on the key trade city of Kriegerholm. His sacking of the port would wipe out the ruling house Crownforger and damage the city infrastructure for generations, leaving the sea gates ruined and the district of Saltmarsh permantly flooded. Within a decade, Olaf had become the most powerful Jarl in the isles.   Styling himself as a Dragontooth, this angered the current Dragontooth leader, Erik Redhair, a staunch opposer of Olaf. The War of Falur's Heirs would take place between Olaf and Erik between 513-16, and despite the Dragontooths dominating the naval theatre, Erik would launch a doomed invasion of the southern hold near Haelga's Cape. Olaf's army of southern houses crushed Erik and his supporters, and led to an Olafist restoration of power in Orsturkirk under Hogmar Kolarssen Dragontooth, Olaf being called 'King' of the East and South.   The Kingmaker then called upon his debts from the Wintershields, forcing them to bend the knee to him, leaving only the western hold under House Horfhand independent on the island of Aedrinar. The Horfands, surrounded - sent an envoy recognising Olaf's supremacy of the Aedrinaran people, crowning him as High King Olaf III, The Kingmaker, in 519. Olaf then abandoned the name Dragontooth, adopting his own epithet of Kingmaker as a house.  


The newly formed 7th Kingdom of Aedrinar was a small state composed of only the Eastern Isles and Island of Aedrinar itself. The kingdom was rivalled by powerful houses on the southern islands of Drekenheim, Sudureyja and Einmanfjell who refused to offer submission to Olaf. Knowing an invasion of these islands would be too costly and potentially jepordise his position, Olaf instead focused on targetting the weaker and more divided Asrinheim.   Using wealth and weapons gained from his coronation raid on Jameleska - Olaf organized his armies for an invasion of Furunheim in 522, 3e. Olaf collapsed an isthmus leading to the inland Fury Tarn lake and sailed unopposed in the island's capital of Ferenvire. Furunheim fell within a year, with the final armed resistance being defeated at the Battle of Selthir's Geyser near the town of Krakenpost and the majority of the ruling House Furyborn being killed.   Olaf spend the next two years feasting in Ferenvire, sending raiding parties to the Corellites and encouraging House Dragontooth to attack Kastaland. After numerous devestating raids that resulted in the capital of Effelin being near burnt to the ground when their oil supplies were lit, the young elder of House Salinir, Ulysir Salinir, submitted to Olaf. Kastaland fell in the Sack of Freywen in 524, 3e, the ancient Oathbow of the Springfasts being presented to Olaf as a gift by The Dragontooths and both islands were folded into the Eastern Islands Jarldom.   Olaf's final campaign to unite all of Aedrinar took place between 527-533 and focused on the southern islands. Using his new wealth, resources, and manpower gained from submitting Asrinheim territories, Olaf still lacked the supply lines and full strengh to tackle the powerful Jarldom of Sudurejya. First invading Drekenheim between 527-530, the rocky and volcanic terrain made Olaf's numerical advantage worthless.   Using conscripted Vaniri battlemages, Ice Elf fog cloud ambush tactics were used to thin out the Drekenheim warriors, culminating in the burning of Oskunstrond in 530, 3e, ending all resistance on the island. The former capital of Dreknehim would not be resettled for two decades.   With Dreknehim under control, port access was readily available for an easier invasion of Sudurejya. The Sudrejyan war would be costly and gritty, with the House of Fisk holding onto the north of the island and repelling all invasion and raiding attempts. The Fisk fleet was noted as fast and efficant, making landing warriors difficult for the kingdom.   The Aedrinarn kingdom would slowly ware down the northern forces, culminating in the Battle of Squid Bay between the two armadas. Eastern Isle and Northern ships would be instrumental in destroying the Fisk fleet, and Fiskvatn was finally conquered. The surviving members of the House of Fisk surrendered to Olaf in 532. The other great house of northern Sudurejya, the Thairgirs, recognized Olaf's military might and recognized him as High King. As a reward, the Thairgirs were appoitned as Jarls of Northern Sudrejya.   War would continue with Lastlight to the south, military engagements remained futile and Olaf would freqently be driven back through the Southern Mountains. The High King eventually demanded an honour duel for the city with Jarl Ingrid Goldsworn. After a 7 hour duel, Ingrid would die but the city was spared.   Einmanfjell and the Northern Isles finally offered their recognition of Olaf as High King in 534, uniting all the human realms of Aedrinar under the 7th Kingdom's banner  

