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Thane Gier Warpelt

Thane Gier Arngierssen Warpelt

The charming, enthusiastic, and dutiful young and new Thane of the key trade city of Kriegerholm. Gier Warpelt came to power thanks to the involvement of his mother, Thorunn Warpelt, and the adventuring party Doomed 2 Die who beleived he was the best candidate to succeed the ill-fated Blann Saltsby as thane of the major Aedrinaran city.   Gier is a renown griffon rider and saw minor fighting in the closing years of the 40 Year War as a tween. Respected as a fair and compassionate man with a warrior's heart and the strength to heed good council, the young noble can find himself bound by duty but is likely to prove a key unifying figure for the factions of Kriegerholm in the face of coming crises.

Physical Description

Physical quirks

Despite the Aedrinaran reputation for sterness and stoic approaches, Gier is an incredibly expressive and excitable indiviual. His face tends to give away his emotional state, including his excitement. He seemed most animated and enthusastic when discussing weapons with Gallus.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gier was born to Alderman Arngier Warpelt and his wife Thorunn as the eldest of their children. Raised primarily by his mother in his early years as his father was regularly on the Tumbrian and Commonwealth frontlines as a griffon rider, the young heir to his house was taught compassion, kindness, and how to look out for those not from great houses such as his by Thorunn. His mother and family also saw to his martial training, with a young gier forming strong relationships with the family griffons.   His bond with the family mounts and his martial skills saw him sent to war in 1041, for the final few months of the 40 year war. He saw limited action and served as a standard soldier, but even as a child he proved himself as a capable warrior and earned the respect of warriors three times his age. Upon the war's end, he returned to Kriegerholm and helped his family administrate the Coldharbour district of Kriegerholm, working as guardsman and officer for control of the ports and markets.   In 1052, 3e, Krigerholm flagged ships were facing attacks whilst sailing the River Bittern to Odinsthrone. Gier undertook duties as an aerial convoy, but no attacks came to any ships he was guarding destined for Coldharbour. His mother and father would uncover the reason for the attacks on the 11th Duskfall, 1052, when Thane Blann Saltsby's attempted murder of his daugther's lover, Thorin Sigmundssen of the Wolf Clan, was revealed by Doomed 2 Die. Gier's father killed Blann in honourable combat - but did not take the right of claimance.   His mother, Thorunn, had circulated the idea that it should be Gier, not his father Arngier, that should become the new thane. Gier was only somewhat aware of these intentions by the time of the moot on the 12th Duskfall, but remained duty bound to his father. Amongst his other supporters were his paramour Korra Seaspite, Lolytheria Summerborn, and his aunty Siv Warpelt.   During a recess of the moot, where the majority of the votes were split between his father and Styrbjorn Saltsby, Gier returned to Waterkeep and came across Doomed 2 Die. After holding Queen Astrid's Dragonlance, currently in the possession of Gallus, Gier filled the adventurers in on the events of the moot but said he was not intersted in becoming thane himself.   Gier's position was generally in line with his father in terms of militarizing and cleaning out warring and rival factions within Kriegerholm so the city would be strong enough to facing coming threats such as The Dragon Clan, but held a far more diplomatic and calm approach. Despite Val starting to convince him that his mother was right and he should be Thane, his duty to his father held him back form formally declaring a vote either way.   The adventurer's found him to be a good fit for the city and worked on convincing the other nobles to back his cause. They started with his father, Arngier, and after Azura used her logic to convince him his wife was right, Arngier relented and voted for his son over himself. Einar managed to convince House Just-Coin to back him whilst Gallus got the rest of the seapsites to support him. Arngier convinced his ally Torstan Ironcrest to shift his vote also. By the moot's conclusion, only House Saltsby voted against him.   A few days after the moot the adventurers would call in a favour on behalf of Furunheim for aide to help the town of Ferenvire after The Dark Enchanter's attack. He gladly offered to send supplies from the major houses.


Family Ties

Father: Arngier Warpelt
Mother: Thorunn Warpelt
Brother: Haarold Warpelt
Sister: Bera Warpelt
Aunt: Siv Warpelt
Cousin: Karl Warpelt
First Appearance
Session 111: Secrets of Kriegerholm
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Thane of Kriegerholm
Reign 1052, 3e
Predecessor Blann Saltsby 
Date of Birth
7th Snowfall
Current Residence
Griffon's Roost
Medium, shaggy, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Appearances: 2
  • Session 111: Secrets of Kriegerholm
  • Session 116: Vanguard of the Dragon Clan


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