Isle of Kuchi

Across the Golden Sea from Enorei lise the mysterious island of Kuchi, by some called the Island of Madness. Wreathed in storms and possesing challenges that have kept elven sailors away for generations, the island remains largely a mystery.  Those who have set out to map it never return, and those few sailors who have been recovered after being shipwrecked there seem to have been driven mad by the experience.   From a distance one can tell the island is densely covered with vegitation and mountains, but little more.  Rumors naturally persist of lost civilizations and vast wealth, but if any has been found, no one has ever returned with it.


While the seas are placid along the Coast of Gold, as it nears Kuchi the waves become rough, storms become frequent, and rocky shoals common. The entire island seems to be constantly wreathed in storms baring its access from mainland Carentress.
Alternative Name(s)
Island of Madness
Regions of Sanzeia
A map highlighting the various named geographic regions of Sanzeia


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