Cleansing the Cathedral Plot in Sanctuary | World Anvil
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Cleansing the Cathedral

The Tristram Cathedral has been defiled by some dark forces that now raid the countryside and beset the people of Tristram. A fervent plea has arisen from the populace to discover the root of the evil and put a stop to it — but what lies below is dangerous and unknown, having claimed the lives of many citizens and adventurers already.
  • Cain mentioned that the cathedral basement is said to be a maze of rooms, quite unlike a normal cellar.
  • The building itself appears to be older than even the town of Tristram, and was not a Zakarum temple originally.
  • Ancient writing on the archway to the cellar seems to contain a warning about demons, but Jazreth cannot fully translate the symbols.
  • Items found about the cathedral depths suggest that it may be tied to the ancient order known as the Horadrim.
  • Neither the corpse of Albrecht nor Archbishop Lazarus were found among the dead when the lair of The Butcher was searched, though the demon did have the key to the second floor of the labyrinth in his possession.
  • King Leoric was said by Pepin to have been laid to rest in the third level of the cathedral, in the renovated Royal Crypt.
  • The second floor of the cathedral contained several sealed doors, but a tome near the entrance to the royal crypts suggested that there were three "keys" to open the passage.
  • The corpses of the royal guard were laid to rest on the second floor, but two sarcophagi were empty: that of the captain, Lachdanan, and his right hand, Sir Gorash.
  • A passage to the catacombs below the cathedral revealed an army of skeletal soldiers being amassed under the command of The Skeleton King.
  • Once the skeleton king was slain by Aidan, the army of soldiers returned to the grave.
  • An ancient library was discovered behind a seal door that even Cain was unaware of. Cain requested to be escorted to the library to delve into the secrets hidden there.
With the immediate evils of The Skeleton King and The Demon Butcher resolved, and the tainted water from the Poisoned Water Supply set right, a sense of peace once more settles into the lives of the citizens, who hail the party as heroes and saviors. But the existence of the walking dead within the catacombs below, as well as the multitude of secrets hidden in the sealed library, suggests that there may be more to this encroaching darkness...


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