2024/09/11: Halloran Cleanup Report

General Summary

Terana, Zaran, Knight, Buzz, Kal'vus   Buzz started trying to set up computer connection to one of the defeated siege constructs. Terana's sleeping. Knight is getting used to having limbs again.   Legendary necromancer/wannabe god of death. Whole thing was timed to coincide with that. That fight is still ongoing. They have the forces to handle it, though.   Goblin nation to the north actually joining in the fight on the friendly side. Said the party had "gift-wrapped" their artifact for them. Unclear what artifact this was. That super cursed crystal that put the other adventuring party to sleep?   Anastasia is missing since the fight. Kal'vus went searching diligently. Found her stuck and sleeping in a garbage can. Managed to extract her without waking her. He took her to sleep in the upper floor of the wienermobile. Knight's compass verified it was her, but doesn't seem to like her. Jiggles unhappily the closer it is while looking for her.   Kal'vus was exhausted from the techniques he was using in the fight. Zaran helped get him good sleep.   Una, the dryad, brought James back to Terana. In her bosom. She patted him on the head. "Who's a good little informant." She also said that thanks to us a plan of an evil admiral was nipped in the bud, and she's prodding the government to give the party a reward.   Nas needs to train up to kill the person who killed his master. It's something he has to do on his own.   Miles showed up with the reward after the party rested and got themselves together. Thanked the party for the help in so many ways. A few choices for rewards. Some mandatory: Tickets to Zyth's next concert. (Kal'vus and Knight were enthusiastic.) 30 of these tickets! We can bring friends. Non-mandatory: Wealth (gems and/or mineral wealth), or acceptance into the UWG with lands and titles. Quiet out-of-the-way area. Rivendale.   The party chose the money. (Three of them went into PTSD flashbacks at the mention of land and titles.) Magical chest of holding filled with money and gems. Divided by 8, that's 175,000 gold (and equivalents) each.   1000 pounds of dwarven iron per person.   The party went to their various homes. Kal'vus thanked everyone for helping him with his vengeance. Bid everyone a heartfelt farewell.   Time for long-term downtime! 6 weeks of downtime planned.
  • Buzz went to work updating his equipment. Lots of tech points to spend. Also spending quality time with Azhar.
  • Leithien events: The Blackmoores went on a binge of interdimensional havoc and killed Necrosa in every lead they could find. And then they found more leads and killed her after following those too. That's why she died outright against the party. They ruffled a lot of feathers doing it, but their response is "if you have a problem with it, bring it." The party was relatively diplomatic about their work. The Blackmoores were not.
  • Going back to figure out how mithril Knight recovered in the time before this adventure. Week 1: 126 golems recovered. 6.3 million gold worth of mithril.

  • The Faceless Watcher is permadead now thanks to the Fist of Ranthael. Knight can get rid of his corpse.   Oddities while searching for the mithril golems. Little details. An area of tunnel that was dug up, talk with some of the drow saying they were hearing something a little odd. The mithril golems are doing some tunneling of their own. Maybe they're looking for something.   Definitely looking for something. Sort of a grid search across the whole area. Some got close to the mine. Some were heading towards Nadira. Target is unclear.   Terana came to help with searching. Second week of December was much more productive thanks to the help and careful searching. 6.3 million gold from first week, 23.04 million gold from remaining 8 days.   Met with drow sword monk. Establishing rivalry. Also apparently his city was locked in time or something until he was freed. It's sort of under New Hallownest. Planning to set up mutual (nonlethal) raiding, rivalry, regular duels. Very politically useful for everyone involved. Can also set up trading via "raiding".   (Terana dueled him. Terana won, but it was very close. He was very impressed.)   Narrowed down where the golems were searching for. Lower area of the underdark near Nadira.   Terana and Knight talked to Mithangor. Dropped some stuff off, including thousands of pounds of dwarven iron and the Corpse of the Faceless Watcher. Knight's armor is going to take time and effort to fix, and possibly specialized materials.

    Rewards Granted

  • 175,000 gp in currency and gems for each of the primary eight adventurers
  • 30 tickets for future Zyth concerts
  • 1000 pounds of dwarven iron per adventurer (from earlier mine adventure)
  • 1 xp
  • Missions/Quests Completed

  • Defend the magical girls of Zyth
  • Notes

    Zaran primarily likes eating iron.   Kal'vus's first two apprentices are level 2.


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