Graymonge (GRAY MONDJ)

In 693 DR, the second son of the ruling family of Oakecross left to build a fortress of his own a days ride away. What he founded what would become a heavily fortified citadel, and a bustling town surrounded by high walls. His line would eventually come to be known as the Dresteli, of which the current most notable decendant is Queen Keyva of Kingdom of Elow. As of late the lands to the north and west of the city are home to fierce fighting, but the fortress itself continues to withstand all attempts to conquer it.


With the start of the Elow/Timer Civil War and the succession of the lords of Oakcross, Graymonge has become the de-facto frontline of the war. While the fortress is of significant strategic value to Elow, the cultural value derived from it being the home of the Queen has meant the location is hotly contested by both sides.
Founding Date
693 DR
4572 + military camps
Location under
Owning Organization


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