Peoples of Ashar: The Dawning

  • 71000000 BE

    The Hammer of Fate
    Disaster / Destruction

    An asteroid struck in the south-central region of the then continent of Torvalen, causing the mass extinction of non-maniraptoran therapods aside from a few small species of ornithischians. Those that survived were almost all on the southern coast of the continent of Kemesh. On the landmasses that would become Utanar and Xusmalat, non-avian dinosaurs were completely wiped out, allowing for mammals to take over their ecological niches.

  • 68000000 BE

    Rise of the Keratoplexans
    Population Migration / Travel

    Keratoplexans radiate throughout Kemesh, becoming the dominant tetrapodal life of the continent.

  • 53000000 BE

    The Primates
    Life, Milestone

    The first primates arise in the vast jungles of central Xusmalat.

  • 50000000 BE

    The Versutids
    Life, Milestone

    The versutids, intelligent, tree-dwelling keratoplexans, arise in the forests of north-central Kemesh.

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  • 20000000 BE

    The Nereids
    Life, Milestone

    The ancestors of the ulanids, a branch of the Coleoidea superfamily of molluscs, the Nereids, emerge in the coastal seas off the west coast of Okaluan. They are vaguely cuttlefish-like, and have eight arms, two tentacles and vestigial fins. Their internal, chitinous mantle extends along the dorsal length of their body. Rib-like extensions from this mantle extend along the length, providing rigidity and protection. They are pack animals, using complex signaling with color, gesture and texture to coordinate during hunts. Males compete to mate with the larger females, going through senescence afterwards. They are very successful and spread along the west and south of Okaluan and the northwest coasts of Kemesh.

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  • 16000000 BE

    A Spark Beneath the Waves
    Life, Milestone

    Food collapse causes some Nereids to evolve new strategies of survival, leading to the emergence of the Ulanids. They are characterized by females becoming larger and sedentary in adulthood. Males both hunt and scavenge in groups, bringing food to the same female who lives in rocky crevasses, coral crevasses or other protecting structures. Some older males are always nearby to guard against predators and ulanids from other groups as well as help tend to the young. They are the first eusocial molluscs.

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  • 14000000 BE

    Precision Grip
    Life, Milestone

    Mutations involving distal bifurcation of the tentacles in ulanids are useful for opposition grips and become selected for, allowing finer manipulation of found tools.

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  • 10000000 BE

    Tools of Survival
    Life, Milestone

    Tool use in ulanids becomes more specialized and complex, employing food refuse at first, such clam shells as cutting tools, fish teeth or spines. These aid in acquiring food and defending their clans from rivals as well as excavating and building shelter. They are able to out compete other ulanid groups and defend themselves against the most dangerous predators. Their communication abilities become more complex and technologies are passed to offspring.

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  • 8500000 BE

    Swim East, Young Mollusc!
    Population Migration / Travel

    Some ulanid species spread into the Torvalen Sea out of the western ocean as sea levels continue to drop, seeking food and warmer waters.

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  • 8000000 BE

    Chill Winds Bring Change
    Geological / environmental event

    A cooling climate changed most of Kemesh to savannah and grasslands. Some versutids adapted to this new environment and adopted a bipedal posture, becoming the first excultoids.   This global cooling changed the climate of Xusmalat in the same manner, leading to the rise of the homonoids in northwestern Xusmalat.

  • 6000000 BE

    Crossing Over
    Population Migration / Travel

    Early excultids spread out of Kemesh east into Kalmasa and west into Okaluan, crossing narrow landbridges created by the current glaciation event lowering global sea levels.


    Another land bridge forms between northeastern Xusmalat and southeastern Utanar. Homonin species cross northwards.


    The landbridge between Kemesh and Okaluan cuts off populations of ulanids in the outer ocean from those in the Torvalen Sea.

  • 3000000 BE

    The Great Dying
    Geological / environmental event

    The current glaciation period, called the Nehem glaciation, begins. During its first glacial cycle, most ulanids die out as their food sources disappear or their environment becomes too cold. However, two species manage to survive.


    Those adapted to the brakish estuary and mangrove environments of southwestern Okaluan migrate further inland into the vast, hotspring fueled Ko forest swamps, adopting an amphibious, arboreal existence. These are the ancestors of the tua (Ulano feros).


    Another species of ulanid adapted to the deep coral reefs at the bottom of the continental slope of eastern Okaluan escape into the deep sea vents along the Mid-Torvalen rift, quickly outcompeting other predators and adapting to the pressures of the deep. These are the ancestors of the abyssal ulan (Ulano tenebrae). Over time, their chromatophores have evolved to be phosphorescent in the lightless realms.


