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Lugar Whitehide

Chieftain Lugar White-Hide

Indomitable is too soft a word to describe Lugar White-Hide, the chieftain of the Seal Clan of Vilderfolken in the western regions of Aedrinar. Lugar is an old, proven, proud, and kind, compassionate leader. Lugar is not only the adoptive father of Ivar but a beacon to his people and local hero who was the first to take the threat of The White Will seriously.   Lugar adopted a young, traumatised Ivar after his parent's death in the Yuletide massacre in 1031, 3e. He helepd to raise and train Ivar before he first gained a longship and journeyed to The Commonwealth to fight in the 40 year war as a teenager in the late 1030s. The warrior companion of Doomed 2 Die remains close to his surviving father figure to this day.   The party first met the cheiftain at an inn built on the back of Dragon Turtle in the middle of the Terrassic Ocean. Lugar introduced himself to the group and told them of the White Will and its legend, and how he was scouting around for warriors or information on how to defeat the dragon. At some point after this, Lugar had attempted to petition Ysgard's Warriors to join the fight but was rejected by Underchief Steinar.   When Knut's Landing was sacked on the 2nd Duskfall, Lugar arrived with Ivar and a handful of his warriors in time to help fight off of the dragon's mephit and salamander minions, participating in the battle at the docks where the party managed to nearly kill the dragon. Lugar offered sanctuary to the residents of Knut's Landing who had lost their homes in his clan's winter camp as they had plenty of supplies, an offer Thane Liv Thorsblade greatly appreciated.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Before Meeting the Party

Lugar was born to the previous Seal Clan cheiftain, Haartha White-Hide and his wife, Lura, in 1000, 3e. His father died in 1021, granting Lugar the title of Chieftain just before the beginning of the 40 Year War . Lugar led the Seal Clan on minor raids and skirmishes during the conflict, with the Vildervolken largely serving as mercenaries for noble houses or as freelancing attackers.   During the 1020s, Lugar met with Lothgar Ragnarssen, the chieftain of the Reindeer clan and formed a strong alliance and frienship between the two vilderfolken clans. This friendship led Lugar to taking in an orphaned 8 year-old Ivar Lothgarssen after the Yuletide massacre. Lugar was responsible for much of Ivar's training and took him on his first hunt.  

War of the Walls Arc

Lugar had been sailing around the Terrasic and Aedrinaran archipelago seraching for warriors to help tackle The White Will in late Harvestyme, 1052. Whilst on these sails, he docked at the Dragon Turtle Inn where he briefly reunited with Ivar and Val and met Doomed 2 Die for the first time. Lugar informed the group of the dragon threat in the western hold, and the party assured him they would come to help after their business in Jameleska was complete.

The White Will Arc

Doomed 2 Die would not in fact go straight to helping Lugar and the Western Hold, but instead travelled to Gehenna. Upon their return from the lower planes, the group sailed for Knut's Landing and send Ivar and his ship, The Boneless, ahead to find Lugar and the Seal clan.   Ivar feteched Lugar and travelled with him to the town to meet with the party on the 2nd Duskfall. When the Seal Clan party arrived, the town was under attack by the White Will and his elemental armies. The Vildervolken, led by Lugar and Ivar, rallied into the town to help fight the monsters. Lugar and his forces arrived in the markets to tend to the wounded and fight back advancing mephits whilst Lugar sent his adopted son to relieve Gallus, Einar, and Falia Rayes in the town's temple.   The Chieftain would march with the party to the docks, where the white dragon had just launched an attack, and helped to defeat a Frost Salamander with the help of local dockmaster Oba Obassen 'The Unkillable.' When the White Will fled, Lugar spoke with Thane Liv Thorsblade and offered the people of Knut's Landing that had been deprived of their homes and resources sanctuary in the Seal Clan winter camp. Lugar would lead the refugee convoy with the party towards his camp.   Doomed 2 Die would sepearte to investigate a destroyed Ysgard's Warriors camp leaving Lugar, Ivar and Falia Rayes to lead the refugees. He informed the group where to find the camp when their business was done.   The adventuers returned within hours after a grueling kidnap by the Western Skallen Dagurrsen cell and eventual escape, Lugar let the party heal up in his camp and pointed them in some directions on how to continue their fight against the dragon menace. Lugar suggested they seach for Draconic experts in Jameleska as well has find the dragon's origins, attend the Dragon Council in Westwatch, secure the help of Haarold Iceaxe, and upon learning that Erika had located the second half of the Stone of Astrid, he also strongly suggested the party search for it as to locate the fabled Dragonlance of Queen Astrid.   Whilst the party attended to their business, Lugar travelled to Westatch to take his place in the Dragon Council at the request of Jarl Earling Horfhand. When the adventuerers finally arrived in Westwatch, Lugar saw Elfrey the Godwitch out Val as being exiled from the warriors, but along with Jarl Erling, Starkard Wintershield, and Thane Liv, Lugar did not turn his back on the warlock. Lugar was allowed to remain with the Jarl when the council was placed in recess following the reveleation.   Lugar's small forces were also involved in the White Will's attempted raid on Westwatch, but largely kept to guarding the keep as the forces of Haarold Iceaxe, the Wintershields, and the newly arrived warband of Ysgard's Warriors dealt with the main threat.
First Apperance:
Session 37: The Voyage Home
Dark Grey
Long, Grey and White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Appearances: 7
  • Session 37: The Voyage Home
  • Session 88: The White Will Comes
  • Session 89: Erika
  • Session 99: Westwatch
  • Session 100: Elfrey the Godswitch
  • Session 104: Dragonlance
  • Session 105: Lair of the White Will


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