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House Thorsblade

A young noble house of the Eighth Kingdom of Aedrinar, House Thorsblade was founded by Thane Liv Thorsblade following her election as Thane of Knut's Landing in the aftermath of the 40 Year War.   Their founder and chief member, Liv, was a huscarl the previous thane, Gunthar of the House of Gudmund, whose life she had saved at the Battle of Vulcania. He role in the war and superstitions around her birth during a storm had led her to be a leading member of society with in the small town. The Thorsblades are popular rulers and well liked amongst the population of the town, with the Jarl of the western hold, Jarl Earling Horfhand of House Horfhand, clearly favouring her position.    The Thorsblades were forced to flee Knuts Landing in Duskfall of 1052, 3e when The White Will attacked the town with his elemental forces. They would have been wiped out if not for the intervention of Doomed 2 Die who saved Liv and her mother from the attack. The Thane was personally saved by Val, Roach and Fr. Tomos Siegfried.   The family has relocated to Westwatch whilst awaiting for the town to recover and the White Will to be defeated, serving the Jarl in his dragon council and assisting with the management of the hold at large.  


The Thorsblade Crest is taken from the symbol of Thor, Mjolnir, in front of two crosswed swords and a dark blue field. The name comes from Thane Liv's birth during a storm and imbedding of storm sorcerery powers, considered to be a mark of luck and blessing from the God of Thunder.  




A young house, the Thorsblades came to power in 1043 with the election of Liv as Thane of Knuts Landing. Liv was highly regarded for her supernaturally alligned birth during a storm and tempestuous sorcerer abilities. Her role as a fearless leader and warrior during the 40 Year War continued to earn her respect and admiration from the people of the town and earned he an esteemed position as Huscarl of the local thane.   Liv's mother, Thorvi the Bladesinger, is a cleric of Sif and practices within Knuts Landing local temple. Considered one of the most important spiritual leaders of the town, this has only enchanced the respect shown to the house by the local population and its surrounding homesteads and hamlets.   The Thorsblades were elected Jarl unanimously, with the local sea master, Ulf Sailbarer, nominating her. The other notable figures of town agreed with this nomination and elected her in 1043. Since then, the Thorsblades have helped rejuvinate the town with public works projects, greater funding to the Feast of King Knut, and maintaing the key trade roads between the town and the Southern Hold.
Founding Date
1043, 3e
Geopolitical, Great house
Parent Organization


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