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The Village of Hommlet is situated in the central part of Flanaess on the fringe of the territory controlled by its noble Lord, the Viscount of Verbobonc. To its north is the mighty Velverdyva River, along whose south bank runs the Lowroad. Many days' travel to the east, on the shores of the Lake of Unknown Depths, is the great walled city of Dyvers. To the southeast are miles of forest, the Gnarley Wood, beyond which is the Wild Coast, Wooly Bay, and the Sea of Gearnat. The road south forks a league or so beyond the tiny community of Hommlet and meanders through the Kron Hills to the village of Ostverk and then eventually turning southwards again into the Elven kingdom of Celene. The western route leads into the very heart of the gnomish highlands, passing through Greenway Valley about a day's travel distant and going onwards to the Lortmil Mountains far beyond.   Local History Hommlet grew from a farm or two, a rest house, and a smithy. The roads brought a sufficient number of travelers and merchant wagons to attract tradesmen and artisans to serve those passing through. The rest house became a thriving inn, a wheel and wain-wright settled in the thorp, and more farmers and herdsmen followed, for grain was needed for the passing animals, and meat was in demand fo r the innfolk. Prosperity was great, for the lord of the district was mild and taxed but little. Trade was good, and the land was untroubled by war or outlaws or ravaging beasts. The area was too free, too beautiful, too bountiful, at least in the eyes of some. Whether the evil came west from Dyvers as is claimed by one faction, or crept up out of the forestlands bordering the Wild Coast as others assert, come it did. At first it was only a few thieves and an odd group of bandits molesting the merchant caravans. Then came small bands of kobolds or goblins raiding the flocks and herds. Local militia and foresters of the Waldgraf of Ostverk apprarently checked, but not stopped, the spread of outlawry and evil.  

Locations in Hommlet

1. Temple to Fharlanghn

This extremely small temple is little more than a single room with a modest mud and straw roof. Just outside its doors is wooden post to which a few pieces of ribbon have been attached to its top and arrows nailed to its vertical facings, pointing in various directions of the destinations of worshippers who have come to it for a blessing. A small stable is built alongside the structure which houses a single donkey which some say seems to nod and smile at any who come to visit the temple. It is customary to bring a bit of ale for the donkey as a measure of good luck before going out on the road. The temple is maintained by Jennithar Rhengold, a golden-haired half-elven cleric of Fharlanghn. No one locally comes here for services and it is only visitors passing through town that ever visit. Jennithar has heard tales long and far and is a good source for information happening throughout the region.  

2. Temple to Pelor

This temple is tended to by two clerics: Yether the Keen was assigned here two years ago by the church hierarchy in Verbobonc. He is in his late fifties, ruddy-faced and sporting a short gray-white beard and full head of hair. Nerris, Yether's assistant, serves as an acolyte. The building itself is a tall stone building with stained glass windows depicting Pelor and symbology of the sun. Huge glass windows are built into the roof which allow the sun to light up the worship hall during the days, reflected off the white marble stone that make up its interior. It has several private rooms which house the clergy and a family that serve to cook, clean and maintain the grounds.  

3. Church of St. Cuthbert

Canon Y'dey is the head of the largest temple in town, though most of the day-to-day operations are left to Canon Calmert. The building itself is an impressive stone structure built upon a hill which overlooks much of the old village. It is an elongated, two-story hall with four separate wings. Next to the building itself is a well maintained graveyard of headstones that mark the graves of citizens of Hommlet of various faiths. There is one extraordinarily large monument in the cemetery that pays tribute to a dwarf named Dane Battlehammer, a fallen hero who died defending the world from Zuggtmoy during the fall of the Temple of Elemental Evil. A plaque at its base reads "Dane Battlehammer: Hero of Hommlet, Champion of the Lortmils, the Might of Moradin. Listen for evil with your eyes as well as your ears; fight it with your heart."   The church maintains a small orphanage that is cared for by Calmert's wife, Ronda.  

