Natalie Character in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Natalie Ebin Varla (a.k.a. Nat)

Natalie, blade and arrow, is the second newest member of the pillars of The Assembly  but the youngest of them all. After her mother died the Assembly decided Natalie should be granted it by default, but it was, as all others are, Still open to challenge. Natalie first joined the assembly when she was 15 and her skills have rapidly grown since. Although she has spent her whole life in the jungles of Ozinland her skills are still quite versatile, ranging from the precision of her bow to the quick flick of her sword.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Natalie's physical prowess is evident in her well-toned and agile body. Her elven heritage contributes to her natural grace and flexibility, allowing her to execute precise movements with ease. Through years of training and honing her skills, Natalie has developed remarkable speed and dexterity, enabling her to navigate the jungle's treacherous terrain with finesse.

Apparel & Accessories

Natalie wears common leather garments and armor adjusted slightly to aid her in flexibility and stealth.

Specialized Equipment

Natalie wields her mother's bow, a cherished heirloom that she carries with reverence and determination. The bow, intricately carved and imbued with ancestral magic, is a symbol of Natalie's connection to her mother and the legacy she carries. Additionally, she possesses a long green curved dagger, a gift from her father, whom she never had the chance to meet. These weapons serve as extensions of Natalie's skills and embody her unwavering resolve to protect the jungle.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Natalie's personal history is marked by both tragedy and resilience. Growing up in the jungles of Ozinland, she was raised by her mother, a respected member of The Ozin Assembly. Her mother, hailing from Laolisa, possessed a wealth of knowledge and education, which she imparted to Natalie. Under her mother's tutelage, Natalie learned about the flora, fauna, and magical traditions of the jungle, instilling in her a deep appreciation for the natural world. At the age of 15, Natalie's life took a drastic turn when her mother embarked on a fateful expedition into Enzkland. Unbeknownst to her mother, Natalie secretly followed along, driven by her curiosity and desire to prove her worth. However, tragedy struck when they encountered a Creature of the Deep. In the chaos that ensued, Natalie's mother was brutally killed, her head consumed by the abomination. It was a devastating loss that forever changed Natalie's life. Driven by grief and a burning desire for justice, Natalie unleashed her formidable skills as an archer. With a quick and precise aim, she unleashed a barrage of arrows upon the creature, temporarily disabling it. Determined, she retrieved her mother's remains and returned to Ozinland, carrying the weight of the loss on her young shoulders.


Natalie is a straight female with no partner since joining The ozin assembly


Natalie had no formal education but her mother, being from Laolisa, Was extremely well educated and taught her everything she knew. Between her mother’s teachings and the inhabitants of the jungle showing them their ways she has become quite intellectual.


Currently she works with The Ozin Assembly

Accomplishments & Achievements

Natalie's ascension to becoming one of the pillars of The Ozin Assembly stands as a remarkable accomplishment. Despite her young age, she swiftly proved her mettle and defended her position when challenged, earning the respect of her peers. Her rapid growth in skill and versatility, particularly in archery and close combat with her green curved dagger, further solidified her place among the esteemed members of the Assembly.

Failures & Embarrassments

While Natalie has achieved many notable accomplishments, she also carries the weight of her mother's tragic death. She grapples with the guilt of not being able to save her in time and feels a lingering sense of failure. This loss has shaped her perspective and drives her determination to protect the jungles of Ozinland with every fiber of her being.

Mental Trauma

When Natalie was only 15 her mother set off with some other members of The Ozin Assembly into Enzkland to monitor and gather more information about it, Natalie tagged along without her mother’s knowledge. Once they had set up camp deep in the mountains of Enzkland Natalie was discovered and the group immediately decided it was time to turn back leading the charge back was Natalie’s mother who, in the commotion, must have not checked above her head before she started off. Moments later a Creature of the Deep jumped onto her and consumed her head in mere milliseconds, looked back on them and screamed. The members of The Ozin Assembly leaped into action and fought it back, enraged Natalie took up her bow and before it could land another blow she filled it with 18 arrows, all directly into its eyes and forehead. It wasn’t dead, for no one has been able to slay a creature of the deep, but it was disabled for a time. Natalie then dragged her mother’s skinless head and corpse back home.

Intellectual Characteristics

Natalie possesses a sharp intellect, nurtured through her mother's teachings and her interactions with the diverse inhabitants of the jungle. She has developed a deep understanding of the jungle's intricate ecosystems, the medicinal properties of its plants, and the customs and lore of the different tribes that call it home. Her inquisitive nature drives her to continually expand her knowledge, fueling her passion for exploration and discovery.

Morality & Philosophy

Natalie is guided by a strong sense of morality and compassion. She views all beings as deserving of respect and kindness, regardless of their race or origins. She believes in the interconnectedness of all living things and feels a profound responsibility to protect and preserve the delicate balance of nature. Natalie embodies the ideals of the jungle, seeking harmony and unity amidst the vast diversity of Sarazi.

Personality Characteristics


Natalie's unwavering motivation stems from her love for the jungle and its inhabitants. The loss of her mother and the atrocities she witnessed in Enzkland have fueled her determination to ensure that no more lives are lost to the abominations that threaten their land. Natalie fights not only for justice and vengeance but also to preserve the beauty and sanctity of the jungles she holds so dear.

