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Elder Tiristar Furyborn†

Elder Tiristar Furyborn

A remarkably old Ice Elf, wise war leader, hero, elder of Furunheim and head of the great house of Furyborn, Tiristar Furyborn was a legend amongst his people who assended into Arvandor on his 750th Birthday at a grand funeral in his capital of Ferenvire.   Born in 302, 3e, Tiristar was older than the Eldrian Empire and lived through two kingdoms of Aedrinar as well as several major world events including the Marcian Wars, the Crusades, the Fury Rebellion, and the 40 Year War. Tiristar had fought in numerous wars and ruled as elder of his island since the 582, 3e.  

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tiristar was born as the youngest child of the noble house of Furyborn in 302, 3e. At the time of his birth, Prima Terra was in a very different state to its modern borders. Although the Awakening movement had seen innovations in weapons, armour, and technology the Eldrian Empire did not exist - the Seldrinar Supremacy had just begun their great purges, and the human Aedrinarians had not been united in a single kingdom for nearly 600 years.   As the youngest of his family, Tiristar was unlikely to be in line for any inhertiance of his house so instead became a travelling adventure by 418. At the age of 193 he joined an adventuring group of Vaniri mercenaries who travelled to Marcia to sell their services in the ongoing Marcian Wars alongside fellow legendary Ice Elf Zedithir. Whilst at war, in 519, 3e, his home of Furunheim was invaded by Aedrinarans led by King Olaf III Kingmaker and most of his family would be killed in the invasion or attempted resistance to Olaf's occupation.   After the wars, Tiristar returned home after some more adventures and began the quest of liberating his island. United with rebels and resistance fighter Tiristar launched the Fury Rebellions and within a year had pushed the Aedrinarans out of his home, with the distant heir now being the Elder of Furunheim and leader of House Furyborn. His fierce reputation as a warrior and strong leadership would lead to many Aedrinarans considering him amongst the most worthy of enemies, honouring him for centuries to come despite his defeat of their forces.   As Elder, Tiristar rebuilt his home and began a family of his own. Some of his own children would go onto become adventuers and soldiers. It is also rumoured he travelled into the Feywilds and battled an evil Archfey during the 8th century.   With the outbreak of the 40 Year War, Tiristar would not become involved until the Seldrinar and Eldrian invasions of the The Commonwealth, pitching his armies to assist the Aedrinarans in the Tumbrian campaign. During one of these battles, he would rescue King Hardrada and Erik Valkinshor from an Eldrian encirclement and began a close friendship with the other warriors.   Nearing his natrual death in 1052, Tiristar was invited to see his old friend Hardrada one last time at a feast in Odinsthrone. During the feast, an attempted assassination on his son Arystyr was foiled by Doomed 2 Die. The adventurers were invited to his funeral.   By his death on the 14th Duskfall, 1052, 3e, Tiristar had made peace with his children and passed on what guideance he had to Val of Doomed 2 Die. He would asscend a mass public gathering and funeral in Ferenevire.

Mental Trauma

Tiristar's traumatic and long life has caused him to over protect and shelter his son, Arystyr. This has led to his heir being unprepared for the realities of the world and leadership, causing some concern amongst him and other leaders.


Family Ties

Tiristar was once the 4th child of a large family. Two of his sibilings would go onto have families of their own, making Tiristar an uncle. With the Aedrinaran invasion of Furunheim in the early 6th century of the third age, his entire extended family would be extinguished by 580 with the last 'Furyborn pretender,' Tiristar's nephew, Paloran, being executed brutally by the Aedrinaran occupiers, leaving Tiristar as the last furyborn.   After securing the throne, Tiristar did marry a common elf from Krakenpost and the two had four children. Haelinyithir, Zaranthis, Arystyr, and Aera. Haelinyithir would die as an adventurer following a fae curse in 787, Zaranthis would die as a mercenary captain in Asrinheim in 899. This left Tiristar with two younger children, Arystyr and Aera. Tiristar's partner would die of old age in 1029.
First Appearance
Session 107: Invitation from the King
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Elder of Furunheim
Reign 582, 3e
1052, 3e
Predecessor Paloran Furyborn
Successor Arystyr Furyborn
Date of Birth
14th Duskfall
Date of Death
14th Duskfall
302 1052
Circumstances of Death
Place of Death
Pale White
Dreaded, white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Appearances: 4
  • Session 107: Invitation from the King
  • Session 108: Whodunnit?
  • Session 109: Conclave of the Wold
  • Session 115: Ferenvire


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