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Haarold Iceaxe

Haarold Haarthassen Iceaxe (a.k.a. The Golden Boar)

Haarold Haarthassen Iceaxe, The Golden Boar, is the brother to King Haardrada of the Eighth Kingdom of Aedrinar and the high martial of the entire kingdom. A brilliant strategist and famed general, Haarold is married to Janfrey Fairhair of Odinsthrone and despite not holding a title of nobility, Haarold is recognised amongst the most senior of Aedrinarians and given the honorific title of 'Lord' by his troops.   Haarold earned his reuptation in the 40 Year War in the Tumbrian campaign. Haarold earned a reputation as a fierce general, regarded as the most intelligent leader and strategist of the war, never loosing a major conflict and only strategic skirmishes as to lure his enemies into more advantageous positions for his larger forces.   The Boar proved himself indisposable in the deafeat of The White Will †, and was impressed by Doomed 2 Die's ability to negotiate peace between himself and the Western Skallen. His forces also helped save Westwatch from the dragon's attack and destroyed the elemental portals within the western hold used to mount an army by the White Will.   Haarold was again called upon when the adventuring party needed forces to take Marthiel and defeat The Dark Enchanter, answering the diplomatic call for aid between from Arystyr Furyborn and helped strategise the attack.  

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Haarold was born to House Iceaxe, a minor noble house from Odinsthrone, during the early years of the 40 year War. Haarold was present at the arrival of King Duan II in Odinsthrone during 1007 as part of High King Karl IV's welcoming party. Haarold schooled himself on the work of the great conquerers of Aedrinaran and Prima Terran history from Louis the Conqueror to Olaf III alongside the traditional combat training all Aedrinarian youth recieve.   The young noble married into another minor house, the ancient house of Fairhair, and fought under both Iceaxe and Fairhair flags during his raids, unifying the troops of both houses. Alongside his trusted confidant Magni Fairhair, Haarold led his brother, the future high king Haardrada.   When The Commonwealth was invaded in 1022, Haarold and the rest of House Iceaxe joined High King Karl IV on his initial attack on Eldrian territory along the Terrasic. During this time, Haarold's tactics as a captain and leader earned him gloryAfter Karl's death in battle and the assencion of his son, Karl V, IN 1028, Haarold would be assigned to a large scale campaign in Tumbria, leading the forces as their general in successive victories throughout the region.   His skills as a general, under the guideance of the War Council back in Odinsthrone, earned him the title of 'The Golden Boar.' The title originated from the sigil of his wife's house, the boar of House Fairhair, and the 'gold' from the captured cities and defeated armies he had sent back to Aedrinar. Haarold was amongst the few leading Aedrinarian warriors and generals who did not originate from Jarl or Thaneship.   Upon the death of Karl V and his immediate family, Haarold's brother Haardrada was unanimously elected High King for his role in defending the deceased king's body. His brother was elevated to the title of Jarl of the Southern Hold at the same time, whilst Haarold maintained his war leadership in Tumbria throughout the entire process.   In the aftermath of the war, Haarold was appointed as the High Martial of the Eighth Kingdom of Aedrinar, meaning he would lead armies from multiple houses and clans in the event of another war. In the post-war period, Haarold has maintained his reputation as an 'invincible' general in smaller skirmishes against raiders, skallen, bandits, and monsters throughout Aedrinar.  

The White Will Arc

Haarold had been sent to deal with Western Skallen raids by his brother the king and took a large army of combined House Fairhair and House Iceaxe soldiers. He had taken out several supporting homesteads and dens and was closing in on their main base when The White Will began to attack to the Western Hold.   Haarold had requested he deal with the dragon but was denied so focused on his existing task, continuing to hunt down Skallen members. The famed general would be given the location of the den when Doomed 2 Die arrived at his camp in Kulvrsford to request his army battle the Elemental armies of the White Will. Haarold agreed to a potential 'peace' proposal by Val in only requested the death of their leadership and return of their stolen loot. The Skallen agreed to this but only if they could keep however much gold a person could carry and only their leader, Forkbeard, was killed. Haarold agreed to this arrangement and killed Sweyn in honourable combat.   The Boar and his entourage as well Doomed 2 Die would then be ambushed by the White Will. Haarold helped to hold off the elementals and push the dragon back and then took his army out to fight the elemental forces. His internvention saw an entire elemental factory destroyed and his later arrival in Westwatch routed an attempted attack there. He extended an invitation from his brother, King Hardrada, for the famed adventurers to attend a feast in Odinsthrone in a few days time. His armies worked with the Seal Clan and Ysgard's Warriors to destroy one of the last factories deep within the stormbreakers.  

Heir of Furunheim Arc

Haarold went to the feast ahead of the other Western Hold guests - meeting with his daughter, Sigurn, at the palace of the heroes. He exhanged little conversation with anyone during the festivities, and told his daughter to hold her blade when Jarl Olaf Dragontooth insulted the king's honour. When the tensions between the Jarl and King were soothed by Doomed 2 Die, Haarold made sure to 'remind' the jarl what would happen if he angered the House of Iceaxe.   Haarold was present in the aftermath of the assassination attempt on Arystyr Furyborn and was tasked by his brother to search the castle for the route and assassin would have gotten in. The party later visited Haarold for his help in fighting The Dark Enchanter. Invoking the alliance between Houses Iceaxe and Furyborn, Arystyr's letter convinced Haarold to provide tactical advice and send troops to Furunheim.   During the siege of Marthiel, Haarold would be responsible for planning and running the assault, supporting Elder Arystyr where required. When it came to storming the town, Haarold encourged Arystyr to lead the charge, arguing that "It is within your people's living memory that my house invaded this island. It should be you who liberates it now." Haarold also attended the victory feast in Ferenvire following the assault.


Family Ties

Haarold has 2 surviving relatives on the Iceaxe side. His younger brother, King Hardrada, and his nephew, Prince Sven.   Within his personal family, his wife, Alderman Janfrey Fairhair, still lives, as do two of his children: Sigrun and Haartha. His eldest son, Torstaff, died during the 40 year war. He has an uncle in law that is also his former mentor and trainer, Magni Fairhair.
First Appearance
Session 68: The Golden Boar
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
the Golden Boar of House Iceaxe, High Martial of the Eighth Kingdom of Aedrinar, Stalwart of the Marshes, The Fair
Short, brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Appearances: 8
  • Session 98: The Golden Boar
  • Session 99: Westwatch
  • Session 104: Dragonlance
  • Session 107: Invitation From the King
  • Session 108: Who Dunnit?
  • Session 117: Vanguard of the Dragon Clan
  • Session 119: Eve of Battle
  • Session 126: Tales from Ferenvire


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