    Excultids diverge into the Beccan and Labian genera. The Beccans spread northwards into Barendar. Labians emerge in Kemesh, some of which migrate to Okaluan and others into southern Kalmasa.

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  • 2000000 BE

    Dark Arts
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Over time and the high selective pressures of survival in the depths, some groups of U. tenebrae develop the ability to control their own physiology by conceptualizing their physical needs.


    This manifests itself at first by the ability to consciously regulate metabolism, but through cultural transmission, these rudimentary abilities improve to the point where the most advanced females, whose lifespan and intelligence is already greater than the males, learn how to modify the proteins in their venom to produce morphic compounds in a wide range of applications. Here in the lightless depths of the Torvalen Sea, the first example of intentional magic, in the form of biomantic esoteric magic, is first implemented by sapient beings.


    The abyssal ulan begin to spread across the length of the underwater mountains and out onto the abyssal plains, where life is even more challenging. Fierce competition erupts for scarce resources between demenses, these pressures selecting for the most ruthless, intelligent queens’ survival.

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  • 1000000 BE

    Humans, Varhani and Beccans, Oh My!
    Life, Milestone

    Modern Homo sapiens appear in northern Xusmalat.   Modern Labio silvans appear in Kemesh.   An archaic species of genus Becco migrates into Heimval.

  • 750000 BE

    The Tecuhtli
    Life, Milestone

    Modern Labio perditans appear in southern Kalmasa.

  • 500000 BE

    The Hakanu
    Life, Milestone


    Labio callidans

    appear in southern Okaluan.

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  • 300000 BE

    Hemispheric Domination
    Population Migration / Travel

    Homo sapiens first spread northwards into Utanar, crossing a landbridge in the northeast of Xusmalat. With their superior tools and adaptability, they quickly outcompete existing homonid species on the northern continent.

  • 250000 BE

    Geological / environmental event

    A extremely long and warm interglacial cycle combined with continuing continental drift results in an extended isolation of the Torvalen continents. Speciation increases in Torvalen with competition within more enclosed ecosystems.


    The same occurs between Utanar and Xusmalat, but since they are much larger continents, it is not as impactful.

  • 225000 BE

    Going our Separate Ways
    Life, Milestone

    The beccans of Heimval speciate between those adapted to the colder tundra, boreal forests and highlands of northern Heimval, the ettnir (Becco borealis) and those adapted to the warmer plains, marshes and coastal environments of southern Heimval (Becco occidentis and Becco orientalis).

  • 200000 BE

    Seeing the Light
    Era beginning/end

    By this time, the civilizations in the depths of the Torvalen Sea were already highly complex. All the valuable territory, that had enough to support abyssal civilization, was occupied. These territories were necessarily vast, given the poor resources available. The intense competition led to the increased use of biomancy by the abyssal queens to make tools and slaves of their offspring and other creatures. Their society became rigid and stagnant. Increasingly complex political games were being played between the queens, sometimes over real resources and other times simply over prestige or more petty reasons. The queens became psychologically inclined towards what would considered in humans as psychopathy, sociopathy and narcissism. Those without this ‘killer instinct’ rarely survived.


    But then one daughter, Sharpest-Eye-Quickest-Beak's-Third-Daughter, a low ranking overseer of her mother’s scavenging parties, changed that. Her mother’s realm was in the western Torvalen Sea, some eighty kilometers offshore near the continental slope of northern Kalmasa. Knowing she was not well favored, given her more kind predilections towards her brothers, and would likely be killed eventually by her younger sisters, she planned her escape. When the time was right, she fled with twenty males. With them she established the first coastal ulanid community in eons, beginning the era of the coastal ulan (Ulano lucides).

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  • 150000 BE

    Island Hopping
    Population Migration / Travel

    A population of Becco occidentis living on the coasts of the Vrede peninsula in southwestern Heimval had developed their keratoplex, originally used as elaborate mating displays, to gliding, using the strong winds to hunt prey, mainly large aquatic and semiaquatic keratoplexans.


    When the last glaciation event began, new islands emerged southwest of the peninsula. Over the course of thousands of years, these beccans continued to migrate island to island until some of them arrived on the shores of northeastern Volenar, making it the last continent in Ashar to be settled by an intelligent species and heralding the beginning of the ejdehan (Becco occidentis volenaris).

