Session Twenty Two 7/9/24

General Summary

Characters Present: Finkelstein (Tim D), Kasari (Lou), Darfin (Tim M), Roland (Zack), Zavania (Alyssa)   As the battle in the Red Keep raged on, the party, supported by the hill giants, Silvanus, and their wood elf allies, swiftly overpowered the remaining Redbrand forces. Silvanus unleashed a devastating wave of lightning and thunder magic that obliterated the enemies on the first level, though the spell left him visibly drained.   With the Redbrands neutralized, the party began exploring the keep. They stumbled upon a treasury room containing 500 gold pieces, which Darfin distributed evenly among the party members. Zavania discovered a hidden compartment within the room, housing a sapphire gem that could be used either for its monetary value or in spellcraft.   As they continued their exploration, Kasari found a makeshift tavern where a lone, inebriated Redbrand soldier challenged him to a drinking contest. Kasari, using his disguise abilities, transformed into a plump blonde woman, and despite the soldier's drunken state, he accepted the challenge. The drinking game ensued, with Kasari emerging as the victor.   Moving on to the upper levels, Darfin scouted ahead and found a group of Redbrand warriors in a throne room, among them a man clad in red mithral plate armor. Harboring thoughts of vengeance, Darfin confronted the man, who mocked Darfin's outrage over the assault on his village years ago. The man invited Darfin to bring forth his fellow adventurers, stating that hiding would not favor them.   When the entire party assembled, the man in red mithral plate mocked each member for their perceived flaws: Darfin's greed, Finkelstein's lust, Zavania's sorrow, Roland's pride, and Kasari's wrath. It soon became evident that this was no ordinary man but a fiend. As they revealed their true forms, the party faced two thorny devils, two bearded devils, and a 12-foot-tall Glabrezu, who claimed to be a follower of Belial.   A fierce battle ensued, with the party hurling spells, arrows, and striking with swords and axes. Though the fight was arduous and left many wounded, the party ultimately triumphed over the devilish entities. In the aftermath, they discovered a chamber in the throne room containing a barely legible document with ancient glyphs, hinting at a powerful resurrection ritual in a language predating the Infernal tongue. Kasari secured the document for further study.   With the keep now clear of Redbrands and fiendish influences, the High Forest seemed to regain a sense of vibrancy. Following Silvanus, the party returned to his tree home. Upon their arrival, they were greeted by Narf and Arva, who presented them with magical rewards for their bravery and assistance.   Roland received the Aegis of the Wyrmguard, a suit of armor. Finkelstein was given a Robe of Useful Items, Zavania was presented with a Staff of Vectorial Nature, and Kasari received a Shield of Recounting and had his sword magically enhanced to provide an advantage against fiends. With these new gifts, the party felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Rewards Granted

Aegis of the Wyrmguard - Gifted to Roland from Silvanus & Narf   Shield of Recounting - Gifted to Kasari from Silvanus & Narf   Staff of Vectorial Nature - Gifted to Zavania by Silvanus & Narf   Robe of Useful Items - Gifted to Finkelstein by Silvanus & Narf

Missions/Quests Completed

The party successfully secured the High Forest from the Redbrand threat, saving the village of Havashara from further assaults. Additionally, they managed to defeat a more concerning threat: fiendish entities serving Belial, revealing that Belial's influence extends much farther than the group initially expected. The party also uncovered evidence of a powerful resurrection ritual. While the details remain unknown, this discovery raises crucial questions: could it play a role in the opening of a hell gate, or is it intended for the summoning of another powerful foe?
Report Date
09 Jul 2024
Secondary Location


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