Summer Camp 2024



Last year was my first Summer Camp participation. I had relatively modest goals (Copper), but still was not able to achieve that, partly because of life but also because I didn't have a good process set up. This year, I'm going to revise my process and see how it goes.


Week 1: Organization

This week's theme is change.

Assignment 1: Consider the Theme

What kind of changes would fit in with your world's themes, genre, and other foundational points?

Ruartei is a science fiction "world" focused on an interstellar civilization (composed of thousands of worlds) in a section of galactic space. The types of applicable changes are technological, political, cultural, and so on.

Assignment 3: Organize Your World

Get your categories and tags organized! Consider using a special tag (e.g., sc24) for summer camp articles so they are more easily found afterwords for revision, categorization, etc.

I've got the basic categories already setup. I'll add additional ones as needed. See Website Structure for the list and arrangement.

Assignment 4: Update Your Meta

Take a look at your meta, primer, and any other high-level document and update it according to the current state of your world.

I've updated the Foundation section of the meta — removing the author only part (that's now on a separate private world site) — and written new information on 2 of the prompts in the Scene section.

Assignment 2: Set Your Goal

Decide how many prompts you'll go for during Summer Camp. Then, download the pledge document and fill it accordingly!

I'm not sure how busy I'll be in July so I've chosen to pledge Cooper. That's 2 prompts per week, which I should be able to do.
World Anvil Summer Camp 2024 Pledge
World Anvil Summer Camp 2024 Pledge by World Anvil Fillable PDF

Week 2: Support and Infrastructure

This week's theme is refuge.

Assignment 1: Consider the Theme

Consider what kinds of refuge would fit in with your world's themes, genre, and other foundational points.

Ruartei has a number of refuge worlds, safe havens, hidden enclaves — and a number of refugees. It will depend on the specific prompts as to which parts of Ruartei fit in with the refuge them.

Assignment 2: Choose Your Support Network

Find a community—whether that’s our Discord server, Facebook Group, your RPG or friend group, or something else.

My support network will consist of the World Anvil Disccord server, in particular the Articles Anonymous chapter and the Summer Camp channel and possibly some of the various WA world builders Discord servers.

Assignment 3: Improve Your Styling

Find ways to improve styling and layout in your world!

Right now, I am using a separate private world to experiment with new layouts and styling. I don't have time now to put it on my main world (from which I will be submitting my Summer Camp articles. Maybe by World Ember.

Assignment 4: Revise Your CSS

If you’re a CSS wizard, maybe take the time now to give it a polish!

I'm actively developing a new theme on my separate private world. This also involves changing my custom article templates. Once again, there's not enough time to implement it on my main world so I'll just wait until after Summer Camp, but continue to work on the them on the private world until Summer Camp begins.

Week 3: Inspiration

This week's theme is belief.

Assignment 1: Consider the Theme

Consider what kind of beliefs would fit in with your world's themes, genre, and other foundational points.

Beliefs. Beliefs. Beliefs. As befits a starfaring civilization, Ruartei has many different beliefs and belief systems — ranging from their religions (ranging from mystics to organized political powerhouses), their philosophies (for every conceivable philosophy, there's probably some group, planet, or star system that follows it), their folklore (local and interstellar), and even their science (scholars still argue about dimensional theory and scientists argue about how warp paths and warp bubbles actually work).

Assignment 2: Find Your Inspirations

Create a bank of inspirations! Quotes, music, description of experiences and shower thoughts, etc.

I don't really have these sorts of inspirations. I've been building my world in my mind, physical notes, and digital files for so long — decades — that I've pretty much lost track of those sorts of things. However, the beginning of my world was inspired (but is very different from) Star Trek (the original series) and Andre Norton (her science fantasy books, not her Witch World books).

Assignment 3: Think About Your Images and a Map

Find art and pictures that inspire you, and grab a map if you don't have one (and need one).

I plan to use Midjourney to create cover images for the articles. But I will also look for stock images for which I have valid licensing (and will, of course, credit the artist and stock image site). I doubt that I will have time to make any maps, but I plan to start exploring software to create starmaps (before and after Summer Camp).

Assignment 4: Review Your Inspirations

Check your inspirations again. Are they still relevant? Can you find any that better represent the current state of your project?

I don't have a list of inspirations (as noted in Assignment 2), but there are numerous inspiring world sites on World Anvil. Too many to list, but...

Week 4: Writing Environment & World Site

This week's theme is decay.

Assignment 1: Consider the Theme

Consider what kind of decay would fit in with your world's themes, genre, and other foundational points.

Ah yes, decay. Lots of things to write about in regard to that. Empires, worlds, religious orders, species... Pretty much anything. I'll wait and see what the prompts suggest.