  • 110000 BE

    The Southern Escape
    Population Migration / Travel

    As the latest Nehem glaciation reaches its maximum, the northern ulan communes off the coast of Heimval and Volenar are challenged by receding waters, advancing ice and cold. Unlike their ancient ancestors, they did not retreat into the depths. Their amas instead led them south to resettle on the northern coasts of Kemesh, assisted by the communes of their sisters to the south. Though this put a strain on resources, it also sparked new innovations in husbandry and biomancy that increased food yields and strengthened the ties of the previously far flung ulan communities.

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  • 100000 BE

    The People of the Forests
    Life, Milestone

    Most of western Heimval, west of the Sutberg range is blanketed in a dense, temperate rainforest. It is a sanctuary of relative warmth, proctected by mountains to the east and north and nourished by the warm, moist southwestern air currents. The beccans of these forests gradually adapt to this environment by the conversion of their long, movable keratoplex quills into simple but strong hook like limbs that help them climb trees and cliffs as well as hold young and other items, developing into the modern drakir (Becco occidentis uncus).

  • 21000 BE

    The Winnowing
    Population Migration / Travel

    Humans migrate from Utanar into Heimval.

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  • 20000 BE

    A Meeting of Minds
    Cultural event

    As soon as Ashar began to warm once more, the ulan communes that had fled south gradually migrated back to their abandoned northern homes. At the same time, the excultid peoples began developing the watercraft and skill allowing them to fish farther from shore and communes came into increasing contact with these newcomers in their rafts and canoes.


    Occasionally, some of these primitive people attempted to hunt the ulan they came across, but were laughably unsuccessful. The amas conferred amongst each other through watertalk and agreed to allow these beings to hunt their territories and even to rescue them if found in distress, since they all wished to learn more about these new people. Over time, they learned the languages of those they rescued and gained insight into the ways of the landwellers. In many excultid cultures, the ulan became revered as emissaries of the great spirits, or even as gods themselves.

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  • 10500 BE

    The Ak'thri
    Cultural event

    The Ak'thri, a tecuhtli tribe on the western coast of Kalmasa, develop a close relationship with the nearby ulan commune and in time adapt the biomantic arts of the ulan for themselves, learning how to enhance and change their bodies to suit their purposes and to pass on desired traits to their progeny.

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  • 10000 BE

    Island Paradise
    Population Migration / Travel

    Minor fishing clans of the Chi'ik Kaaj tribe in northwestern Xusmalat discover an archipelago of large islands far distant from the tip of the northwestern peninsula. The islands are lush and bountiful on land and sea. Encouraged by the bounty and a desire to be free of periodic raids of stronger inland rival clans, they settle the islands, which would become remembered by them as the Golden Lands.

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  • 10000 BE

    The Nagathi
    Population Migration / Travel

    Rebellious Ak'thri clans resisting control of the growing priesthood of biomancers escape their power by becoming sea nomads, adapting themselves to a permanent life on the sea and become the nagathi.

  • 9000 BE

    Paradise Lost
    Population Migration / Travel

    As the latest glacial minimum of the Nehem glaciation reaches its most severe heat, sea level rise accelerates. Islands and coastlines are consumed by the seas over the course of mere decades. The island peoples off the coast of northwestern Xusmalat are confronted with loss and stark choices.

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  • 8821 BE

    The Founding of Acuecueyolotl's Temple

    Approximately two centuries passed since the ancestors of the Calmaxtec fled the destruction of the Golden Lands and their great catamarans landed in this new land they named Calmaxtlan. For a generation they survived near the coasts, wary of the strange and dangerous beasts of their new home, completely alien to what they knew in their islands across the sea. But with blood and grim determination, they slowly won the knowledge they needed to not only survive, but thrive. They established for themselves a new home and had restarted their civilzation, when their presence was finally marked by others.

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  • 8437 BE

    The Rise of the Marsh People

    The city-state of Eshkar is established when the Eshtem of the Markunj River delta in southwestern Utanar declare themselves independent from the Turha Empire. Other Eshtem cities in the southern coastal region soon follow their example, establishing mutual defense and take control of sea lanes with Xusmalat.

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  • 8232 BE

    Out of the Frying Pan and Forged by the Fire
    Life, Relocation

    The peaceful agriculturalist ancestors of the Kahala'i hakanu are driven north from their gentle, fertile lands in central Okaluan by the fierce and numerous southern tribes. They find refuge and new dangers in the steep valleys of the mountainous, volcanic lands of Kahala.

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  • 0 BE

    The Great Exodus
    Disaster / Destruction