Spine of the World

Bisecting the continent of Carentress is a range of steep, inhospitable, and generally impassible mountains that separate the human kingdoms of the east, the great elven republic to the west, and the orcish cities of the south from each other.  The dwarves of Khiz have built many holdfasts and tunnels into the stone, and through their control of the mountain passes dominate much of the continental trade.   It is said that some of the last of the great dragons make their roosts on the tallest and most inaccessible peaks of the range and at least one or two peaks have been seen to belch great plums of ash into the sky during times of ill omens.

Fauna & Flora

This region has drawn the sort of monstrous creatures that can brave the frigid cold of the peaks. Rumors abound of rich dragon hordes and entire civilizations lost amid the snowy peaks, but few expeditions ever return, and none have gathered enough wealth to justify the continued danger.

Natural Resources

The lower slopes of the mountains are well wooded, and provide valuable wood and game. As one climbs higher, the region grows richer in ore, and the dwarves of Khiz are said to have built entire underground cities to mine the rich metal deposits.
Mountain Range
Location under
Related Ethnicities
Characters in Location
Inhabiting Species
Related Maps
Regions of Sanzeia
A map highlighting the various named geographic regions of Sanzeia


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