Timer, city

The capital city of the Principality of Timer, a relatively important, and one of the most populous cities on the Elowean Plateau, it had been one of the strongholds for the Elowean crown for centuries. Thus it was a major blow when the snubbed Prince Jurent retreated here at the start of the Elow/Timer Civil War. Timer (the state) prosses much of the military and mineral power of the old kingdom and all of that power flows through its capital city sooner or later.


Prior to its elevation to state capital, Timer was considered a military post, and was governed by a leading general, much of the city's governance still reflects this style.  The prince exercise absolute power within his own city, with some of his trusted advisors being given oversight, or even direct oversight of its various districts.


Timer has long ago outgrown its defensive walls, but that matters little as the city sits at the center of all military training, production, and staging for its entire state.
Founding Date
127 DR
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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