
Makaris is a university town in Arduli. It grew around Dakdur University, also known as Ismakhia University, which is one of the most prestigious academies of magic in Tuatha.  

Government and Defences

Makaris is under control by the House of Dakdur, the same family that controls the Praetorate of Zaspira and the Dakdur League. While the patriarch of the House of Dakdur is Vizier Confidence Dakdur, his child, Praetor Magnolia Dakdur, rules Zaspira. This includes ruling over its capital, the Exarchate of Makaris.   Because of the natural defences of the mountains, Makaris has a smaller contingent of soldiers and militia when compared to other settlements in Arduli. As well, many mages studying or teaching at the university have pledged to defend the town if the need arose.  


Because of its geographic position and few valuable natural resources, there is little material commerce in Makaris, as most of its economy comes from the students and faculty of the university. However, there is a decently sized manuscript production industry within the town.  


Makaris is located on the eastern coast of the Zaspira Sea, under the control of the Praetorate of Zaspira. The Makaris Townsite region is located next to the coast, while the University Campus proper is located a short hike up the nearby Mount Mavibleum.


Makaris Townsite

Makaris Townsite is where most of the citizens of Makaris who are not part of the faculty or student body of Dakdur University reside. It is nestled next to the waters of the Zaspira Sea. Makaris Townsite contains much of the non-university related economics of the city, such as stores, fisheries, and housing. Landmarks in Makaris Townsite include:
  • Bluerose Keep - the Dakdur family estate. It was originally constructed for the Gynosphinx Magistrate Ismakhia, and has been inhabited by the rulers of the area ever since. As a result of his duties running Dakdur University, the Dakdur League, and (officially) the Praetorate of Zaspira, Vizier Confidence Dakdur is often away from the keep, leaving its daily upkeep to his child, Prator Magnolia Dakdur.
  • Flowerspeaker’s Coffeehouse - Run by the female Goliath Galeo “Flowerspeaker” Veomiano, this inn is a coffeehouse by day and a tavern by night. It is especially popular with students of the university, for both studying in by day and partying in by night. Rumours tell that the coffeehouse/tavern originally didn’t have any rooms for rent, but Galeo had to open them up after too many students passed out in the tavern at night and were too hungover to make the hike up to the university the next morning.

University Campus

The Dakdur University Campus is the area where all of the primary faculties and buildings of Dakdur University are located. It is located someways up Mount Mavibleum. Landmarks in the Dakdur University Campus include:
  • Ismakhia Academy of Magic - named after the university’s Gynosphinx founder, the Academy of Magic is the oldest building - and institution - in the University Campus. It teaches arcane magic. Unlike Dakdur University’s primary competitor, Datholm University in Tylwythir, the Academy of Magic focuses on teaching and harnessing arcane magic of all types, like sorcery, bardic magic, artifice, and pact magic, and not just wizardry.
  • Cathedral of the Word - the primary Niranist cathedral in Makaris, St. Arandi Cathedral is dedicated to the Pratonitei - Easul, Ioun, and Amirate - the patron deities of magic and art in Niranism. It was repurposed from a temple built in the time of the Tyfilian Empire to Zaraliax, a blue Abishai that was a popular patron of magic at the time. Zaraliax is now considered by the Court of Niran to be a Heretical Power. It is not the seat of the Sibyl of Zaspira, as that would be Armenopetra Monastery.
  • Blackstone College - the college of anthropology, archaeology, and history at Dakdur University. It has only been founded within the past century, when the Shahs of Arduli saw the potential of the desert of Qamenkas, and has quickly grown to become one of the university’s most famous programs. The college is named after the male dwarven explorer Tygrin Blackstone, who still teaches there.
  • Liskerea Hall - the college of natural sciences at Dakdur University. It is named after Liskerea Sky-Weaver, the female cloud giant who founded the program. Liskerea Hall is the furthest building up Mount Mavibluem, and has a built-in observatory.
  • Musgraben School of Artifice - the artifice vocational school at Dakdur University. Founded during the time of the Tyfilian Magocracy, it is named after the female Mirkelian gnome Kloza Musgraben. The school occasionally sells works by its students through the Lyudian human woman Anastasiya Kikev.
  • St. Meridean College - the primary educational institution for art and calligraphy at Dakdur University. It is named after the male tiefling calligrapher Meridean Vasceli, who was named a saint of the Court of Niran after his death. Many students at St. Meridean College go on to become famous for their paintings or manuscripts. The college also produces the largest amount of holy texts for the Court of Niran, as the faith considers printed books to be debased and not appropriate for actual religious use.


Dakdur University, then known as the Ismakhia Academy of Magic, was originally founded by the Gynosphinx Magister Ismakhia during the Magocracy Era of Tyfilion. The university town of Makaris soon sprung up around it.   After the ascent of Empress Kynthia I, and the transition from magocracy to empire, the university’s political power was greatly diminished. The empress executed the Gynosphinx Ismakhia, and the House of Dakdur became the overseers of the university, and named it after themselves.   Near the end of Tyfilion’s lifetime, the Dakdur family, like many citizens of the empire, became disillusioned with the House of Algenos’ rule, and threw their lot behind the rebels in the Algenos War. As a reward, they were allowed to keep their post at Dakdur University, and the university’s political power once again rose to the level it was at during the Magocracy Era. When Shah Uzza I created the Patrician Leagues, the Dakdur family was placed in charge of the Dakdur League, the government ministry in charge of education in Arduli.
Founding Date
~250 MT - 300 MT
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Yurii Nikolaiko
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