4. Inn of the Stumbling Ogre

A square wooden sign shows a bald ogre holding several mugs of mead walking precariously in an attempt to keep its balance. The building is a two story inn and tavern with bar and dining area on the first floor and lodging on the second. Additional rooms specifically for professed adventurers have been made in the basement off of a formerly secret hideaway that was utilized decades ago by spies working for the The Righteous Host. The tavern maintains a wide variety of ales and wines from across the Flanaess and the aroma of the kitchen's renowned fare is difficult to resist. A large notice board is posted just inside the entrance, making it impossible to take a look at it without nosy locals taking interest in who might be looking for a task or quest.   Until more recent times, the Inn of the Stumbling Ogre was long the only established inn that Hommlet had to offer until its recent growth in the past ten years. It is maintained by the Gundigoot family, having now officially passed into Abe Gundigoot's hands as owner with his father, Ostler Gundigoot, serving more as a host. Ostler has taken great pride in the reputation that the Inn of the Stumbling Ogre has gathered as a pilgrimage site for fledging adventurers and he takes great pleasure spending his time in the taproom telling stories of the many heroes who have passed through to have a drink in his establishment. When Gundigoot greets new patrons he also shares a tradition that one must introduce themselves to a stranger and tell a fantastical story of their past whether true or untrue (A tradition known as In "In Absalom's Shadow"). The listener of the tale must guess whether the tale is at its core true or false; if guessed correctly than the storyteller must buy the listener a drink; if guessed incorrectly the listener must sponsor the round.  

5. Terrigan's

As a counterpoint to the Inn of the Stumbling Ogre, Terrigan's is a low-price, low-class tavern where more of the locals and passersby not wishing to meddle with adventurer's will stay. It consists only of a taproom and a limited menu of food with but a few modest rooms for lodging. It serves cheap ale and generous portions. Terrigan is a former resident of Nulb, having relocated to Hommlet during the sacking of the Temple of Elemental Evil (he was 14 years old at the time). He has a well-deserved reputation among Elmo and Burne, having served for the past few years as a member of the town militia. The building itself is a narrow three-story building with the first floor accomodating the taproom, the second accomodating guests, and the third floor reserved for Terrigan and his family (wife and two young children).  

6. The Crooked Post - General Store

The old trading house is run by Lottie and Wesley, two reformed bandits who have been operating the business since the sacking of the Temple of Elemental Evil. Although other shops and merchants now operate in the town, The Crooked Post is a favorite of adventurers and travelers mostly due to proximity to the Inn of the Stumbling Ogre but also because Lottie and Wes provide discounts to those that show them a token or trophy from an interesting quest. Lottie and Wesley sell all manner of goods and are the stop for those that have oddities they cannot sell elsewhere (Lottie and Wes have connections in Verbobonc they are able to tap into to sell items that are of a narrow selection of interested buyers).  

7. Weavers

Jaer and Sunom (male and female commoners), a married couple, work out of their home as weavers. Jaer and Sunom were former residents of Nulb. Jaer often jests about his survival within the Elemental Node of Water where he was sent as a sacrifice after resisting the occupation forces of Iuz.  

8. Tailor

Geno (human male) is a well-traveled man who moved to Hommlet a year prior to the sacking of the Temple of Elemental Evil. He is now approaching his elderly years but still plies his trade as a tailor. His close friendship with Nyx is oft gossiped about. His shop is marked by a signboard painted with the images of lords and ladies dancing in ornate tunics and gowns. He maintains a comfortable apartment above his shop and can sometimes be seen staring out the window smoking a pipe.  

9. Stables

Rudoulf (male dwarf commoner) is a stout, black-bearded fellow who runs this establishment. He buys and sells horses as well as quartering them for a fee. Two stable hands assist him, Zronka (female hobgoblin) and Kish (female halfling).  

10. Dragon Turtle Brewery

Thaenai Sevensong (female elf commonor) manages the brewery, which has expanded and relocated since the old days. She purchased the recipes from Braumeister Osswald's sons after his passing five years ago. Now she employs ten people at this very busy operation which has expanded beyond ales and has begun producing wines and meads, many of which are inspired by beverages enjoyed by the elves of Celene with slight alterations to appeal to the locals. The Humbold Honeymoon Honeymead and the Vin de Teasly (Teasly Wine) are favorites at the Stumbling Ogre.  

