
At the tip of the Dakshina Peninsula, furthest southern point of Kalmasa, lies the great city of Mianej in the Samraji province of Chol’um. If Alesh in the east is the city of Kalmasan culture and learning, and Solkar in the west the seat of Kalmasan government, Mianej is the home of naked commerce.


It is the only city of the Kalmasan Samraj to have been won through clever negotiation rather than force and that character has remained with it always. It is built around the ancient Chol'um city of Sakat Kaaj, Silver City. From that center it has sprawled over the delta of the great Nojakaan River river, taming the marshes into orderly canals that ferry wealth down from upriver as well as wealth from its great ports.


It is governed as ancient Eshkar was governed, by a council of merchant lords, as laid out in the city charter issued by Lord Mahendran I at the founding of the Samraj. It is the busiest port in the country and the most cosmopolitan. Most of its population are Tlanelolli, a broad mixture of all the Calmaxtec and Eshtem peoples of the continent, though mainly of Chol'ul ancestry. The trade tongue of Kalmasi was born here, a mixture of Eshti and Chol'ul with a grab bag of words from other Calmaxtec dialects as well as even words from far away Heimval and even varhani curses.


Aside from legitimate commerce, it is also the seat of power for the Quicksilver Syndicate, an organization that existed even before the ancient Chol'um empire and endures today, trading in anything and everything they see fit, without regard to the rules of the younger institutions plastered over their city. They endure and prosper, despite the efforts of the Eyes of Evran to eradicate their influence, guided as always by their patron teotl, Huepilzantl.


In Mianej, anyone can buy anything available in Torvalen if they but have the coin. It is a city built on implacable desire and as long as people want, Mianej will provide.

Large city

Cover image: Passing Through Town by Shen Fei


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