Underbarrel Farm

While the finest local ale in Ardrest comes from the Underbarrel farm and brewery, up until recently it was also the home to the vicious group of thugs and thieves known as the Black Sash Gang lead by Kelvin Underbarrel the farm served as a base to his maddened and misguided attempts to save the youth of Ardrest.

Purpose / Function

Originally build to supply crops for the brewing of Underbarrel Ale, the farm contained a brewery in addition to the farmhouse, barn, and fields.


As Kelvin's madness grew, he happened on a set of Ilyrian ruins below, some of which he used to build a hideout for his gang connected by a series of tunnels with multiple entrances. The Frostyear Guardians found the entrance hidden in the brewery which proved to be the gang's undoing.
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Related Report (Secondary Locations)


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