11. Safe Journey's - Teamster

Nyx still runs the carter business with her husband. Four of their five children have moved out of the house, now taking the reigns of their own carts back and forth between Hommlet and Verbobonc. Their oldest, Mick (25 years old), has moved to the town of Rastor to try and expand the business. Her husband, Moe, no longer travels which keeps him home - it has been noted that the two seem very bitter with each other and Mick is known to spend a lot of time at Terrigan's drinking. Nyx is an imposing woman and makes direct eye contact when asserting herself. She doesn't like negotiating and is very film when she has made up her mind. She has no time for small talk. She has a fondness for all things Gnomish and her curiosity of the subject always subdues her hardened persona. She is a member of the Council of Hommlet. In addition to her children, she employs two wagon drivers named Cassie and Teddy.  

12. Woodcutter

Fenn cuts and collects wood from his humble one-room home where he raised his children. They have since grown up and moved to the countryside to farm the land. Fenn is very solitary, his only friend prior to the sacking of the Temple of Elemental Evil was the druid Jaroo who was killed by cultists in a summoning ritual. The only social function he ever attends is the Festival of Verdantia where he always says a few words about his friend and makes a plea for folks to remember the Old Faith.  

13. Smithy

The blacksmith Autumn has expanded her shop and now supervises six different blacksmiths that work under her supervision and share her forge. They are Alphon (male halfling), Tupper (male human), Harris (male human), Psolik (Oeridian female), Arthin Basthincar (female human). Both ends of this soot-stained building are massive stone block chimneys. The sound of hammers ringing on metal clang from the smithy all day and all night. Autumn still does custom work personally for adventurers who ask it of her.  

14. Sage

Daedi Nem (female Rhenee) is the most learned scholar in Hommlet, an expert in most common topics: history, nature, geography, arcana). She has a fairly extensive library of books and scrolls in her home which she freely shares with adventurers who stop by to speak with her.  

15. Candlemaker

This small shop is located away from most of the other businesses in Hommlet. It's a pink building with yellow shutters and seems to be in good condition. A sign out front depicts several candles and is covered with wax drippings. Here, a former Nulb resident named Lady Nashtia continues to ply her trade now for Hommlet. She is sixty years old with black hair streaked with grey; her hands calloused and burned from years of work. She says she has lived many places, including the City of Greyhawk, where she says she learned her craft and made candles for many wealthy merchants and minor lords.  

16. Old Town Hall

This building was once the village hall, where townsfolk would gather to discuss matters of importance often led by the Council of Hommlet (before the coming of Rufus and Burne ten years ago). It has long sat in disuse and is now simply used as storage for Elmo and Burne. It is infested with rats and unusable.  

17. Papa Zentrem's Bakery

This establishment bears a hand-painted sign with its name and a picture of a loaf of bread. "Papa" Zentrem is a former resident of Nulb who specializes in sweets, pastries, cakes, etc. The wonderful smells coming from his shop every morning spread throughout the neighborhood and he is quite popular with the children who loiter outside his business hoping to sample any misshapen treats he deems unworthy of sale. He maintains a residence above the bakery with his wife Suella and their daughter, Malora.  

18. Stonemason

Gister Noshim makes his living as a mason. He grew wealthy building the keep over the last few years and now lives in a luxurious house with his large extended family.  

19. The Prince's Crown - Jeweler

Nira Melubb relocated her store to a brand new building on the Eastern side of Hommlet with more sophisticated safes to keep the money and gems she keeps on hand. The sign posted outside displays a representation of Prince Thrommel IV's crown amidst a pile of gold coin. She now has two other appraisers that work for her and an increased security detail to keep her business safe.  

20. Wheel and Wainwright

Winta Goldwing (female human) took over this business from her uncle a few years ago. She is in over her head and any visitor to her workshop will see that it is cluttered with various projects in different stages of progress. A crudely hand-lettered sign over the door still reads "Imeth's Wagonworks" though he has not owned the business in years. The outside of her establishment is littered with wheels and tools which are an eyesore.  

