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Noxus is a powerful empire with a fearsome reputation. To those beyond its borders, Noxus is brutal, expansionist, and threatening, yet those who look beyond its warlike exterior see an unusually inclusive society, where the strengths and talents of its people are respected and cultivated. Its people were once a fierce reaver culture until they stormed the ancient city that now lies at the heart of their empire. Under threat from all sides, they aggressively took the fight to their enemies, pushing their borders outward with every passing year. This struggle for survival has made the Noxians a deeply proud people who value strength above all, though that strength can manifest by many different means. Anyone can rise to a position of power and respect within Noxus if they display the necessary aptitude, regardless of social standing, background, homeland, or wealth.

Interesting Things About Noxus

  • Anyone can prosper in Noxus, no matter their background, so long as they have the strength of will, and the drive to succeed. The warlord Darius is a perfect example of this, rising from nothing to become one of the empire's most powerful leaders. Despite this meritocratic ideal, the old noble families still wield considerable power at the heart of the empire, and some fear that the greatest threat to Noxus comes not from its enemies, but from within.
  • As Noxus has expanded and defeated neighboring cultures and cities, it offers the conquered people a choice; swear loyalty to Noxus and be judged solely on your worth, or be destroyed. This is not subterfuge or any kind of ruse; the Noxians are as good as their word, and many who have embraced their conquerors' way of life find their prospects greatly improved. But those who refuse to bend the knee are crushed without mercy.
  • Noxian cities are characterized by imposing structures, claustrophobic streets, crenellated buildings, steep sloped walls, and immense gateways. They emphasize the strength and dominance of the empire, and are highly defensible—an enemy attempting to take a Noxian city by force can expect to be fought and resisted at every turn, for even the humble home is built like a fortress.

Noxian Characters

  • Army of Warbands. The armies of Noxus appear to be little more than barbarous hosts of individual warbands, but this belies the discipline and sophistication required to make such a formation viable. Noxus foregoes a strict rigid standardized order - there are merely smaller warbands, larger warhosts, and massive legions - in favor of allowing their forces to specialize in what they do best, directing them to tasks or areas where their strengths can serve the empire best. 
  • The Dead. Undead soldiers have served in various Noxian legions for decades. Noxians have mixed emotions towards members of the Black Rose for their willingness to raise the dead to feed the war machine. How do you feel about the undead? Are you proud of Noxus for it's clever use of the otherwise wasted bodies or disgusted by the lack of respect for the dead and refusal to put these groups down? 
  • Equal Rank. Within the Noxian army and the nation as a whole, there are equal chances for anyone: everyone starts on the same rank. On the front lines, a foreign slave could be the equal of a highborn noble. Both the Soldier and Folk Hero backgrounds stand on equal ground for being the basis of a new adventurer. 


At the top of the Noxus chain of command is the Trifarix, or the Council of Three. Below them sits the noble houses. The noble houses have existed since the founding of Noxus and play a key role in politics. At a more regional level, stewards are the provincial rulers of Noxus. They are tasked with enforcing Noxian rule in occupied territories and cities outside the capital.


Noxians respect strength above all things, and the only way to remain strong is to be constantly tested. They relish the opportunity to compete with one another, since to not be challenged is to grow weak, and even those at the peak of power must always seek new ways to challenge themselves... or they will not remain in power for long. It is not just physical or martial strength that Noxians admire - those who demonstrate expertise in politics, craftsmanship, trade, and magic all help to create a stronger Noxus.


After the Great Darkin War left the world in ruin many centuries ago, the area that is now Noxus was lost in a torrent of warlords. The region saw many up and coming tyrants take charge before the empire we see today came to be.   The past century has seen a united Noxus expanding their fronts across Valoran and even seeping onto other continents. As their forces spread in every direction, they soon met their matches as they ran into Demacia, Ionia, and the Freljord on different fronts. Each campaign met different struggles as they found that there were more powerful enemies in the world. These losses began to show a weakness in the latest emperor, Boram Darkwill. One of his generals took advantage of this and overthrew him to put in place a new triumvirate known as the Council of Three. This new regime pulled out of its past invasion campaigns to prepare for a new age of conquest.

Foreign Relations

  • Noxus has strained relations with many of its neighbors due to its expansionist policies.
  • Piltover and Zaun are two of the few exceptions to this, however this is mostly due to their open trade policy. Several Zaunite artificers have sold weapons to the Noxians that were used in the invasion of Ionia.
  • The Noxians have mixed views on Bilgewater. On one hand, they have made decent allies during naval battles. Unfortunately, there are too many greedy pirates who have turned the tables and looted from Noxian vessels at sea.

Might, Vision, and Guile - Core Noxian Principles

Full Name:
Empire of Noxus
  Government System:
Expansionist Empire
  Ruling Faction:
The Council of Three   Founding Date:
349 AN
Eastern Valoran with territories in Northern Shurima - Continent   Capital:
The Immortal Bastion
Humans 68%, Vastaya 19%, Minotaur 13%, Yordle 10%, Other 6%
  Prominent Religion(s):
The Kindred - Death
Freljordian Pantheon
Blue Bird of the Sea, Janna Spiritualism   Common Languages:
Common, Noxian, Northspeak
  Notable Organizations:
The Trifarix (Council of Three)
Noble Houses
Order of Warmasons
Trifarian Legion
Black Rose
Crimson Circle

  • 550 BN

    400 BN

    Reign of the Iron Revenant

    The tyrant known as Mordekaiser the Iron Revenant was brought into the material realm and took over much of eastern Valoran. His tyranny brought him many enemies both from outside and within his empire who banded together to defeat him.

  • 818 AN

    877 AN

    Reign of Sion
    Military action

    The brutal warlord Sion rose to prominence, slaughtering all who dared stand in his way. Greatly feared by friend and foe alike, he was the last of a proud warrior culture that had been part of Noxus Crest icon.png Noxus since its founding. Sion met his demise single-handedly slaying the King of Demacia and his retinue.

  • 876 AN

    945 AN

    Demacian-Noxian War
    Military action

    Sion's Noxian warband finally met its match on its westward push when it clashed with Demacia. While Noxus had a clear numerical advantage, Demacia's well-trained army and superior armament gave them the strength to fight back. The century of fighting between them had many victories for both sides, but Demacia ultimately freed its neighbors and, with their help, pushed Noxus back eastward.

    Additional timelines
  • 923 AN

    989 AN

    Reign of Boram Darkwill

    Boram Darkwill took control of Noxus from his father who died unusually early. He held the usual Noxian goal of wanting to extend his borders across all Runeterra, but eventually became exceedingly paranoid and sought for ways to achieve immortality. In the end, he was deposed overnight by one of his former generals that had condemned.

  • 989 AN

    990 AN

    Establishment of the Trifarix

    Formerly discharged general Jericho Swain successfully led a coup d'état in Noxus and established the Trifarix Council of Three.