
Tishkonach is the name given by the drakir people for the great telluri of the temperate rainforests of northwestern Heimval. Tishkonach is the emergent mind of the interplay of the lands, plants and creatures of that region.


All drakir revere Tishkonach not only as their home and means of survival, but also as the being that shaped them into what they are. Those drakir who speak for Tishkonach among their people and who are in deep communion with the spirit are the Shuna'ane order. In recent years though, others have sought communion with Tishkonach, including visiting ejdehan people from across the Vrede Sea as well as a few humans from Brynheim who sought to escape the civilization of the south and have become attuned to the voice of Tishkonach as they learned to survive in the wilds.


Many drakir would love to kill these humans in revenge for what their kind has done to themselves and the land, but the Shuna'ane have forbidden harm to them, following the wishes of Tishkonach itself. Some of the wiser Shuna'ane and drakir leaders believe that this is not a burden, but an opportunity.

Divine Classification
Great Spirit


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