Jotun-Aedrinar War

In 545, 3e, The Krow Prince of Jotun launched an attack on the island of Einmanfjell. The war prompted all the Aedrinarans and the Ice Elf vassals to answer the call to arms and a brutal 7 year war between the frost giants and humans took place. The first phase of the war, between 545-548, was centered on Einmanfjell and at sea.   Aedrinaran and Ice Elf forces engaged in trench warfare and raids on the island, trying to repel the Jotun forces. Attempted counter attacks on the western hold and near winterharbour were defended by the Seal Clan, House Horfhand, and House Wintershield. By 548, the last Giant forces were pushed off the island.   The second phase of the war, between 548-552, saw an invasion of Jotun lands in Nyttkrow and Forntorheim. Many elves in the non-conquered portions of Asrinheim softened their relationship with the Frost Giants, ending thousands of years of animosity between the two groups as they felt they were both suffering under Olaf's domination. The war ended with the Frost King's surrender and portions of Jotun being folded into the kingdom.  

Aedrinaran Supremacy

For the remainder of Olaf's reign, from 552-582, 3e, marked a period of Aedrinaran supremacy and command over the entire Aedrinaran archipelago. More targgeted raids and assaults on Continnental prima terra were undertaken, but for the most part the kingdom remained at peace.   The 7th Kingdom was also able to project its power into Jotun, funding and training warriors during the Jameleskan rebellion against the Snow Lord in 577. The kingdom continued to support and fund the war until Karl IIIs reign.   Olaf's health began to deteroirite in 580, prompting the returning Elder Tiristar Furyborn† and his captains Olisander Dirthstone and Zedithir to begin the Fury Uprising in 580. This act of rebellion would be attended to personally by Olaf, who died under mysterious circumstances in Ferenvire in 582.  


