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Thane Liv Thorsblade

Thane Liv Thorsblade

The young and well-liked ruler of Knut's Landing, Liv fought in several key battles towards the end of the 40 year war in the liberation of Marcia and invasion of Vulcania with other Aedrinarans. A popular leader, Liv earned the house name of Thorsblade due to her use of storm magic and two-handed shortsword blades in combat. A friendly and kind person, Liv earned respect around town for her upbeat attitude, regularly helping around town and working with the local militia.   Liv was elected Thane in 1046 after the death of Gunvuld the Fat, the previous thane, in a unanimous appointment from all the town elite and with the blessing of Jarl Erling Horfhand of Westwatch. Liv remains amongst the town's most liked residents, and a patron of the local religious community.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Liv was born to the local priestess of Sif, Thorvi Guddarsdottir, during the great storm of 1023. Being born at the height of the storm, many suspected the newborn was touched by the powers of Thor. Upon the visit of a cleric of Thor from Isbrygge, Liv's latent storm sorcerer abilities were revealed at 3 years old. This reveleation of being gifted by the gods as well as being born to the town's most popular cleric saw many rejoice at the child's presence.   Much of the future thane's early years were spent being raised by the local temple as her mother ventured off to raids on the main continent during the early years of Aedrinaran involvement in the 40 Year War. At the age of 16, in 1039, Liv first journeyed off to battle. Mainly involved in the south of the Commonwealth and the liberation of Altruscia from Seldrinar occupation, Liv used a mix of martial techniques and storm sorcerer abilities, striking fear into her enemies and awe amongst her fellow fighters.   Upon her return to Knut's Landing at the end of the year war, Liv had become an exalted member of society thanks to her fighting prowress. Liv returned to work as a huscarl of the local thane, who's life she had saved during the battle of Vulcania. When the thane died, the notable members of society gathered at the Askebarrow to appoint a replacement. Liv was volunteered by Ulf Sailbarer, the local longship builder, and unanimously voted for by the other electors: Orthar Sailbarer, Torkel the Luckbringer, and Gudmund Gunvaldssen, the son of the previous thane.   Liv's reign saw reconstruction at the local temple, new funding for the festival of Knut, and repairs to numerous rural roads to nearby farmsteads and quarries. The only major crisis of her tenure was the spread of plague in 1051, which was cured thanks to the arrival of a Divinitist priest from the mainland who brought mediecine and divine healing alongside qurantining the settlement to halt its spread.  

White Will Arc

Thane Liv was present when The White Will attacked her town during the feast of King Knut. The Thane was within her jarlshall at the time when the dragon burst through the ceiling and sent a frost salamnder to kill her and mephits to loot the palace's wealth. She was rescued with the help of Val, Fr. Tomos Siegfried and Roach.   Saved from the Dragon, Liv and her warchief Gunvuld marched with Azura and Roach to the town's main inn to save the people trapped within by the elemental attackers. When the dragon escaped and his forces retreated, Liv accepted Lugar Whitehide's offer to shelter the homeless of Knuts Landing in the Seal Clan's winter camp.   Liv rode to Westwatch to inform her liege, Jarl Earling Horfhand, of the events. Her ride caught the attention of the turncoat settlement of Andursthrope but she managed to arrive in the town unassaulted by the white will's forces. Here she took her place in the Dragon Counil and offered council to the jarl on the capabilities and forces of the dragon attacking the hold.   When Doomed 2 Die arrived in Westwatch five days later, Liv was present in Coldstar Keep when Elfrey the Godswitch and Ysgard's Warriors revealed Val's past with the guild and his exile from the order. Alongside Chief Lugar, Jarl Erling, and Starkard Wintershield, Liv did not turn her back on the warlock after this fact was made known.   After the dragon was defeated, Liv returned to the village a hero. They would also attend King Hardrada's feast in Odinsthrone - travelling from Westwatch to Knut's Landing with Val and catching up on the events of the week. At the feast, Liv remained generally quiet in the face of older and more established noble houses.


Liv was originally tutored within the Temple of the Seven to be a new cleric to either Thor or Sif, but her martial prowress saw her train under the previous head huscarl to the thane and become a soldier and guard for the Thaneship. The 40 year war taught the thane much about combat, history, and the Aedrinarian arts of war and shipcraft. In recent months, Liv has been recieving general education and lessons from the divinitst priest who saved her town.
Status: Alive
First Appearance: Session 86: Southwatch by the Sea
Short, brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ruled Locations
Appearances: 9
  • Session 86: Southwatch by the Sea
  • Session 87: The Court of Stars
  • Session 88: The White Will Comes
  • Session 99: Westwatch
  • Session 100: Elfrey the Godswitch
  • Session 104: Dragonlance
  • Session 105: Lair of the White Will
  • Sesssion 106: The Wolf and the Fish
  • Session 107: Invitation from the King


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