Zhentarim Doom Raiders

Founded by the legendary evil wizard Manshoon (or Mansoon) over a thousand years ago, the Zhentarim are an unscrupulous shadow network that seeks to expand its influence and power throughout Faerûn. The organization is ambitious, opportunistic, and meritocratic. Individualists of neutral and/or evil alignments are commonly drawn to the Zhentarim.   The Doom Raiders is the earned name for the leaders of the Zhentarim in Waterdeep. This party (or most of them) emerged victorious over the Mansoon Zhentarim which divided the faction in half and currently control the Zhentarim in Waterdeep, Baulder's Gate, and Neverwinter.
Political, Faction / Party


Though these two forces are competitors in the underground criminal underworld, especially in the area of subterfuge, the've both struck recent agreement and aided each other to mutual benefit. Notably the destruction of the Xanathar's Lair and victory over the Mansoon Zhentarim in Waterdeep.

Competitor / Ally

The Arcane brotherhood grants the Doom Raider Zhentarim aid only as a result of Jarlaxles relationship with them. Otherwise they don't trust one another and often compete for magical resources.    The leaders of the Arcane Brotherhood are especially hesitant when dealing with "Demon Devi" master of magic for the Doom Raider Zhentarim.

Begrudging Ally

Laeral doesn't like the Zhentarim or their operations. She does however approve of the recent teaming up in order to remove the Mansoon Zhentarim and Xanathar Guild in her city and sees the Doom Raiders as preferable.    The Doom Raiders view Laeral as an obstacle to their aims on most occasions but understand the necessity of cooperation in the presence of a greater threat.


The nobility as a whole accepts the Doom Raider Zhentarim in the city. Though they're known for being the main organized criminal element in the city, they're "the devi...Devil we know". The Mansoon Zhentarim were rooted out of Baulder's Gate before the events of Founder's Day 1491 Burns Sleep.    Coltaine is still over all unconvinced on the Zhentarim as a whole and view them as a potential leek of information to the enemy but acknowledges the need for intelligence organizations in war.

Rivals / Conflicting stances

The Harpers as a whole aim to monitor and subvert the use and cumulation of power, especially magical power. The Zhentarim on the other hand use subterfuge and espionage to amass power and influence.

Enemies, At War

The single "black network" known as the Zhentarim has split and are at war with one another.