The kingdom would be plunged into chaos under the rulership of Olaf's only surviving son, High King Karl III upon his election in 582. Karl was, prior to his appointment as high king, the steward of Odinsthrone and percieved as an honourable and socialable man with a political mind.   Under Karl's reign, the Fury Uprising grew into open armed revolt and saw Olaf's descendents and the House of Elfsbane wiped out across Furunheim. The uprising was marred by Karl's failure to rally Aedrinaran houses to his side. The death of Olaf opened up animosity between many of the subjects he had conquered, and the north still resented the House of Kingmaker for their percieved 'blackmail' of the northern Jarl into submitting to Olaf's kingdom.   The uprising ended in 584 with an Ice Elf victory in the battle of Second Battle of Ferenvire. Karl's army was being led on a wild goose chase around Furunheim's eastern, hilly region by Zedithir, leaving Elder Tiristar to retake his family's home and capital - the last Aedrinaran controlled settlement after Marthiel fell early that year to Olisander Dirthstone. Since Tiristar had slain Jarl Olaf Olaffsen Kingmaker, Karl recognized their right of conquest, respecting their 'warrior spirit' and withdrawing from Furunheim. This made the king look weak, and despite his perception that he was honouring a superior enemy, it began to move other rebellions into motion.   The next open rebellion was in in the Northern Hold. House Wintershield, long resentful of the kingdom, had briefly assisted the High King during the uprising with their elite warriors and dragonships. When a member of their house was found dead at sea, a damaged letter claiming Karl was plotting to destroy the great northern house was discovered, and the Northern Jarls withdrew all support.   In the aftermath of the uprising, the rest of the northern houses rallied behind the Wintershields, declaring the North independent. Karl's attempts to put down the Northern Rebellion were thwarted at every attempt, the northern armies easily defeating Karl's tired and demoralized warriors. Despite their advantage, the wintershields did not press further into Karl's realm.   Simutaneously to the northern revolt, the Eastern Hold broke free of Dragontooth control and marched in rebellion on Odinsthrone under House Stormbarer in 585. The Stormbarers ravaged the eastern regions of Karl's kingdom, but when the high king surrounded Isbrygge, the stormbarer capital, Jarl Gerdur Strombarer surrendered and disbanded her forces for unknown reasons.   The Wintershields secured independence in 587, with the northern hold seceeding from the realm. This sizable loss provoked further uprisings against the 'weak' Karl III in the northern islands and Einmanfjell. Karl would spend the next 4 years putting down these revolts.   With the Dragontooths weakened by the Stormbarers and inspired by the Fury Uprising, the islands of Kastaland and the Correlites opened into revolt as well. Bogged down in battles on Vanaheim, Karl was unable to contain their revolt and offered minimal help to House Dragontooth, provoking their resentment at the king.   The sixth revolt of Karl's reign began in 591 in Drekenheim. Named the Broken Spear rebellions, the Drekenheim nobles desired their independence back and wanted to avenge the destruction of Oskunstrond by Olaf. The Dragontooths, barely containing the Eastern Rebellion, sent what forces they could alongside the southern houses of Aedrinar itself. House Thairgir, formally loyal to the crown, joined Drekenheims revolt. Karl's token forces, primarilly made of Dragontooth raiders and southern houses, could only mount scorched earth tactics on Drekenheim and raids on Northern Sudurejya. Around 30% of Drekenheim's population would die in the revolt.The most devestating attack of the rebellion came when the Thairgirs sailed their fleet thourgh Kriegerholm's still unrepaired sea gates and raided Odinsthrone, the kingdom's capital.   594 saw a second Stormbarer revolt break out. The kingdom lost at the battle of Yeti Glacier, yet Karl managed to rally his surviving warriors and marched on Isbrygge. Again, the Stormbarer's surrendered without a fight and despite his captain's calling for him to burn Isbrygge down, Karl refused.   The Broken Spear rebellion continued into 596 - seeing the death of Karl's son, Olaf. Finally Lastlight intervened, with Jarl Haarold Lightbringer defeating House Grimsbane the Stontrell and Raven's Shore. Karl left the management of the rebellion to Jarl Haarold and returned home to Odinsthrone, further damaging his reputation as his rival's increased. The Rebellion was ended in 597 when Haarold organized a peace treaty that recognized House Grimsbane as Jarls of Drekenheim and folded the island back into the realm.   For reasons unknown, Karl was angered by Haarold's treaty, and likely due to a mental break he attempted to wage war against House Lightbringer. Haarold was able to mount alliances from Sudurejya, Einmanfjell, Drekenheim, and House Horfhand whilst Karl had a token few warriors of Odinsthrone, the southern hold, and Dragontooths left to fight for him. Kriegerholm would also support Haarold, cutting Odinsthrone off from vital trade on the River Bittern.   The Wintershields mounted a full invasion of the southern hold and laid siege to the capital in 599. The city was only saved by the surprise intervention of Jarl Haarold, who took his combined army to releive the city and offer to parley with High King Karl. The king refused, prompting a commoner uprising in Odinsthrone that saw him 'torn apart' by the mob and Haarold welcomed in.  

