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Estrian Rural Commoner

Farmers, Farmhands, and other Locals of Derta

Written by Azrael91

Observations from the Locals of Derta


-Mayor Canus Cato


-Innkeeper Lars Cato


-Head Priest Kaeso


Observations from the Author

Information for the Gamemaster

This article is mostly finished. Additional information and linking may be added to this article as the world is built.

The run of the mill farmer, hunter, fisherman that you can find scattered about Estrye in the countryside.

Character Location
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Portrait of a farmer from Derta.
Painter and Subject are unknown. Found hanging in one of the farmhouses.
Main Encounter Type
Any CR 0
Secondary Encounter Type

Character Portrait image: by Unknown
Estrian Rural Commoner - Generic NPC 0

This is the common citizen of Estrye (Estrian) that lives outside of a urban center (IE city). He or She can be Human, Elf, Dwarf, or any number of other races and half-breeds that exist on Sanial. The average height is around 5'6" with dirty brown hair and greenish eyes. Most are poor in wallet and education, live simple lives, and have few aspirations. The one exception is for knowledge of the state religion, Pharism - nearly all Estrian's are taught the precepts of Pharism and many of those taught also actively worship.
Perception +3
Languages Common + Elvish, Dwarven (where applicable)
Skills Athletics +3, Crafting +2, Lore (Pharism, Specific Profession) +5, Nature +3, Religion +3

STR +1 , DEX +0 , CON +0 , INT +0 , WIS +1 , CHA +0

Items Clothing - Ordinary, Cookware, Knife, Sack, Tools - Small and Large, Torch, Waterskin
AC 13
Saving Throws Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +3
Speed 25 ft
Melee Fists +4, 1d4+2 Bludgeoning (Agile, Finesse, Nonlethal, Unarmed)
Knife +4, 1d4+2 Piercing (Agile, Finesse, Thrown, Versatile Slashing)
Ranged Knife +4 (Thrown 10ft), 1d4+1 Piercing


Author's Notes

I have been intermittenly building people, places, things, ect. since I was in middle school. However, this is my first full scale attempt at a star system. Any constructive comments (including opinion's like, "I'd have done it this way..." will be welcomed and duefully considered. Please refrain from comments that are meant only to be critical.

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