Black Feather Stables

Written by Sylmanos

Aside from connecting the structure of the stables to the external wall near the Keep, not much has changed with the Company stables. Here one can still find the Chocobos, drakes, yols, hawks, horses, and more. Whatever a Raven wishes to use as a mount that is alive can be kept here so long as it isn’t dangerous to the others. Not only are they stabled here, but some of the Wilderness Department take to training the various creatures as well. And that still isn’t all that goes on either! With the relocation of Headquarters to now be right next to the stables, those of the Creation Department are now able to focus on making armor for beasts even more than they were before.   So whether it is a mount, stabling your own beast, or even getting protection for it the Stables have quite a bit to offer the Ravens of the Consortium.  

Purpose / Function

In addition to housing the various beasts used by Ravens of the Consortium as mounts, the Black Feather Stables are also used for combat training of the mounts, as well as the care and breeding of Chocobos.   There is also a small workshop that exists as part of the stables within which that Ravens of Creation work on creating armor for the various creatures.


The Black Feather Stables is a large building, similar in vein to the Chocobo Stables used by Gridanians on a larger scale. The walls are made of a stone and wood composite to reinforce them due to the larger beasts that are kept inside. Most of the stables themselves are wooden with hay for the horses and chocobos. But for Drakes and other larger lizard like creatures there are heat lamps. For the more avian styled mounts such as yols and hawks they have perches higher up and nests.
Alternative Names
The Stables, The School Yard
Parent Location
Owning Organization