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Jah Keved


Located in eastern Roshar, Jah Keved is the second largest state on the planet, claiming over five and a half million square kilometres of land. It shares its eastern border with Alethkar and Herdaz on three rivers, while in the west, it is bordered by Tu Bayla and Triax. North to south, the country stretches across the entire continent, between the Reshi and Tarat Seas.

Though verdant, Jah Keved doesn't possess many major rivers. The country's most notable geographical feature are the Horneater Peaks in the east, which form an important strategic barrier against the Alethi.


During the Silver Kingdoms era, the territory now occupied by Jah Keved belonged to the kingdom of Valhav. Since that time, the countries of Tu Bayla and Triax have splintered off, though Jah Keved still holds vast majority of Valhav lands, including what was presumably its capital, Vedenar, along with its Oathgate.

For a long time, Jah Keved was the largest country on Roshar. After Gavilar Kholin unified Alethkar into a single state, the Veden fought a number of small border wars against the Alethi, attempting to test their defenses. Though they were eventually pushed back by the forces led by Dalinar Kholin, small conflicts between Alethi and Veden highprinces continued for many years. Nonetheless, the country remained the main oasis of stability in the region.

This all changed when The Assassin in White murdered the Veden King Hanavanar, along with a number of highprinces. This plunged the country into a chaotic civil war, with at least seven different factions hoping to claim Vedenar and crown their leader king. Following a bloody and brutal conflict, King Taravangian of Kharbranth was installed to the throne as a way of ending the civil war.


Much like Alethkar or Kharbranth, the population of Jah Keved is divided into darkeyes and lighteyes, with the latter holding power. A number of weaker, lower-dahn noble houses owe fealty to a group of Highprinces, who in turn owe fealty to a king.

As the largest country prior to the unification of Alethkar, Jah Keved has strong influence on the culture of other Vorin states. The centre of Vorin church, the Holy Enclave, is located in the Veden city of Valath. Valath is also the location of one of Roshar's major Spanreed hubs, adding to the city's importance.

In the last few decades, Jah Keved fought a number of small border wars against Alethkar. Though they were initially pushed back out of Alethi territory by forces led by Dalinar Kholin, the skirmishes and battles between Veden and Alethi highprinces continued for over a decade. Despite that, the two kingdoms appear to have good diplomatic relations, and a marriage between their lighteyes isn't seen as anything out of the ordinary.

Though not as militaristic as their eastern neighbors, Jah Keved is thought to possess the most Shards of any country other than Alethkar, including about twenty Shardblades. Prior to the civil war, each Veden highprince maintained their own military. However, it appears that following Taravangian's crowning, the surviving units have all been folded under his command.

The Veden military boasts an enormous number of soldiers and powerful fortifications. Entering their territory without sufficient preparations is generally considered to be a horrid idea bound to mire the potential assailant in years-long conflict, and a massive drain on resources. Jah Keved is known for their raiding tactics. The army operates in smaller raider groups, about four thousand strong, backed by a powerful main force. Those raiders are highly mobile, capable of harrying the enemy while avoiding direct confrontation. Their generals are noted to be excellent, even by Alethi standards.

A major focus of the Veden strategy is the defense of the strip of land between Horneater Peaks and Alethkar. Though narrow and underpopulated, it's a verdant, rich land that can be used as a staging area for any invasion of Jah Keved.

Peoples of Jah Keved:

Jah Keved is comprised of at least four distinct ethnic groups - Veden, Siln, Bav and Unkalaki.   Veden:
The Veden people are typically associated with pale skin and violet eyes. Their language belongs to the Vorin family, and is close enough to that of Alethkar to be mutually intelligible for both sides. The Alethi are also close to Vedens in fashion.

The Veden are by and large Vorin, worshipping the Almighty and the Heralds. They appear to be more religious than average Vorins, with higher importance being placed on the trappings of the faith, such as the safehand and the strict division between masculine and feminine arts. In particular, they are noted to be highly respectful and reverent of the ardents, and extremely traditional in the particulars of the doctrine.

Siln and Bav:
The Siln people live in and around the southern city of Silnasen. They are noted as being less technologically advanced than the rest of the country, with highly ritualized warfare. Their apparent independence from Veden rule may stem from the fact that they were once a sovereign city-state.

The Bav people live in Bavland, a small region in the south-western corner of the country. They are mostly miners, and have their own language and culture largely separate from that of the Veden.

The Unkalaki - or Horneaters, as they are called by outsiders - live on top of the mountains known as Horneater Peaks. They are one of several peoples with Singer ancestry, and have some attributes that set them apart from other Rosharan humans, such as their unusually strong teeth (which is where the "Horneater" nickname comes from) and the ability to occasionally hear the Rhythms. Red hair is also a typically Unkalaki feature, and are a mark of Horneater ancestry on a person from outside the Peaks.

Though the Horneater Peaks are nominally part of Jah Keved, the Unkalaki have their own language, system of beliefs and government, and don't seem to see themselves as Veden citizens. However, the Veden still claim the right to levy troops from among them in times of war.
Geopolitical, Country


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