Sodi Character in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Sodi Plog (a.k.a. FrogLegs)

Sodi, the Grung Shaman is one of the five pillars of the Ozinland assembly and is widely recognized as strongest mage among them. He was born in Ozinland and has lived here his whole life. Sodi has been in the Assembly for over 20 years and has now spent most of his life working for his homeland Ozinland. At 42 years old, he stands at a height of 3'6" with blue skin adorned with darker blue spots, reflecting his Grung heritage.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sodi may not be considered strong, but his small size and long legs grant him exceptional agility and jumping abilities. He can leap high and move swiftly, using his physical attributes to his advantage.

Identifying Characteristics

Sodi's distinctive feature is his blue skin, marked with darker blue spots that speckle his body. This unique pattern sets him apart and serves as a visual representation of his Grung heritage.

Apparel & Accessories

Sodi prefers simple attire made from natural materials such as wood, feathers, cloth, and bone. His clothing reflects his connection to nature and his shamanic practices.

Specialized Equipment

Sodi wields a flower staff, a symbolic and powerful tool bestowed upon him by his village mentor. This staff enhances his magical abilities and serves as a conduit for his shamanic rituals.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sodi's personal history is deeply intertwined with the lush jungles of Ozinland. From his earliest memories, he was captivated by the vibrant flora and fauna that thrived within its borders. As a young Grung, he displayed an innate connection to the natural world, drawing upon the mystical energies that flowed through the jungle. Sodi's talents did not go unnoticed, and the head shaman of his tribe took him under his wing, recognizing his potential as a powerful shaman. Under the guidance of his mentor, Sodi embarked on a rigorous and intensive training regimen. From dawn till dusk, he delved into the intricacies of magic, honing his abilities and developing a deep understanding of the jungle's secrets. His mentor imparted ancient wisdom and tribal knowledge, teaching him to channel the spirits of the land and communicate with the creatures that called the jungle their home.   Sodi's dedication to his craft and unwavering devotion to Ozinland led him on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. He ventured deep into unexplored regions of the jungle, seeking out hidden sacred sites and connecting with the elemental forces that shaped the land. Through trials and tribulations, Sodi encountered mythical creatures, overcame formidable challenges, and earned the respect of his fellow tribespeople.   It was during one of his profound journeys that Sodi had a life-changing encounter. He discovered an ancient grimoire buried within the depths of an overgrown temple, unlocking a wealth of arcane knowledge and expanding his magical repertoire. This pivotal moment solidified his position as a revered shaman among his people and set him on a path towards greater responsibilities within The Ozin Assembly.   Sodi's personal history is a testament to his unwavering commitment to the jungle and its inhabitants. His bond with the land runs deep, intertwining his fate with the very essence of Ozinland itself. As one of the pillars of The Ozin Assembly, Sodi continues to use his wisdom and magical prowess to protect and preserve the precious balance of the jungle, ensuring that future generations can experience the awe-inspiring beauty and mystical power that he holds so dear.


Sodi is happily married to his wife and has not explored any other partnerships. He met his wife at a young age, and they have been together ever since, supporting each other in their shared goals. His devotion lies in protecting and nurturing the jungle.


Sodi was taught all of his shaman abilities by his tribe's head shaman, who took Sodi under his wing early on and spent the first few years of his life practicing magic from dawn till dusk nearly every day.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Sodi considers joining The Ozin Assembly, and staying in the assembly long enough to become a pillar, as a major accomplishment. He is one of the few Grung who has ever joined the assembly and the longest Grung to stay on the assembly for this long. This to him is also a major achievement

Morality & Philosophy

Sodi is considered to be the kindest member of The Ozin Assembly. He embraces a philosophy that values all living things equally and strives to show mercy even in the midst of conflict. His moral compass guides him to consider the greater good of Ozinland and its inhabitants.

Personality Characteristics


Sodi is motivated by his love for the jungle and his love for its inhabitants, he wants the best for all peoples in Ozinland and tries his best to achieve that. He is motivated by a desire to protect and preserve the delicate balance of Ozinland, ensuring a harmonious coexistence for all its denizens.


Social Aptitude

Sodi possesses a gentle and compassionate nature, which makes him well-liked among his peers. He demonstrates charisma and confidence when communicating with others, fostering a sense of trust and understanding.


Sodi speaks with a soft and soothing voice, often accompanied by a noticeable hissing sound due to his Grung heritage. He maintains a calm and composed demeanor, displaying patience and thoughtfulness in his interactions.



Friend (Important)

Towards Sodi



Friend (Important)

Towards Fros



Sodi Did not know Fros before he joined The Ozin Assembly, but ever since he joined Sodi has been very warm and welcoming to him and has thought very highly of him since.

Relationship Reasoning

Fros and Sodi are both members of The Ozin Assembly

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Protecting the Jungles of Ozinland


Friend (Important)

Towards Sodi




Friend (Important)

Towards Gaun-Yu




Gaun-Yu holds Sodi, the Grung Shaman, in high regard and considers him a valued friend. Sodi, in turn, sees Gaun-Yu as an important figure in his life. Their honesty towards each other is frank and sincere. Gaun-Yu and Sodi are both important members of The Ozin Assembly and have great respect for each other because of this. Sodi is much younger than Gaun-Yu in terms of years but life span wise they are in similar spots, this contributes to their shared respect for one another aswell.

Relationship Reasoning

Both Gaun-Yu and Sodi are pillars of The Ozin Assembly, responsible for upholding its values and safeguarding the jungles of Ozinland. Their shared role in the assembly has strengthened their bond and deepened their connection.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Gaun-Yu and Sodi are united in their common goal of protecting the jungles of Ozinland. They share a passion for preserving the natural beauty and balance of their homeland, which further strengthens their relationship.


Friend (Vital)

Towards Blanth




Friend (Important)

Towards Sodi




Sodi holds Blanth in high regard, recognizing his prowess as a warrior and his commitment to the cause. Blanth appreciates Sodi's magical prowess and sees him as a valuable member of The Ozin Assembly. Their friendship is based on mutual respect and an understanding of the importance of their roles. Blanth and Sodi first met when Sodi joined The Ozin Assembly. Blanth instantly knew that Sodi would become a longtime member when he first witnessed Sodi’s impressive skills when he first challenged a member for their spot on The Ozin Assembly.

Relationship Reasoning

As pillars of The Ozin Assembly, Blanth and Sodi work closely together to protect and preserve Ozinland. They rely on each other's unique abilities and knowledge to navigate the challenges they face. Their friendship is rooted in their shared responsibilities and shared vision for their homeland.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Blanth and Sodi share a common goal of protecting the jungles of Ozinland and utilizing their individual strengths to defend their homeland. They both recognize the importance of their roles within The Ozin Assembly and work collaboratively to achieve their shared objectives.


Friend (Important)

Towards Natalie




Friend (Important)

Towards Sodi




Sodi has known Natalie ever since she was a child. Sodi knew Natalie's mom when he joined The Ozin Assembly and was a new member when Natalie was born. As a child Natalies mother had Sodi try and teach Natalie simple forms of magic but after a few tries they both agreed Natalie should keep to physical weaponry.

Relationship Reasoning

Both have know each other for many years and now both are pillars of The Ozin Assembly

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Protecting the Jungles of Ozinland

Current Residence
Dark Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
3' 6"
Quotes & Catchphrases
"An enemy saved is a friend gained"
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Yuan-ti, Grung, Common, Elvish.


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