Century of Light

Karl's death saw the unanimous election of Haarold as High King Haarold V The Great Uniter in 599. The Wintershields reentered the realm in recognition of Haarold's popularity and his besting of their armies at Odinsthrone, as well as his kind treatment of sending wounded warriors to an honourable death rather than imprisonment or dishonourable execution.   Haarold began his work of restoring peace to the islands, and put down a further Stormbarer revolt by moving a single ship into Isbrygge's harbour containing a cargo load of mead and ale. He also brought peace to the eastern isles when he arrived in Valkyrie and gave his 'speech to Valkyrie' with only himself, a warrior, and his daughter Astrid present in the centre of the town. A new treaty was created that restored joint ownership of Vanaheim to a human thane and an elder council.   An unbroken line of House Lightbringer would then last from Haarold's election in 599 to the death of his great-great-grandson, Haarold VI in 700. During this time, Aedrinar, through its capital in the trade city of Lastlight, would develop new military and building technologies.   Advanced building techniques saw megastructures and better city planning under High Queen Ingrid II The Builder, and advanced urban planning saw cities grow in size and population, with Kriegerholm, Odinsthrone, and Lastlight swelling in status and power, rivalling their continnental rivals.   Art and culture also prospered under this period as poetic eddas, sagas, and theatres saw widespread performances. Aedrinaran skalds and bards became famous worldwide for their traditional renditions, and imported operas and performances from Marcia proved popular in major cities.   The Century of Light ended with Haarold VI. Aedrinaran's economy started to stagnate as the Eldrian Empire began to dominate Terrasic Ocean trade and new developments slowed down. Internal tensions rose, with the third Stormbarer rebellion of the kingdom devestating the Eastern Isles and Southern Holds, only being put down by a Wintershield and Haarold's personal honour guard intervention that killed Rolof, Gier, and Isgrid Stormbarer at the Battle of Ragnar Hill. Haarold began to focus on restructuring the military, importing smithing techniques and re-inventing lost metallurgy to reinvorate the armed forces, gearing the Aedrinarans away from peace and art to warfare once again.  


Haarold VI, though the weakest of the Lightbringer monarchs, still made his mark in keeping the kingdom largely at peace and united. His children, Astrid and Rollo, split the vote of the Lightbarer supporters and Sven Karlssen Thunderstone of Odinsthrone became High King Sven I.   Sven began his rule as a savvy politican and talented warrior and diplomat, and encouraged political growth within his realm. Starting off as a popular monarch, Sven would face a major crisis in 710 when the Second Jotun-Aedrinaran War broke out. Frost Giant forces landed on Nyttkrow, taking Lokindor in battle. A counter attack would happen, but Sven's lacklusture leadership and contradictory orders led to battlefield breakdowns in communication and by 713 the island was lost. War continued till 719 when Gudhshard was lost to the giant host and peace finally signed.   His repuation tarnished, Sven retreated from open rulership and began to rely heavily on his council. This council, consisting of Ragnar Wintershield as the High Marshall, Torstan Dragontooth as Master of Ships, Rollo Lightbringer as Master of Trade, Dragnar Grimsbane as spy master, and Ebbe Sharp-Spear as steward of the king would engage in bitter rivalries and politics. Two factions formed under Sven's rulership, the Purples consisting of Ragnar Wintershield and Torstan Dragontooth, and the Browns, led by Ebbe Sharp-Spear and Dragnar Grimsbane.   These factions engaged in proxy wars, petty plays for power, and outright threats and assassinations across the realm to undermine each other whilst Sven was powerless to handle it. The rivalry and feuding led to discontent amongst the non-alligned houses. A brief civil war, called the Council War, broke out in 722 towards the end of Sven's reign as his regent daughter, Matilda Thudnerstone, tried to quell the power of the council.   In the war, the Browns would end up crushed by Ragnar Wintershield would die in battle and Torstan be found assassinated, allegedly by the Red Daggers, urban legend claiming House Saltsby of Kriegerholm hired them to do the deed. Matilda attempted to attack the remaining elements of both factions, but this was quelled by Olaf Sharp-Spear of Halgafjar, who ended the conflict through diplomacy with the Dragontooths and Wintershields and by kililng Matilda in honoruable combat in 722. Sven I died not long after, and Olaf was elected high king as Olaf IV.   Olaf IV's reign was focused on rebuilding the battle-scarred island of Aedrinar. He reformed a new council based on neutral memebrs of the last war, bringing the Horfhands, Saltsbys, and Fairhairs into national politics. The latter half of his reign, beggining in 733, looked to expand Aedrinaran raiding and focus internal tensions elsewhere. Attacks on the Tumbrian and Gwenyddian coasts became more frequent, and the kingdom earned the ire of the Eldrian Empire.  


