Sesfelas (SESS FEL AS)

When the first Mij'esians conquered the island to their east during (or possibly before) the Age of Myth they found it inhabited by small clusters of fierce feline warriors known now as the Leonin. The name of of the land comes from a Yuan-ti corruption from a leonin phrase meaning "valley of safety" which was a common (given the local geography) way to refer to settlements in the leonin tongue.   Temple texts indicate that while the conquest of Sesfelas required considerable effort and time, the isolated leonin tribes were no match for the organized might of the Yuan-ti. Respecting the feline's skill in battle the fledgling empire absorbed the conquered people rather then slaughtering them. While officially slaves, the serpentmen gave the leonin elevated military positions and generally allowed them to maintain their own culture (this is especially true on the eastern side of the isle where Mi'jesan culture is less reflected). Thus setting the precedent for the empire in its expansion.  Being part of the empire brought improved building and farming techniques and allowed leonin population to expand greatly.


Sesfelas is a region consisting mostly of mountains, hills and sheltered vales. Farmland is limited, and as tradition indicates, before the coming of the serpentmen as utilized mostly for luxury rather than sustenance farming. The native leonin were primarily hunters and gathers, with small population centers generally consisting of no more than a few families.   As part of the Mi'jesean empire, population, construction, and industry expanded greatly. Leonin settlements are often built into the surrounding mountains with numerous terraces connected by bridges and winding paths. While not looking it to a western eye, this design of overlapping fields of fire and chokepoints make leonin settlements defensive bastions almost impossible to conquer by brute force.

Natural Resources

While not rich in the serpentmen's favorite resources of gold and gems, the many hills of the island are rich in the iron ore that supplies the Mi'jesean army with weapons and armor, thus making this island even more essential to the Empire.
Alternative Name(s)
Lionlands, the Valleys of Safety
Location under
Owning Organization
Regions of Sanzeia
A map highlighting the various named geographic regions of Sanzeia


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