Left Eye of Evran

The Kalmasan Samraj is held together by a delicate balance of might, economy and the rule of law. The United Temples have been an intrinsic asset of the samrajan in pursuit of this balance, especially in the form of the Right Eye of Evran, those temple warriors and legally trained priests who administer justice in the name of Holy Evran and the samrajan and stamp out threats to its beneficient order. However, there are other threats, plots and designs that threaten to eat the samraj from the inside, like a creeping mold or infection, if not diagnosed and destroyed in time. The responsibility for diagnosing and treating these societal diseases belongs to the Left Eye of Evran.


The Left Eye are made up of highly trained Dharmati mages, rigorously trained in divination, illusion and battle magic by the Vidvanya jen Dharmu. They also receive temple training in dealings with spirits of all kinds and skills such as communication, detection, exorcism and banishment. Guiding them is the religious orthodox practices outlined in the holy Adej, which is also a source of their most powerful magics.


With their hard won skills, agents of the Left Eye work to infiltrate cults, black marketeers and rogue magicians, as well as hunt down dangerous spirits and unnatural beings that endanger the lives and order of the Kalmasan Samraj. Only the identities of senior agents involved in administration are publically known. Most agents operate anonymously, often posing as merchants, artisans, entertainers, clerks or scholars, positions where they may keep a close watch on the many facets of the Samraj's society. The Left Eye is led by the Behetka, whose authority within the Samraj is only outstripped by the Pavitra of the United Temples and the Samrajan himself.


Unlike the Right Eye, who have a reputation as shining protectors of the faith and people, the Left Eye has a reputation of fear and distrust to many, particularly by the powerful merchants and noble houses who must always wonder if any in their employ are agents of the Left Eye.

Government, Secret Service
Training Level
Leader Title
Parent Organization
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