
The Pavitra is the leader of the United Temples as well as the highest ranking priest of Evran. The high priests of the seven High Ones report to the Pavitra as well as the Dharmakar of the Right Eye of Evran and the Behetka of the Left Eye of Evran.


The Pavitra's primary responsibility is to maintain growth and stability by ensuring that the United Temples continues to grow and prosper while maintaining the orthodoxy of the United Temples established before the Exodus. A secondary, but important duty is to balance the power of the various temples and to maintain peace and cooperation between them for the benefit if the United Temples as a whole. Just as vital is the maintenance of strong relations with the Samrajan and the leaders of the powerful Houses that administer the Kalmasan provinces. The political and organizational challenges are immense and the Pavitra has a large team of priests to assist in these tasks.

Religious, Political
Reports directly to
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