
The Brynir are a large Jolnir tribe native to the Grunmark peninsula. They are named after the dark brown hair common among them, rare among other Jolnir tribes, aside from the Vandir. The Brynir lived in Grunmark much as the Ostir do in eastern Heimval, in small clans, each led by a theotan. They had no overlord or king until Grunmark was invaded by a Thalkunir force lead by Fridhov Bludhand.


Many Brynir theotans submitted to Fridhov, only to find themselves decapitated. Their people were taken as slaves and serfs to Fridhov's warriors. Other clans, knowing Fridhov for what he was, fled northwest into the mountainous forests of northwestern Heimval. Over the years they carved out the land of Brynheim, besting the native drakir people through superior weaponry and tactics.


The Brynir that remained in Grunmark made their resurgence after assisting Jonag Issenhjart in conquering Grunjord and established the the Jonagval Rikja. Rik Jonag restored the Brynir to their traditional status, promoting the best warriors as his theotans and granted them lands they had lost from Fridhov.


The Brynir are known for their stoic and taciturn nature. Unlike other Jolnir, they are not known to bluster or boast before a fight. They just decide to kill and go to work killing as they would any task needing doing. They are also known for fair dealing, much like the Yngir and also like the Yngir they are excellent shipbuilders and sailors. They also tend to be shorter than other Jolnir, men standing at just a little over six feet.


Many Brynir, particularly those of Brynheim, have a racial mistrust of excultid peoples, even more so than most Jolnir, especially towards the drakir whom they drove from their native forests, but also the ejdehan who the Brynir suspect of helping the drakir in recent years.

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