Fros Character in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Fros Jors Jahket (a.k.a. The Silent blade)

Fros, the Silent blade, is the newest member of the pillars of the assembly, however he has still been apart of the assembly for over 7 years now. Fros, who was born in Ozinland, left his home and became a professional assassin for many years before a tragedy stuck that led him to return to his home and join the assembly.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fros possesses a lean and agile physique, molded by years of rigorous training and relentless physical conditioning. His body is finely tuned for stealth and precision, allowing him to move silently and swiftly through the dense jungles. Fros's endurance and flexibility are exceptional, enabling him to engage in acrobatics, evade enemies, and strike with lethal accuracy.

Specialized Equipment

Fros's specialized equipment reflects his expertise as a silent killer. He wields an array of deadly tools, including dual daggers with intricate designs etched along their blades. These daggers are extensions of Fros's lethal skills, honed to perfection over years of precise strikes and swift takedowns. Additionally, he carries an assortment of concealed throwing knives, and poison darts allowing him to adapt to any situation and maintain the element of surprise.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Fros's personal history is shrouded in shadows and secrecy. Born in the heart of Ozinland, he grew up in a tumultuous environment, surrounded by the untamed jungles and the constant struggle for survival. At a young age, Fros displayed exceptional skills in stealth, combat, and infiltration. These talents did not go unnoticed, and he was recruited as an assassin, leaving his home behind to embark on a life of darkness and deception. For many years, Fros honed his deadly skills as a professional assassin, operating in the shadows and carrying out missions with ruthless efficiency. His reputation spread far and wide, instilling fear in the hearts of his targets. However, a tragic event disrupted his life of bloodshed and vengeance, prompting him to reevaluate his path. In a fateful encounter, Fros faced a personal loss that shook him to his core. The details of this tragedy remain undisclosed, buried deep within his hardened exterior. The weight of his actions and the consequences of his choices forced him to reexamine his purpose and return to his homeland. Filled with remorse and seeking redemption, Fros made the decision to join The Ozin Assembly, hoping to use his skills for a greater cause.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Fros's journey from a solitary assassin to a member of the pillars of The Assembly stands as a remarkable achievement. While his time as a professional killer brought him notoriety, it was his ability to adapt, survive, and ultimately break free from the cycle of violence that marks his true accomplishment. Joining The Ozin Assembly allowed him to channel his formidable skills towards protecting the jungles of Ozinland and seeking a path of redemption.

Failures & Embarrassments

Throughout his life as an assassin, Fros has encountered numerous failures and setbacks. While he has a track record of successful missions, there are instances where targets eluded his grasp or situations escalated beyond his control. These perceived failures haunt him, leaving a lingering sense of dissatisfaction and self-doubt. Fros rarely discusses these moments of vulnerability, keeping them hidden beneath his stoic exterior.

Intellectual Characteristics

Fros possesses a keen intellect, honed through years of observation, analysis, and strategic planning. His time as an assassin demanded quick thinking, adaptability, and an understanding of human psychology. He excels at reading his surroundings, assessing threats, and exploiting weaknesses. Fros is a master of disguise and deception, employing his intellect to outmaneuver his enemies and complete his objectives with minimal detection.

Morality & Philosophy

Fros's moral compass is a complex and enigmatic facet of his personality. His years as an assassin have shaped a pragmatic worldview, one that prioritizes self-preservation and the completion of missions over conventional notions of morality. He believes in the necessity of sacrifice and understands that sometimes difficult choices must be made for the greater good. However, his decision to join The Ozin Assembly reflects a glimmer of hope and a desire to find redemption for his past actions.

Personality Characteristics


Fros's motivation is multifaceted and deeply personal. While his initial career as an assassin was driven by a desire for power and revenge, his experiences have transformed his motivation into seeking redemption and atoning for his past actions. Fros seeks to protect the jungles of Ozinland, using his skills and knowledge to prevent further harm from befalling the natural beauty he once exploited.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Fros excels in the art of stealth, employing a combination of camouflage, misdirection, and precise strikes to eliminate his targets swiftly and silently. His agility and keen senses allow him to navigate treacherous terrain with ease, making him a formidable opponent. However, Fros's preference for solitude and his reluctance to rely on others can sometimes hinder his ability to effectively cooperate in group settings, leading to communication challenges and a lack of trust from his peers.

