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Fr. Tomos Siegfried

Father Tomos Siegfried

Fr Tomos Siegried is a Tumbrian cleric of Divinitus exiled from the Eldrian Empire due to his 'radical' reformist views of the divinist church. Branded a heretic, Tomos has spend the past few years learning of other faiths including the Seldarine, Draconism, Yondalla, and Garl Glittergold. Guided by prophetic visions, Fr Tomos journeyed to Aedrinar. The priest was responsible for curing a plague that was infecting Knut's Landing and was granted the abandoned home of Shan as reward, where he set up a shrine to the five gods he practices.   In Endstarre of 1052, Tomos met with Doomed 2 Die for the first time when they went to Shan's old house. He offered to let them stay the night, informed Shan that Eva had been buy recently and took a family portrait with her, but had left a feather and slightly singed owlbear toy that the monk had given to Kliiks † before the Aarakocra's death. Tomos warned Shan that his buried 'art supplies' in the garden were cursed but said he would continue to investigate for him.   The exiled priest would help the party rescue four trapped children from the ruins of Southwatch by the Sea and aide them when the town of Knut's landing was attacked by the White Will, having to use revivify on Falia Rayes. He also revealed to them he believes his visions were of the group, and asked if he could travel with them for some time, to which the group agreed.  

Connections with the Prophecy of Ragnarok

The true nature of Tomos' role within the song of Ragnarok is yet to be revealed, but several indications he will become relevant have been laid to the party already. After Val used his twin's name to diguise himself in Gehenna, Trixie contacted them via Val's familiar and told her they'd had a new vision, one of 'five churches on top of each other with a man of the gods inside who will save the party from a shapeless beast.'   Fr Tomos's body was also found by Roach in the alternate universe created by Primus, with Val spotting the Ice Elf search the priests bag for arcane notes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tomos was born to a tavern maiden in the Tumbrian city of Rassendorf. She would die when he was 4 years old, forcing him onto the street. Living in Rat Alley with other orphans and urchins Tomos became a petty criminal.   Fr Tomos carries with him an old, well worn pink coloured 'favour' and carries a portrait of a human man. He would reveal to Azura this was his partner, Gunether, a fellow urchin from Rassendorf that joined up with a noble family as a squire. He died during the 40 Year War, leaving only his portrait and token with Tomos. Tomos attempted to murder the noble, but realised he could not kill him before being chased out of the city and being rescued by nuns - becoming a cleric.   Following his revelation he was sponsored by the convent that rescued him to go to Neapia to study to become a full priest. Living in the Tumbrian college and training Tomos became an avid religious scholar and philosopher. He would tour the post-war marcian region seraching for relics and divine history. He fell into the Liberal sect of the church, advocating for church aide to the wounded and the liquidization of church assets to help the needy.   Back in Rassendorf, Tomos continued his religious studies. He visited various areas of the Eldrian empire, including the Keltischland, and here he began to grow more radical in his beleifs. Advocating for the papacy to apologise to all those affected by the war for their role in supporting the empire, and pushing for a complete reformation of the church, he was chased out of Rassendorf and managed to seek sanctuary in the Vale of the Elves.   In his years travelling, he studied the religions of other cultures including halflings, elves, and draconism. In early 1052, the renegade priest began having visions whilst living in the Crag. He saw the world ending, and depictions of heroes and the fall of heaven itself. Buying a ferry to the Eighth Kingdom of Aedrinar.   Landing in Knut's Landing the priest found the town in the middle of pandemic. Using his knowledge of quarantine and organized triarage and divine healing he rallied the town's clerics and paladins and cured the disease within a week saving hundreds of lives. As a reward, the priest was granted the former home of Shan by Thane Liv Thorsblade. He turned the draconist home into a shrine for the various gods he studied.   In late Endstarre, Fr Tomos was ambushed in his church by Eva. Recognising The Dragon Clan loyalist from the family portrait of Shan, Em, and her, Fr Tomos managed to calm her. She confessed she somewhat remembered the place and demanded an explanation. The priest simply showed her the remaining belongings of the family, including the portrait. She would take this, leaving the burnt owl bear plushy and one of Kliiks's feathers in its place.

