Right Eye of Evran

The Right Eye of Evran are a dual militant and judicial order of the United Temples of Evran. They have operated as the judicial branch of the Kalmasan Samraj Samraj since Samrajan Mahendran I united the lands with the close support of the priests of Evran and the Mortars, who before the Samraj, were simply a militant order devoted to the protection of the temples.


In their role as a militant order, the Right Eye are temple guardians, keeping order in the devanic temple districts of Kalmasan cities and protecting temples and the faithful in the Kalmasan colonies elsewhere in Torvalen. Members of their order also perform duties as circuit judges in the countryside, adjudicating both civil and criminal law. In war, they perform the role of a special force skilled in heavy armored combat whose main duty is to provide the blessings and healing of Evran to aid the Samraj’s soldiers on the field of battle.


Joining the Right Eye is a very difficult task and most who attempt fail. In addition to rigorous martial training, members must understand Kalmasan civil and temple law thoroughly and undergo an extensive mental probe by a high priest of Evran to search out any ill intent or serious moral and ethical vulnerabilities that could be used as leverage to compromise their judgment.


The Right Eye is led by a grandmaster, the Dharmakar, who is subordinate only to the supreme leader of the Temples, the Pavitra.

Religious, Holy Order
Training Level
Leader Title
Parent Organization
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Cover image: Evran's Gaze by David Wood


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