Drakir Tribal Territories

In northeastern Heimval, north of Brynheim, are the tribal lands of the drakir. The drakir tribes live in bands called nanagesha that control territories in which they travel between seasonal camps. Each nanagesha is ruled by a female shaman, the ekwa'unichi and her eldest brother or adopted brother, the ekwa'dachi. The drakir tribes are the bitter enemies of the Brynir who drove them out of the southern reaches of their ancestral territories. Though the drakir are individually formidable and even larger and stronger than the Jolnir, the Jolnir were more numerous and technologically advanced.


The territories controlled by the drakir end on the northern edge of the great Uweya River, known as Blaufljot to the Brynir. This is the unspoken border between the Brynir and drakir tribes. There has been few incursions on either side in many years and an a wary peace has developed.


There are six drakir tribes in northeastern Heimval, the Aneguosh "southern sea people", Toneguosh "northern sea people", Anedohenash "northern forest people", Tonedohenash "southern forest people", Anegadunash "northern mountain people" and Tonegadunash "southern mountain people". Those who were driven from the south were the southern tribes. The Uweya was once the territorial border between the northern and southern tribes to which they all convened in late spring for the great salmon runs and for sturgeon hunting. Since driven north, the southern tribes have partially merged with their northern counterparts. This transition has been relatively peaceful, but not without a certain amount of ritual conflict and stress, due mainly to differences over hierarchy and over food and other resources.


Recently, some ejdehan, feeling solidarity with their cousin beccan people, have begun leveling the playing field by teaching them of the outside world, metallurgy and other technical advancements they in turn learned from the Volenarans. The drakir tribes look upon the ejdehan with a degree of reverence, admiring their wings and colors, even though the ejdehan are smaller and weaker. Through their assistance, the drakir have stepped up raids to the south in recent years and have even succeeded in taking back lands from settlers. They have also began prospecting and excavating mines in their mountain homes and have begun trading with Volenaran smugglers.

Alliance, Generic
Economic System
Gift economy
Related Species


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