
Written by Sylmanos

With the transition, and the devastation caused by the Manticore and the aether drain of the Charred Isles, the Wilderness Department has shifted to a more conservationist mindset. Their mission is to rebuild and protect the ecology of Star Fall Island, all the while learning more about the unique structure of its climates and various fauna, flora, and minerals.   Their duties can be broken down into a few main key points. The first is the collection of seeds. All seedlings discovered must be cataloged and placed in the Botanist Reserve for keeping. This is to keep an accurate account of various flora and their natural climates, as well as having the stores to help repopulate any areas devastated by natural or even unnatural disasters. Obviously, collecting seeds is not the only responsibility expected of Botanists as they are also required to help the natives with managing their farming and foraging efforts to keep the people of the island fed, to include the Consortium. This is done to ensure all efforts are made with the intent to protect and promote the ecosystem.   Those who prefer to look into stone and ore, on the other hand, are more focused on the collection of Ore. When deposits are found, whether on the island or elsewhere, a sample is collected, analyzed, and documented to note its properties and locations it can be found in. Additionally, for deposits on Star Fall Island, these Ravens collect the ore to send back to Raven’s Perch for refining and to be split between income generation needs and Consortium needs.   Then there is the need for dealing with fauna. Ravens of Wilderness are responsible for encouraging the natural wildlife of Star Fall island, and for assisting with the repopulation of species that had been devastated due to the rampage of a Manticore. Along with this comes the responsibility for handling the creatures in both the Stables and in the Vrost Sanctuary. Not to mention studying and recording information about beasts located in the world at large. The finally part of their duties is to manage hunting on the isles.


At the top of the department is the current department head who is referred to currently as the Head Conservationist. Under the Head Conservationist there are four separate sub-groups that handle the duties of the Wilderness Department.   Botanists: The Botanist sub-group handles all things regarding flora and seedkin. This has them stationed across the island to handle their duties. They assist the locales with eco-friendly farming techniques to prevent destruction of the landscape while still providing enough sustenance to keep the population fed. They are also responisble for studying and caring for the Forest Biome and its differing forests. Another responsibility is the creation and management of the seed stockpile kept in the Botanist's Reserve. Lastly, they are responsible for tracking, caring for, and harnessing the power of the seedkin spread across the island to promote regrowth.   Geologists: Geologists are the other pillar to the basic functions of the Wilderness Department. They manage what is essentially the land itself. They are responisble for studying the soil to determine the best spots for farming, work the mineral veins across the island, manage any soulkin that are found across the island, and handling the island's crystal supply.   Beast Tamers: These members of the Wilderness Department specialize in handling various types of beasts and animals across all spectrums. They are the ones in charge of the Vrost Sanctuary, Black Feather Stables, and the Huntsman's Watch. They monitor the movement of all beastkin on the island to determine which ones are safe to hunt and which ones should be left alone. They are also responsible for training any beastkin that is brought back to the Consortium by the field teams.   Trailblazers: An order that Kikyo Shibiku helped found, the Trailblazers exist to explore the natural world and map it. Survivalists and Cartographers work together to bring this knowledge together. As it is brought back this information is then given to the rest of the department to help note the fauna, flora, and minerals that were found, where they were found, and how they are thriving in that area. Additionally, this information is then transfered over to Project M.A.P. to further the work to make an accurate aetheric model of the world.

Public Agenda

Under the guidance of Head Conservationist Vlastsa, the Wilderness Department seeks to restore and manage the ecosystem of Star Fall Island. To do this they have regulated hunting on the island, provided farming assistance, created a stockpile of seeds to protect against natural disasters, and ensuring that dangerous beasts are properly handled and are kept from destroying the balance of nature.


The mineral fields in the mountains of the Desert, Forest, and Artic Biomes.   The Crystal Deposits in the Astral Caverns.   Seed reserves kept in the Botanist's Reserve   Beasts kept in the Vrost Sanctuary.


Formerly led by Qadani Ura, the Department of Wilderness was originally referred to as the Land Department. This department had facilities across the southern most islands of the Charred Isles. One island was the Geologium which supplied all the minirals and rock that was needed, another was the Arboretum where Botanists studied trees and other plantlife, the third was the menagerie where the beasts protected by the company were kept, and then lastly the Trailblazer's Quarters where the Trailbrlazers had originally been based out of.   The later of these facilities was mostly born out of the desire of a fallen comrade named Kikyo Shibku, who was one of the most wellknown of the Trailblazers and Cartographers of the Land Department.

To Preserve Nature's Balance

Department Head: Head Conservationist Vlasta Enyasch
Alternative Names
Ruling Organization
Current Members:
  • Kaito Sasaki
  • Nuwi
  • Yrys
  • Ayane Oshidari
  • Leiella Sauveterre
  • Aveh Rhekoni
  • Kina Ura
  • Braith Vrost
  • Davian Vrost
  • Khatuge Avagnar