Rajbound League

The Rajbound League (Tradecoast Tearvin Riytgy Raboldajá) is a mercantile and defensive confederation formed between the three dukes of Abenwald, Falkwald, and Vottiwald as a trade bloc in opposition to the Diarchs of Gairovald and their ancient and powerful navy, the naval juggernaut of the former Vuscovi Empire - particularly the Order of Tywik, who continue to field the bulk of its trans-continental ships - and the Zellendammens of The Palatinate (including their Major Thirteen companies), who access the northern seas through their privately owned docks.   Though named after the Serene Rajahnate of Padmathara, an illustrious destination for northern traders for centuries, in recent times realms such as the Free Counties and southern reaches of the Shining South have also become key trade targets.

Security Beyond The Ice

Alliance, Generic
Alternative Names
Riytgy Raboldajá
Parent Organization

Character flag image: by Lendanto


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