Dragon Shores

Along the southern coast of the Shattered Sea west of the Strait of Gualbenzihl lies a region of coast known as the Dragon Shores. The region draws its name from the many sharp rock formations that are said to resemble the teeth of a dragon. Though possessing rich fishing spots, the jagged shoals of the area and lack of deep-water ports have limited the region's development, and left it of little political or economic value.

Natural Resources

The so-called "teeth" of this region are known to glow bright colors under the right conditions. These are actually outcroppings of elementally infused crystal known as Glimmerstone. While the material has considerable value to mages, as those "teeth" which pierce the hulls of ships find skin even easier to cut, the general difficulty of harvesting crystals off razor-sharp rocks in crashing waves means that only the most desperate even attempt this money making scheme.
by TerrGN33u
Coast / Shore
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