Assignment 2: Optimize Your Environment

Think about strategies to optimize your writing space and time!

I already have some general strategies for my writing — both space and time. But I'm always looking to improve them.
Currently, I've reduced other commitments (and not just for Summer Camp), so I can write and world build much more. And I have a number of different writing environments. In the past, this has been so that I can write more often and in various locations (mostly in my house).
But now, with my beginning arithritis (and bone spurs — ouch) in my knees, I have to make sure that I stretch out my legs. No more sitting for a couple of hours at a desk or table. (Thank goodness for my recliner where I can still type on my laptop without bending my knees.) I'm still getting used to changing positions more frequently.

Assignment 3: Review Your Homepage

Review your world homepage to hook potential readers!

I've not yet revised my home page to be a proper landing page. I'm working on it, but it's not going to happen before Summer Camp.
My goal is to have it done by the end of the year. (I'm also working on a new theme.)

Assignment 4: Update Your Intro & Author Page

Take a look at your author profile and pillar articles on your world and polish them!

I also do not have a world introduction article yet. That's going to have to wait until later in the year (or early next year).
I'm not really sure what to put on my profile page. Or what I even want to put on my profile page.
I'll have to look and see if there are any blog articles on that. And look at others to see what they've done.


I decided to start a new world, Mirielle for this.


Prompt 1: (Geography)
A tumultuous region prone to natural disasters
Prompt 2: (Natural Law)
An environmental or other large-scale natural disaster
Prompt 3: (Person)
A character who goes through a great change or metamorphosis
Character | Sep 4, 2024

Knight of Shadows

Prompt 4: (Condition)
A sickness that caused societal upheaval

Prompt 5: (Document)
A document that changed the course of history
Prompt 6: (Ethnicity)
A displaced people in your world
Ethnicity | Aug 3, 2024
Prompt 7: (Military Conflict)
A conflict that involved a changing environment
Prompt 8: (Vehicle)
A vehicle that, when introduced, caused social upheaval


Prompt 11: (Settlement)
A settlement considered a refuge
Prompt 12: (Technology)
A technology used for defense or protection
Prompt 13: (Geography)
A naturally sheltered place
Geographic Location | Aug 3, 2024
Prompt 14: (Building)
A building considered a refuge against the world

Prompt 15: (Military Formation)
Prompt 16: (Item)
A personal item that keeps you safe
Prompt 17: (Tradition)
A tradition that gives comfort
Prompt 18: (Species)
A species with protective anatomy
Dragon Pigs
Species | Sep 4, 2024

Magical Mischief Makers


Prompt 21: (Organization)
A faction of an organization built around belief
Prompt 22: (Myth)
A myth, urban legend, or conspiracy theory believed by many to be true
Prompt 23: (Character)
An evil spirit or divine antagonist
Prompt 24: (Document)
A document of spurious or controversial attribution

Prompt 25: (Item)
A relic or symbol of belief
Prompt 26: (Language)
Slang or a language associated with a religion or belief
Prompt 27: (Title)
A leader or high-ranking person in an organization
Prompt 28: (Tradition)
The practices and ceremonies of worship


Prompt 31: (Myth)
A myth or prophecy about the end of the world
Prompt 32: (Material)
A material that is resistant to decay
Luminite Crystals
Material | Aug 3, 2024
Prompt 33: (Profession)
A profession that is considered dirty
Prompt 34: (Organization)
An organization fighting corruption

Prompt 35: (Tradition)
A tradition that represents moral decay
Prompt 36: (Species)
An animal or plant that feeds on decay
Illumina Wyrms
Species | Aug 3, 2024

Producers of Luminite Crystals

Prompt 37: (Condition)
A degenerative disease
Prompt 38: (Technology)
A piece of tech that prevents decay


Prompt 9: (Myth)
A myth about food
Prompt 10: (Building)
A building associated with joy and fun
Prompt 19: (Ethnicity)
A sub-culture considered larger-than-life by some
Prompt 20: (Organization)
A charity or other organization focused on doing good

Prompt 29: (Settlement)
A settlement that's known as a party town or pleasure city
Prompt 30: (Species)
A hybrid species intentionally bred
Prompt 39: (Character)
A storyteller, author, or bard
Bell Bardwell
Character | Jul 28, 2024

Lorekeeper of Mirielle

Prompt 40: (Geography)
A geographical region that is expanding
Shadow Lands
Geographic Location | Sep 1, 2024


Prompt 41: (Item)
A food often eaten by travelers
Prompt 42: (Building)
A building that was meant to be temporary

Cover image: Summer Camp 2024 by Tulonsae using MidjourneyAI


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