Mount Shanai Hot Springs

These hot springs are a large part of not only Shanin culture, but the Cult of Fire itself. To visit Fire God Vega, one is required to bathe in the springs first and offered traditional clothing modeled after Vega's own priests. Despite their cultural significance, they are also a regular part of Shanin life, being a popular location for locals and tourists alike to visit after work and relax.   It is said the springs have a healing quality to them, and they are heated by Vega himself. Soaking in the springs is claimed to heal sore bodies, relieve pain, and at their most dramatic claims, give one Vega's blessing.


These hot springs are located running up the side of Mount Shanai throughout the rain forest and jungle, with a path cut through the vegetation to reach the Temple of Vega. The path is quite steep, with several areas of ramps and stairs cut out of the rich, black volcanic stone. There are several small retaining walls dotting the area as well, making small platforms for tourists and visitors to rest their belongings or sit when not in the water.   Hundreds of springs dot the path, many having carvings of boar, salamanders, and local birds on the stones lining them. Several pools have been modified as well, with sections carved out to sit or make them deeper for larger races, such as Naga and Centari. Despite these small modifications, most of the springs remain natural otherwise, heated by the active volcano at the island's heart.

Fauna & Flora

Many of Shanai's local plants and animals can be seen in or around the springs. Tropical plants are very common and although wildly grown, are often tended and cared for as natural gardens around the pools. Native birds commonly feast on the berries and fruits that grow in the area and are a common sight bathing right alongside people, as do Six-legged Lava Salamander who occasionally will even breed in the pools.

Natural Resources

As is the case with much of Shanai, volcanic stone is incredibly common and a large part of the area's infrastructure. Most stairs, walls, and benches are crafted from it.


The hot springs are a massive tourist attraction on the islands, drawing in thousands of tourists a year. A large quantity of the visitors to the springs do not visit for the springs themselves, but because it is a requirement to bathe before entering the Temple of Vega, though many will often return to the hot springs for a bath after their visit. Every third day of the week, Veg, the hot springs are closed to tourists, only remaining open for locals, priests, visiting gods, and other important figures. This is done to cut traffic through the area and allow maintenance and cleaning crews to maintain the area, clean garbage and the pools themselves, and do required water testing.  

Banned items

Outside food and drink are not permitted at the hot springs to prevent tourists from feeding the wildlife. Soaps, shampoos, perfumes, and other cosmetics are also not allowed unless specifically provided by the staff at the hot springs. Those provided are specifically formulated to not pollute the water or poison wildlife, although there still remains issues with tourists sneaking in their own.   Cellphones, cameras, and other video equipment are all explicitly banned from use at the hot springs, to much controversy among tourists. Despite the ban, there still exists major problems with tourists taking pictures at the springs, often with locals in frame, deeply invading their privacy especially when the photos are posted from their vacations. In recent years, Shanai's government has increased punishments for taking pictures at the hot springs, and in many cases resulting in temporary bans from the island and other notable tourist destinations. Cellphone use does have one exception however, as the nation's first responders and Red Pineapple Corps are still allowed to use their phones when on call and responding to a crisis. All others are generally required to leave their phones in lockboxes before entering the hot springs.
Alternative Name(s)
Vega's Hot Springs, The Boar Springs
Location under
Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species


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