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The White Will †

"Have you come to bend the knee? Or have you come to die?
Big, brutal, and tyrannical- "The White Will" was a White Dragon claiming to be the reincarnation of the previous White Will, who existed during the second age, and is currently pillaging and trying to establish a rulership in the Western Hold of Aedrinar. Responsible for the destruction of numerous homesteads in the economically powerful region, including Andursthorpe, The White Will stepped up its reign of terror by attacking the town of Knut's Landing.   Although nearly being defeated by Doomed 2 Die, The White Will had already destroyed half of Knut's Landing and killed Falia Rayes, forcing Fr. Tomos Siegfried to revive her. Several facions gathered to defeat the threat, led by Doomed 2 Die, with Jarl Earling Horfhand, Lugar Whitehide, and Ysgard's Warriors, and House Winter-Shield all worked together to defeat the Dragon.   The White Will was killed in its lair by Doomed 2 Die, its head being removed and taken by Ivar and Shan to the Huntress in the Frostfell.    

Legend of the White Will

The current form of the White Will, a male white dragon of huge size, claims to be the reborn version of the second age dragon raider who originated on Jotun. In legend, the original White Will ransacked the central regions of Jotun, Saarkthel, and the Western Hold. Devestating the region, establishing it's own domain, and killing thousands of warriors. The arrival of a dragon priest from the Crag to the islands saw the return of the Silver Gaurdian of Rauttland who was rallied by the priest. The two slayed the Dragon over the Western Hold, spread its body across the islands.  


The White Will appeared to enter the scene in Aedrinar around 15th Harvestyme, the White Will began small scale attacks along the coastline, smaller islets, and stormbreakers. The only ones to take the threat seriously were the Seal Clan, who began seraching for more adventurers and forces to defeat the dragon. Doomed 2 Die met Lugar on the back of Dragon Turtle in the Terrassic Ocean, and directly asked them to come help.   The White Will's early activities were limited to small scale attacks and minor skirmishes with Seal Clan warriors and whoever they could recruit. It began more ferocious attacks and seemed to start using elemental minions in mid-endstarre, sacking every homestead and hamlet in the Stormbreakers. By this point, Ysgard's Warriors and the Jarl of the Western Hold, Earling Horfhand, finally heeded Lugar's warning and began assembling groups to come and deal with the threat.    

Sack of Knut's Landing

At the end of the feast of King Knut on the 2nd of Duskfall, 1052, the White Will began its most brutal set of attacks. First hitting the fishing hamlet of Kingstones, killing everyone inside, the Dragon then rode to nearby Andursthorpe, where the homstead's ruler, Andurs Andurssen, whose son had died in Kingstones, bent the knee and offered all he could spare as loot to the dragon.   The White Will then flew to Knut's Landing, arriving just after the lighting of the effigies by Thane Liv Thorsblade in the Feast of King Knut. Swooping on the markets, the dragon's tail scattered the burning effigy across the markets, burning nearby homes and bussinesses before landing on the Askebarrow, the noble hall of the town. Breaking through the roof, the White Will unleashed its Mephit and Frost Salamander minions upon the barrow and town, breathing ice into the building.   He next flew to the Temple of the Seven Gods, smashing through roof and looting the religious offerings. Doomed 2 Die and several key members of town rushed to the aide of the settlement. Shan and Azura rushed to rescue people from burning homes whilst the local militia and citiznes battled the mephits in the markets. Val, Roach, Huscarl Gunvuld and Fr. Tomos Siegfried ran to the Askebarrow to rescue Thane Liv, who was trapped beneath a fallen beam as mephits and salamanders slaughtered the survivors of the initial attack. It was left up to Einar, Falia Rayes and Gallus to fight the White Will alone in the temple of the gods.   In their initial fight, Gallus was downed quickly, the beast's frightening presence breifly throwing the honed fighter's skills off. Einar managed to revive them, before being knocked down themselves. The arrival of Ivar forced the dragon to fly away, and the wounded group returned to the markets.   Realising the attack was not over, reports of an attack on those sheltering in the local inn and the Dragon attacking the docks to loot food and supplies rushed the group into action. Azura led a group consisting of herself, Roach, Fr Tomos, Thane Liv, and Gunvuld to the inn to save who they could, whilst Val, Gallus, Einar, Shan (polymorphed as a giant ape), Lugar Whitehide, and Ivar ran to the docks. The mephit forces were held back by the crew of the Lyre's Tongue and Oba Obassen, the Unkillable.   At the Inn, azura's concentration on the spell was broken by an exploding mephit, causing Shan to be reduced to normal size. The Monk was spared from the dragon's furies as Val and Gallus struck the dragon with devestating strikes, causing the dragon to flee with its mephits carrying whatever they could.   As the White Will escaped, it spied the assembled survivors in the markets, being protected by Falia, who was high on a nearby tower. The Dragon, having noticed Gallus and Falia's bond in the temple, smirked at the fighter before collapsing the tower, killing the archer and flying away. Although the archer was healed, Gallus swore vengeance for the temporary murder.  

