The Huntsman's Watch

Written by Sylmanos

The Huntsman’s Watch is a gathering point for all the hunters of the Consortium. Population control is essential for any ecology, and in order to ensure this is happening properly the Department of Wilderness has begun tracking the movements and population of the creatures that call Star Fall Island home. Behind sweeping wooden polished desks are countless maps of the island, marked with the various creatures to show their movement patterns. Additionally, there are charts marking the population of each.   Any Raven of the Consortium wanting to hunt must first clear it through the Department of the Land in the Huntsman’s Watch. Once the hunt has been cleared the Raven is given a hunting license and permission to kill the intended beast.   Another function of the Watch is to make note if a group’s population is getting out of control. In these cases, then the Ravens of the Wilderness Department are deployed to cull the beasts if there are no hunters interested in assisting.   Beyond that, it also offers an area where Ravens can collaborate with Clan Centurio and the Hunters of Astera to track and monitor beasts that are out of control or destroying the ecology of the star. This is where Clan Centurio is able to Ravens their early shot at new hunt marks before they are made known to the wider Adventuring Community across the nations.   Any who are given a license to hunt through the Department of Wilderness in the Huntsman’s Watch must abide by the following rules:  
  • You may only kill a beast after its maturity date.
  • You may not hunt during mating periods.
  • You are not allowed to hunt abled females.
  • You are not allowed to hunt pregnant females.
  • Your target should be mature bulls/males of the species.
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