Likes & Dislikes

Natalie finds solace and joy in the vibrant sights and sounds of the jungle, relishing in its lush beauty and the serenity it offers. She delights in discovering rare plant species and forging connections with the animals that call the jungle their home. She despises the desecration of nature, the exploitation of its resources, and any act that threatens the delicate balance of the ecosystem.

Virtues & Personality perks

Natalie's virtues lie in her determination, compassion, and unwavering loyalty to her homeland and its people. Her resilience in the face of adversity, her unwavering commitment to justice, and her willingness to sacrifice for the greater good make her a formidable ally. Her keen instincts and intimate knowledge of the jungle grant her an unparalleled advantage when navigating its depths.

Vices & Personality flaws

Like all individuals, Natalie is not without her flaws. Her deep-rooted grief and thirst for vengeance can sometimes cloud her judgment and lead her down a path of recklessness. She occasionally struggles with self-doubt, questioning her abilities and her place among the pillars of The Ozin Assembly. However, she channels these flaws into further growth and self-improvement, learning from her mistakes and emerging stronger.


Living amidst the natural splendor of the jungle, Natalie has adapted to the environment, embracing its rustic charm. While she values cleanliness and hygiene, her priority lies in survival and protection. She takes care to maintain basic cleanliness and grooming practices but is unbothered by the dirt and sweat that come with her adventurous lifestyle.


Social Aptitude

Natalie possesses a warm and approachable demeanor, drawing people to her with her genuine kindness and empathetic nature. She is skilled at forming connections and fostering a sense of camaraderie among her peers in The Ozin Assembly. Natalie's strong moral compass and unwavering dedication to justice make her a respected and trusted member of the community.


Natalie carries herself with a mix of grace and determination, her movements reflecting her agility and training. She speaks with a noticeable "French" accent, adding a touch of exotic charm to her words. Her words are often measured and thoughtful, and she has a tendency to choose her actions carefully, aware of the impact they may have on those around her.


She has a very heavy “French” like accent and speaks almost mainly in common.



Friend (Important)

Towards Natalie




Friend (Important)

Towards Fros




Natalie had only heard of Fros before he joined The Ozin Assembly but now currently they work together and try to get along as much as they can, However Fros takes a much more blunt and less caring approach to matters than Natalie does, thus string up a bit of tension between the two on many occasions.

Relationship Reasoning

Fros and Natalie are both members of the The Ozin Assembly

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Protecting the Jungles of Ozinland


Mentor (Vital)

Towards Natalie




Friend (Vital)

Towards Gaun-Yu




Gaun-Yu acts as a mentor to Natalie, guiding her within the Ozin Assembly, while Natalie considers Gaun-Yu a trusted friend. Gaun-Yu was good friends with Natalie’s mother when she was part of The Ozin Assembly and helped teach Natalie many things about the Jungle and even trained her on how to use her sword. This shared history and the knowledge passed down from Natalie's mother have deepened their connection.

Relationship Reasoning

Natalie and Gaun-Yu have been friends ever since Natalie was a child and their relationship has strengthened even more so after she was appointed to The Ozin Assembly. Gaun-Yu imparts his wisdom and experience to Natalie, ensuring that she can effectively contribute to the protection of the jungles.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Gaun-Yu and Natalie are aligned in their commitment to safeguarding the jungles of Ozinland. They share a deep understanding of the importance of their homeland's preservation, which strengthens their bond and collaboration.


Friend (Important)

Towards Natalie




Friend (Important)

Towards Sodi




Sodi has known Natalie ever since she was a child. Sodi knew Natalie's mom when he joined The Ozin Assembly and was a new member when Natalie was born. As a child Natalies mother had Sodi try and teach Natalie simple forms of magic but after a few tries they both agreed Natalie should keep to physical weaponry.

Relationship Reasoning

Both have know each other for many years and now both are pillars of The Ozin Assembly

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Protecting the Jungles of Ozinland


Friend (Important)

Towards Blanth




Friend (Vital)

Towards Natalie




Natalie deeply respects and admires Blanth, considering him a figure of wisdom and experience. Blanth, although initially skeptical of Natalie joining The Ozin Assembly, has come to appreciate her skills and determination. Their friendship is built on trust, honesty, and a shared commitment to their duties. Natalie heard stories about Blanth when she was a child from her mother, who was on The Ozin Assembly with Blanth but Natalie only met blanth formally when she joined the Assembly. Blanth is one of the only pillars of the assembly who was against Natalie joining after her mother died, and contestest that she was simply not fit for the job. Even now he still shows some reservations about her, but her skill has slowly convinced him otherwise.

Relationship Reasoning

As members of The Ozin Assembly, Blanth and Natalie work together closely to protect and preserve the jungles of Ozinland. Their relationship is based on mutual respect and a shared understanding of the challenges they face. Blanth serves as a mentor and guide to Natalie as she grows within the assembly.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Blanth and Natalie share a deep love for their homeland and a desire to protect and preserve the jungles of Ozinland. They both understand the importance of their roles within The Ozin Assembly and work together to fulfill their duties in service of their people.

Current Residence
Long Dirty Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan White
5' 4"
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Grung, and Yuan-ti


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