Likes & Dislikes

Fros finds solace and comfort in the solitude of the jungle, its vibrant flora, and the peaceful sounds of nature. He appreciates the serenity that the jungles of Ozinland offer, providing a refuge from the chaos of the world. Fros dislikes unnecessary distractions and idle chatter, preferring the silence that allows him to focus on his objectives. He has a disdain for corruption and individuals who exploit power for personal gain.

Virtues & Personality perks

Fros possesses exceptional discipline and self-control, traits that have been essential to his survival as an assassin. He is meticulous in his planning, meticulous attention to detail, and unwavering commitment to executing his missions flawlessly. Fros's time as an assassin has honed his instincts and made him a master of adaptability, capable of swiftly adjusting to unforeseen circumstances.

Vices & Personality flaws

Fros's inherent reluctance to trust others and his preference for isolation can be viewed as both a strength and a flaw. While his self-reliance has saved him on countless occasions, it also prevents him from fully embracing the power of teamwork and relying on others for support. This self-imposed detachment may lead to missed opportunities for growth and the potential alienation of his peers.


Fros maintains a high level of personal hygiene, understanding the importance of cleanliness when operating in stealth and close quarters combat. He keeps his weapons meticulously maintained, ensuring their reliability in crucial moments. Fros is fastidious in removing traces of his presence, leaving no evidence behind that could compromise his mission.


Social Aptitude

Fros's social aptitude is marked by a cool detachment and a guarded demeanor. He remains distant and aloof, rarely engaging in idle conversation or forming deep connections with others. His reputation as an assassin and his enigmatic nature contribute to the sense of mistrust some members of The Ozin Assembly feel towards him. However, Fros has shown a willingness to cooperate when necessary, demonstrating a growing level of trust with his fellow pillars.


Fros's silent and stoic nature is reflected in his mannerisms. He moves with calculated precision, every step deliberate and efficient. His gaze is piercing, constantly surveying his surroundings for potential threats. Fros's words are often terse and to the point, and his interactions with others are marked by brevity. He rarely smiles, projecting an aura of intensity and focus that leaves others wary of his intentions.



Friend (Important)

Towards Blanth




Friend (Important)

Towards Fros




Fros holds a deep respect and admiration for Blanth, viewing him as a mentor and an example of strength and leadership. Blanth, in turn, values Fros as a loyal and skilled member of The Ozin Assembly. They share a bond forged through their shared experiences within the assembly, and their friendship has grown over time. Blanth knew Fros's mother before she left Ozinland and thus lead Blanth to know Fros ever since he was a child. Their history and the memory of Fros's mother further solidify their bond and create a sense of protectiveness and guidance from Blanth's side.

Relationship Reasoning

Blanth and Fros have a close relationship due to their longstanding connection and their shared position in The Ozin Assembly. They rely on each other for support, strategizing, and training to fulfill their duty of protecting the jungles of Ozinland.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Blanth and Fros are united in their commitment to preserving the jungles of Ozinland and ensuring the well-being of its inhabitants. They share a deep love for their homeland and a determination to safeguard it from threats.


Friend (Vital)

Towards Gaun-Yu




Friend (Vital)

Towards Fros




Fros and Gaun-Yu share a friendship based on respect and admiration. Gaun-Yu was one of the first people that encouraged Fros to leave the jungles of Ozinland to follow his dreams and make a big difference across all of Sarazi. Because of this Fros Respects Gaun-Yu's input and thinks very highly of him.

Relationship Reasoning

Fros is now a member of The Ozin Assembly and is also a very skilled fighter. Gaun-Yu  recognizes the importance of Fros' abilities and his potential contributions in the times to come. Their relationship is vital as they work together within the assembly to protect their homeland.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both Gaun-Yu and Fros share a common interest in protecting the jungles of Ozinland. Their commitment to the preservation of their homeland unites them and serves as a strong foundation for their friendship.


Friend (Important)

Towards Sodi



Friend (Important)

Towards Fros



Sodi Did not know Fros before he joined The Ozin Assembly, but ever since he joined Sodi has been very warm and welcoming to him and has thought very highly of him since.

Relationship Reasoning

Fros and Sodi are both members of The Ozin Assembly

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Protecting the Jungles of Ozinland


Friend (Important)

Towards Natalie




Friend (Important)

Towards Fros




Natalie had only heard of Fros before he joined The Ozin Assembly but now currently they work together and try to get along as much as they can, However Fros takes a much more blunt and less caring approach to matters than Natalie does, thus string up a bit of tension between the two on many occasions.

Relationship Reasoning

Fros and Natalie are both members of the The Ozin Assembly

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Protecting the Jungles of Ozinland

Long partially braided black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 9"
160 lbs


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