21. Leatherworker

Marcus works here and employs three employees. A pungent smell of tanned and oiled leathers fills the crowded workshop. Marcus specializes in stylish leather jackets, longcoats, caps, boots, leggings, bracers, belts, baldrics and full leather armor. Over a drink, Marcus often admits he fantasized about becoming an adventurer himself after his involvement at the Temple of Elemental Evil but saw how devastated his wife Autumn was after a friend of hers, Veltor, died at the Battle of the Hall of Triumphal Evil. He put those ambitions aside and put his efforts into his craft in hopes that something he made might safe the life of someone willing to risk everything for Hommlet.  

22. Potter

This plain square building is the home and business of the local potter. Sumone Hann (female human) with the help of two young workers makes all manner of pots, flagons, dishes and the like.  

23. Carpenter

The sign outside this building depicts a saw and hammer. The building is constructed with fresh pine treated with a reddish oil stain. This functions as the workshop and home for the local carpenter, Ron, who has lived in Hommlet since the early days of the construction of the keep a decade ago.  

24. Milk Market

Chonas Divor (tiefling male commoner) purchases dairy from the local farmers and keeps three employees here who assist with the making of cheeses, butter and other products. Chonas has a cellar underneath the stone building which are cooled by a permanent spell Burne placed within. Chonas is well versed in martial arts and leads some classes just outside the market when the weather is fair; some believe he may be a mystic or monk of some kind. He is known for passing along philosophical advice and food-for-thought witticisms and for having a very even-tempered personality. He is well regarded in the community.  

25. Potions and Elixirs

This apothacary is run by Renae, Spugnoir's adopted daughter (now 17 years old). Though young, Renae is extremely intelligent and mature. She sells potions that her father creates or sends ingredients back for her to mix. She has mastered how to concoct healing potions but lately her father has been much too busy to help or send much of anything else back to restock the shelves. At present, besides healing potions Renae has only a few other items in stock.  

26. Grove

 This was once the grove tended to by the druid Jaroo. Sadly, in his absence the grove has become unruly and small uskfruit trees bearing poisoned blue fruit have encroached on the formerly vibrant plantlife. Some in the village believe that the grove has become cursed due to the nature of Jaroo's death and it is a place ignored by most of the residents save for a few brave children who walk through on dares. Even during the holiday of Verdantia, the locals prefer to celebrate by hanging offerings at alternative locations than the traditional tree in the grove.  

27. The Keep

This fortress is the home of Burne the wizard and Elmo the huntsman. Both are lords who officially represent the interests of the Viscount of Verbobonc, though his influence the past ten years has been minimally exerted on either of them. A small group of professionalized soldiers are in their employ who are specifically charged with the safety of the roads and of Hommlet (though a local militia still operates made up of volunteers; both forces participate in drills together). Though the name "The Badgers" has since been repurposed by many of the locals to refer collectively to the adventuring party responsible for sacking the Temple of Elemental Evil, occasionally some of the older folk in town will refer to these guards as the Badgers out of habit. Burne mostly keeps to himself within his tower, only occasionally venturing out to the Stumbling Ogre to socialize with adventurers. Lord Elmo is much more the politician and visible leader between the two by settling disputes between the locals and attending public functions.    The Keep itself consists of an inner keep sheltered behind both an inner and outer wall. The keep consists of four levels with a grand hall, feast hall, a huge kitchen, many storerooms, apartments and offices for both Burne and Elmo, a barracks, a vast library and guest chambers. Burne's tower still stands as a separate structure now enclosed within the outer wall. The wall is patrolled by the guard and its position on the tallest hill in Hommlet gives it a clear view of the surrounding area for threats.  

28. The Mill

A large waterwheel uses the force of the river to power the grinding stone in the mill. A wooden building with green shutters sits in tune with the creaking sound of the wheel. A fine dusting of flour coats the windows and door. Here a bugbear named Dunrat operates the mill with two employees (Themlock and Nhygen, human male commoners).

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