The White Will Arc

In the early hours of the 2nd Duskfall, 1052 3e, Fr Tomos had Doomed 2 Die enter his church. Shan had come 'home' and was at first determined to just kick out whoever was lodging there. Upon meeting the party, Tomos quickly recognised Shan and welcoming him in, asking if he wished to reclaim his belongings. He also told them of Eva's chance visit a few weeks prior. Shan and the priest would go to the old garden and dig up his old armour, the priest warning him it was clearly cursed and no amount of hallowing or blessing the ground was having much effect, and to be careful. Whilst he and Shan were outside Val would search his belongings and discover his manifesto of a reformed church and what he had left from Geunther.   The party left the preist alone but they would run into each other again during the Feast of King Knut. During the feast Tomos and the party were approached by a village child who said he and his friends had gone exploring in the nearby ruins of Southwatch-by-the-Sea and gotten trapped there by undead monsters. Tomos, a trained cleric, volunteered to go in the place of Thane Liv and the party offered to join him as well, bringing historian and archaeologist Falia Rayes.   In the ruins, Tomos used his ability to turn and destroy the undead to buy the party time and allow their fighters to cut the monsters down. He joined them in battle against the Coldstar Wraiths, using his healing and clericial abilities to ward evil and heal them when needed. Beaten and bloodied like the rest of the group, he returned victorious with the rescued children to town. On the way, he confessed of his dreams and visions and asked to join the group until he could figure them out.   His night of adventure was not over as The White Will attacked the town at the end of the feast. Tomos would join Val, Roach, and Gunnar Ulssen at the Askebarrow to rescue Thane Liv. He managed to heal the thane and a wounded Roach, using his magics against the elementals sparingly.   When they returned to the markets to regroup, he joined the Thane, Gunnar, Azura, and Roach at the King's Rest Inn to rescue trapped civilians. He returned to the market's in time to see Falia Rayes dying after the White Will collapsed the tower she was standing on. As the party cried out in grief, Tomos said he could fix it, and ran forward with a box of diamonds. He cast a prayer of revivification, restoring the archer to life but affecting him on a deeper level. He admitted to Azura that the process of restoring life can damage the soul and body of the caster.   Tending to the wounded townspeople, Tomos went with the refugee caravan to the Seal Clan camp, being sure to look after a wounded Falia and the other towns people harmed in the attack. He remained at camp until the party returned from freeing Erika and killing the Western Skallen sect in the Dagurssen fort. He would offer Gallus and Ivar some council during this period before he went with the group to Jameleska.   In Jameleska, he would attend a dinner and show event called Wild Wild Orcs where he ran into Azura. The two quickly bonded over their shared 'love' of shirtless well built orcs. Tomos also accompanied the group the the ruins of Rorisgrad, having to remove the paralysing effect of the carrion crawler's poison on several party members including Val. Also in the worm caverns, whilst under the effect of the Frog of Truth, he admitted he had commited various crimes in his youth. Back in the city, Ivar began consulting the priest for advice under the rites of confession.   Fr Tomos would be knocked unconcious by the song of harpies and scions on the sail back from the Western Hold. Those still awake managed to kill the monsters and the priest reawoke. A shaken Azura approached him to ask about her visions of the Scion of the Seas and about the Pact of Dawn - information the priest had studied in Neapia.   In a rare cirumstance of the entirity of Doomed 2 Die and their companions entering a dungeon together, Tomos joined the group in Bard's Folly. He first aided Azura in the Way of Arcana, helping to cast spells and understand the riddles. He then joined the wizard again alongside Falia and Roach in the Path of Destiny, learning of his fate to revive someone on a snow topped mountain and to eventually die at the hands of the papacy.   Tomos was sent back to Westwatch alongside Erika and Falia to speak to represenatives of Ysgard's Warriors to acquire the second half of the Stone of Queen Astrid. Their meeting with Elfrey the Godswitch was a trick and they were captured by the Godswitch. Whilst Erika was tortured for information and Falia was resistant to enchantment magics, Tomos was bewitched by Elfrey and unwittingly led the party into an ambush in Coldstar Keep. When he was rescued later by the group with the help of House Winter-Shield he apologised heavily to Azura, who he had mislead whilst under the enchantment magic.   Still seeking the stone and needing to clear Val's name for good the party travelled to the top of Mount Valhalla to Pilgrim's Rest, the home of Ysgard's Warriors. Alongside Erika, Tomos joined the party. He remained silent in the initial proceedings, but did help after a near-death Organvor warned the warriros and party that the Dragon Clan infilitrators were going to the peak. In the ensuing battle, Tomos worked hard to heal the injured party as Eva, and later The Piper, made short work of them and warchief Sven the Godslayer †.   Tomos was left out of the trial by combat Val claimed to clear his name - but was filled in on the plan to have Erika kill Sven and use the rite of claimance to become the new Warchief. He would join the assorted attendees in honouring the new warchief at the conclusion of the fight.   With the stone secured the party only needed to get the Dragonlance and they would be able to kill The White Will for good. Tomos would join Falia as the chosen companions for the adventure. When the battle came, Tomos tried some agressive spells against the dragon but largely failed. He also used his divine healing to help a wounded Val and Gallus, and rushed to use another revivify on a dead Shan. This revifiviation seemed to deeply harm the cleric, knocking him down and exhausting him for the rest of the fight and the subsquent celebration.  