True Identity Revealed

Seeking answers on the dragon, Doomed 2 Die travelled to Jameleska to speak to dragon experts at the Draconist Pagoda led by Rushinairak. The Dragonborn monk and Mr. Blake assured the party the White Will could not be a reincarnation or descendent of the original ancient white dragon as the brood was completely destroyed and dragon reincarnation can only occur within the same realm if the other versions of the dragon are wiped out in all other realms.   Suggesting the dragon may have journeyed from a different plane of existence, Falia Rayes figured the dragon must have been active around the ruins of Rorisgrad, a Svartvelheim ruin in the Astergorian Hills. Whilst Doomed 2 Die investigated, they revealed an elemental incurssion in the ruins and entered through a reactivated elemental cult portal to the Frostfell.   In the Frostfell, Doomed 2 Die rescued the illusive Professor Leirad and met with the ancient white dragon The Huntress and her brood. The Huntress revealed the 'White Will' was in fact Traxinumax, a traitor of the Huntress's pack who tried to usurp her position and was forced to flee through the reopened portal to Rorisgrad in the early days of the The Snow Lord†'s attack on the Duchy of Jameleska.  

Ambush in the Stormbreakers

Doomed 2 Die would encounter the White Will again in the middle of the Stormbreakers whilst negotiating a truce between the Western Skallen and Haarold Iceaxe. The party, the Golden Boar, and some of his soldiers were ambushed by the White Will and some of his elemental armies.   In the battle, the White Will fled again after incurring significant damage to the adventurers and their allies, leaving them to his frost salamanders to devour. The attack left no fatalities but did weaken and damage the adventurers. The dragon was taunted by Val and Shan during the fight who refered to him by his true name.    

Failed Attack on Westwatch

Whilst Doomed 2 Die travelled to Pilgrim's Wrest to clear Val's name - Haarold Iceaxe and his army marched on the elemental factories of the White Will whilst the Wintershields scouted and located the dragon's lair. The Dragon later attacked the city of Westwatch and was completely defeated by the combined forces of Ysgard's Warriors, House Horfhand, House Wintershield, and Mr. Blake. The town was barely damaged with minimal casualties.  


With his forces deafeated, the White Will reatreated to his lair and awaited for the arrival of his enemeis, doomed 2 die. The party would head for his lair on the 10th Dusfkall after finding the lost Dragonlance of Queen Astrid. The Dragon's forces were distracted by Ivar, Roach, Erika, and members of House Wintershield.   The fight with the adventurers would be short but brtual. Beginning with Shan storming his clifftop and fire punching the beast, he managed to escape through a generated fog and unleashed his frightening roar, terrifing Falia with flashbacks to her last face off with the beast and unnerving Gallus. Despite their fear, Gallus managed to strike at the White Will with the Dragonlance, wounding it. Falia also succeeded in shooting the dragon and overcoming her panic. The Dragon would also pummel on Gallus and Shan with its attacks, and although Shan got some additional hits in he was running away when a forst breath came in, killing Shan.   The Monk was not downed for long as Fr Tomos returned the bard to life with Revivify. Azura then got a slow spell cast on the dragon as Gallus and Val whittled down his health, with Falia firing the fatal shot that killed the beast with the aide of Val. In the aftermath, the few remaining mephits arrived to dispatch the party but were cut down in one fell swoop by Einar using their titan gear and Rauttland steel sword, Angi's Fang.
Status: Dead
First Apperance: Session 88, The White Will Comes
Date of Death
10th Duskfall
Year of Death
Circumstances of Death
Shot by Falia Rayes
Place of Death
Western Hold
Glowing blue, lizard like pupil
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White scales
Appearances: 4
  • Session 88: The White Will Comes
  • Session 98: The Golden Boar
  • Session 99: Westwatch
  • Session 105: Lair of the White Will


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