The 7th Kingdom, despite its cultural and technological revolution during the Century of Light, has been left behind compared to the rest of Prima Terra. Olaf IV died honurably hunting the Wold, prompting a new moot. Ulfgir V the Wolf King would be appointed as high king in the moot of 756. The 4th and last Krigerholm monarch in Aedrinaran history, Ulfgir was descended of Kriegerholm nobility and the Vilderfolken Wolf Clan.   Ulfgir stepped up continnental attacks, regressing Aedrinaran culture away from its cultural rennaisasance of the 600s back into its prior warlike and hostile status. The invasions and raids primarily attacked the coast of the Eldrian Empire in Tumbria. The empire struggled at first to repel these invasions, but as Ulfgir's reign continued they grew better at holding off the Aedrinarans, but never defeating them outright.   The Eldrian Emperors, Eric III and Edward IV, had spent time secretly building a large and well trained imperial navy in Briarton. They stationed more legions deeper into Tumbria incase of a large scale invasion, but knew that they would need to devestatingly crush the Aedrinarans at sea to break them. The Eldrians withdrew major military units inland, leaving the coast more vulnerable and moved naval ships to bases in the Neapian channel. This percieved weakness prompted Ulfgir to plan a full scale invasion of Prima Terra not seen since the second age.   Surviving chronicles describe how Ulfgir genuinely believed this would make the 7th kingdom the most glorious Aedrinar had ever seen, and his calls for wall appealed to many and healed old wounds. Countless houses, major and minor, built up their navies and trained their soldiers in preperation for a major war and invasion force.   Ulfgir's Armada, containing countless members of Aedrinaran nobility and warriors, sailed from Kriegerholm in the spring of 789, destined for the Tumbrian coast. Eldrian caravels, simple light ships, were left to patrol and scout the ocean - each containing an imperial mage. When the fleet was first spotted by the EES Oidis, The Eldrian monarch Edward IV was warned via magic of the Aedrinaran's impending arrival.   The Eldrian armada set sail from Briarton and ambushed the Aedrinaran longships in the heart of the heart of the Terrasic. in the four hour long naval battle, the most devestating battle in Aedrinaran history and largest loss of life in a naval battle in recorded history, the Aedrinaran fleet would be almost entirely destroyed. To the Eldrians, it would be called The Victory of the Terrasic, to the Aedrinarans, the Calamity of the Terrasic. In the battle, the majority of Aedrinaran leadership were killed and numerous great houses extinguished or left with few survivors. Ulfgir V would die when his ship, Odin's Fury, sailed directly for Edward's flagship The Destiny. The longship was torn apart by Eldrian cannons and Ulfgir would throw his spear at Edward, cutting the Eldrian monarch on his cheek. Odin's Fury would sink, all hands lost.   Aedrinar was left in mourning when news reached them of the disaster. Their leadership and countless warriors and families wiped out, the kingdom went into complete shock. A moot was organized amongst the surviving houses, many of which had struggled to appoint their own successors to leadership, and Sven II Iceaxe was elected High King. Sven attempted to reorganize the kingdom, but quickly realised all was lost. Sven would disband the kingdom mere months into his reign in 789, ending the 7th Kingdom and splintering it back into petty Jarldoms, making it only the second time in Aedrinaran history a High King had willingly dissolved the nation.  