The Hier of Furunheim Arc

Fr. Tomos would stay with the party as they began their next adventure aiding aiding House Furyborn and hunting down the would be assassins of the house's heirs, Arystyr Furyborn and Aera Furyborn. Early on, he would provide spiritual guideance and support to the party and their allies, including Prince Sven. He also helped to foil the initial attack on Arystyr in Odinsthrone.   In Furunheim, Fr. Tomos mainly played a background supportive role. He would help the party during the attack at Elder Tiristar Furyborn's funeral, helping to keep Aera and Azura alive during their battle with the Wizards Four. When it came to attacking Marthiel, the priest would aid the healers in the Furyborn camps. He would admonish Azura for taking a pact to become an avatar for Manannan Mac Lir and advise future study for dealing with becomming an avatar at an advanced age.   After Cassie Rayes went missing in the ruins at Krakenpost Fr. Tomos was sent to infiltrate the Order of Labelas where he discovered they had becoming indoctrinated by Forgotten God artefacts. When battling the High Archivist, Tomos was cast back in time with Einar to High King Haarold I Seasnake's raid in Gwenydd. He would be fouund strung upside down by the raiders and was rescued by Einar vouging to Eagle Librarian Orn Sky-Kissed of his credibility.  

The Deep Arc

Contiuing on his journies with the party, he would be put into a magically enduced sleep by the Scion of the Seas on the adventurer's journey to Orsturkirk. When they eventually arrived in the city, he spent one night there before he would be sent to Tyris Ren to help investigate the murders of changelings orchestrated by The Piper at Val's request.
Status: Alive
First Appearance:
  • Session 83: The Clockwork God (Alternate Reality) (Body)
  • Session 85: The Father (Main timeline)
Date of Birth
1st Duskfall, 1020 3e
Current Residence
Shrine of Many Gods (Shan's Old Home)
Medium, well combed, thick
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Divinitus, Corellon, Yondalla, Garl Glittergold
Aligned Organization
Appearances: Regular Companion
  • Arc VI: Main Companion
  • Arc VII: Main Companion
  • Arc VIII: Recurring Companion


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