Fu Baoki

Fu Baoki, also known as the Jeweled City, is a newly-erected resort city in Qamenkas, and the de facto capital of the Baokish Territories. It is known for its casinos and luxury resorts.  

Government and Defences

Fu Baoki is managed by the Zhao Ru of the Yeojin Families. It is directly managed by Suetane Zhao Ru, the Half-Elf son of the Zhao Ru patriarch, Zhao Ru Shan. Fu Baoki is protected by Zhao Ru enforcers, as well as members of the Shrouded Sisterhood, Wandering Shields, and Fearless Hounds mercenary companies. Two walls encircle the city, the Goldlight Wall and the Outer Wall, which were constructed mostly by magic.  


Nearly all of Fu Baoki’s income comes from its casinos, bars, and inns, as well as business created from the Zhao Ru Family’s more illicit endeavours. Most of the city’s food comes from Rogue and Redpond to the south.  


Fu Baoki is on the coast of southeastern Qamenkas, and is the de facto capital of the Baokish Territories. It is nestled within the Golden Palm Forest.  


There are two districts within Fu Baoki: the Goldenlight Quarter and the Dockside Ward.  

Goldenlight District

The Goldenlight Quarter is the entertainment district of Fu Baoki. Most of the famous casinos of Fu Baoki are located here, as well as the administrative regions of the city. The Goldenlight is protected by the Goldenlight Wall. Landmarks in the Goldenlight Quarter include:
  • The Curious Butterfly - a middle-class inn, tavern, and casino. While not as opulent as many of the casinos in Fu Baoki, the Curious Butterfly is far more affordable than them. Overseen by the Zhao Ru family, the bar is attended to by the frank half-Triton, half-orc ganzi male Aggamarsh.
  • The Sanctum of Prosperity - a temple to Nanyuedi, the Ysen interpretation of Tiamat that sees her as a goddess of wealth, power, and martial prowess. One of the only temples to her on Tuatha, it has become a popular destination for the gamblers of the city. It is attended to by the plain-speaking female Tiefling priestess Vice Sao.
  • The Golden Sun Tower - a massive tower in the centre of the city. A giant crystal at its peak glows throughout the night, acting as a sort of lighthouse for the city. The multiple floors of the casino, accessible by a lift, act as inn rooms, luxury dwellings, and the private sanctum of Suetane. The top floor is a grand casino with a 360 degree view of the city, managed by the reliable hesperiad queen Iphanthei.
  • The Bedazzling Cathedral - an Urbnatist cathedral dedicated to Avandra. It acts as the head of the Diocese of Qamenkas, but the Urbnatist Church is looking to change the location of the diocese in order to appeal to Arduli, who have an antagonistic relationship with the Baokish Territories. The head of the Bedazzling Cathedral is the guarded female Skagondi gnome Primate Zanigani Felwan. Whispers say she is hiding something, as there are many strange noises from her quarters at night.

Dockside Ward

The Dockside Ward is the district of Fu Baoki that is connected to the wharfs and docks of the coast. It is the more residential district of the city, where many of the workers live. Landmarks in the Dockside Ward include:
  • Dragon’s Flagon - a seedy inn and tavern run by the unbalanced and scraggly Kenku male Strangler. While there are a few gambling games running throughout the tavern, the Dragon’s Flagon is not a casino.
  • The Waterlogged Wing - a shipwright crewed by a group of Teraka Kenku. The Waterlogged Wing works closely with the Zhao Ru family, but has no issues making ships for other clients. The Waterlogged Wing is managed by the hypercritical female kenku Gozio Sonka.
  • Baptisms of Steel - a weapons shop run by the fussy Bhuka goblin male Zrit. The Zhao Ru allow Zrit to continue running the shop, but require a ledger of every weapon purchased by those not employed by the family.


Fu Baoki was first constructed in 1324 MT by the Zhao Ru Yeojin Family after the head branch of the family fled Ysen Tei from the Jinhan-Yanzhu War. The city was constructed for the explicit purpose of being a casino and resort town after the Zhao Ru landed and founded Port Sandy. The Zhao Ru quickly expanded their control to the nearby settlements of Redpond and Big Dune, and additionally founded the settlement of Rogue. They hired mages to assist in the plantation of the Golden Palm Forest, a forest of palm trees for the enjoyment of Fu Baoki’s guests. Zhao Ru Shan left for Ysen Tei soon after the forest was planted, leaving control of the Baokish Territories in the hands of his half-elf son, Suetane.   Tensions between Fu Baoki and Arduli have been increasing ever since Arduli’s declaration of the Qamenkas Dungeoneering Initiative.
Founding Date
1324 MT
Alternative Name(s)
The Jeweled City
Inhabitant Demonym
Fu Baokian
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Kasia 'Kafis' Zielinska
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