Poisoned Water Supply Plot in Sanctuary | World Anvil
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Poisoned Water Supply

"Our wells have become brackish and stagnant and some of the townspeople have become ill from drinking them. Our reserves of fresh water are quickly running dry. I believe that there is a passage that leads to the springs that serve our town. Please find what has caused this calamity, or we all will surely perish." - Pepin
  Pepin has told the party that the well in Tristram has become foul and undrinkable, causing the townsfolk considerable concerned. While water can be hauled from the river and boiled to be of use, many of the townsfolk remaining in the area are either old or disabled, making the trip slow and arduous, especially with the recent dangers.
  • Cain mentioned that there may be a tunnel in the cathedral cellar that leads to the town's underground water supply, but he is unsure of where it is.
  • Adria informed the group the demons were at the root of the issue, but that they were ignorant of their influence.
  • The party discovered an entrance to the cellar separate from the main structure, and followed it into an underground cave system.
  • At the back of the cave lay the tainted spring of water, being wallowed in by a pack of Khazra and Fallen One.
  • Once the creatures were slain, their befouling presence dissipated, returning the spring to its pure form.
  Upon returning to Tristram, the group found the townsfolk celebrating the return of fresh water and Pepin bestowed his Ring of Truth to them in thanks.
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