List of High Monarchs

Name Capital House Reign Start Reign End
King Olaf III Kingmaker  Odinsthrone  House Dragontooth, House Kingmaker 519 582
High King Karl III  Odinsthrone House Kingmaker 582 599
High King Haarold V The Great Uniter  Lastlight  House Lightbringer 599 623
High Queen Astrid III The Titan Queen  Lastlight House Lightbringer 623 659
High Queen Ingrid II The Builder Lastlight House Lightbringer 659 682
High King Haarold VI Lastlight House Lightbringer 682 700
High King Sven I Odinsthrone House Thunderstone 700 724
High King Olaf IV Halgafjar House Sharp-Spear 724 756
High King Ulfgir V The Wolf Kriegerholm  House Blackdire 756 789
High King Sven II Odinsthrone House Iceaxe  789 789


The collapse of the 7th Kingdom saw petty jarldoms and thaneships rise as independent nations again. Sven II willingly dissolved the nation rather than let it limp on or fall into civil strife and destroy itself further. The shock and loss of the calamity would wane over time and lead to introspection and revitalization of Aedrinarn culture.   This dissolution and the lingering memory of The Calamity of the Terrasic has left the 7th kingdom remembered tragicaly, and earned it the title as The Broken Kingdom. It is remembered in theatrical and lyrical tragedies by contemporary Aedrinarans. Ulfgir often forms the protagonist in tragic plays, and the calamity inspired art and memorials, including a memorial in Krigerholm.

Demography and Population

The Seventh Kingdom, at its height, had 2 million people living across its entire kingdom during the reign of Olaf III. By the end of the kingdom in 789, the kingdom had around 1.75 million people and saw cities such as Lastlight and Odinsthrone explode in population as more Aedrinarans began living urbanly than in any other preceeding kingdom.   The Kingdom supported a mix of Ice Elf, Frost Giant, and Human Aedrinarans. Around 66% of the population were Aedrinaran human during Olaf's reign, increasing to 78% during Ulfgir V rulership as the elven and giant provinces seceeded from the kingdom. Minority populations of gnomes and dwarves in the northern settlements of Menklestead and Axehall.   The Honoured Gods remained the primary dieties of worship with minority religions of the Seldarine and Giant Pantheon being worshipped by the Giant and Elvish minorities. Divinitsm worship remained low at around 1%, largely concentrated in the port city of Lastlight and small rural communities near the Eastern Hold influenced by the Order of St Tara.   The Kingdom had fluxuating wealth levels. Its highest economic output was during the century of light which saw increased wealth across all stratas of society. Economic output and personal wealth decreased following Haarold VI's reign, and completely collapsed due to the Calamity of the Terrasic. It would take 150 years for Aedrinar to return to its pre-calamity economy.


The Kingdom had varying terriotires across its history. At its height during Olaf III's reign, it controlled the majority of the Aedrinaran archipelago including traditionally Jotun and Asrinheim territories in Nyttkrow, Forntorheim, the Correlites, Furunheim, Vanaheim and Kastaland.
The 7th Kingdom at its greatest extent in 545, 3e.
After the diasaterous reign of Karl III, the kingdom lost its major Vaniri territories to rebellion and Haarold V's peace treaty with House Salinir. For the next century, the kingdom maintained its regularly borders, including its captured Jotun territories.
7th Kingdom from 602-710, 3e
After the giant territories were lost and the kingdom's civil war ended in 722 - the borders were reduced to the traditional Aedrinaran control. It would retain these borders until the kingdom was disbanded by Sven II in 789.

Foreign Relations

The Seventh Kingdom was considered a diplomatic pariah and hostile nation to nearly every other realm in Prima Terra. Within its own islands, the Ice Elf leagues and Kingdom of Jotun both despised the kingdom, and abroad its constant raiding of the western coasts bought the nation no allies amongst the other human realms.   The Seldrinar Supremacy is beleived to have attempted to sway the Aedrinarans secretly but to no avail. The collapse of the kingdom was met by relief internationally, with the Chancellor of the Eldrian Empire proclaiming,
"At last the age of barbarity is ended. Let the northern raiders cosign themselves to history books where their culture should remain."
Despite its strong potential, the nation only reached the rank of Emerging Power under the Century of Light and quickly fell into a minor state by its collapse.

519, 3e - 789, 3e

Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Broken Kingdom
Predecessor Organization
Successor Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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