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La Magna Contea

### **Magna Contea: A Land of Contrasts**

#### **History of the Nation**

Magna Contea (The Great Shire) has its roots in an ancient and advanced civilization that flourished centuries ago, long before its current state of poverty and social rigidity. Its plains and hills are home to ruins of temples, cities and monuments built with lost technologies and knowledge. The artifacts found in these ruins offer a faint connection to a glorious past, now forgotten. The fall of this ancient civilization is shrouded in mystery, but legends speak of a catastrophe that swept it away, leaving only ruins and superstitions.

Over the centuries, Magna Contea has been ruled by dynasties of nobles, whose possessions and privileges have been passed down from generation to generation. The social structure of the Shire has crystallized, becoming one of the most rigid and stagnant in Valenor, where access to the nobility is barred to anyone who was not born there.

#### **Government Structure**

The government of the Magna Contea is dominated by the figure of **Visconte Enea Prisco**, who holds absolute power. His family has ruled the County for generations, with a detached and contemptuous view towards the needs of the population. The power structure is feudal, where local nobles own vast estates and answer only to the Viscount. The institutions are corrupt and ineffective, and the law is manipulated in favor of the rich. Nobles can commit crimes with impunity, as justice can be easily bought.

The **Church of Danu**, the main deity worshipped in the territory, has an important role but keeps aloof from political games. However, the population devoutly follows local cults and, during the holidays, religious processions called **Crocicchi** pass through the cities, with the faithful carrying effigies of the deities and prayers of hope.

#### **Political Parties and Organizations**

There are no political parties in the strict sense in the Magna Contea, but there are several factions that fight for power and influence. On one side there are the **feudal nobles**, who maintain control through land ownership and the patronage system. On the other, there are the gangs of **brigands**, who despite being formally enemies of the established order, provide protection and basic necessities to the poor population, earning their support.

Over time, these gangs have formed an organized network, with territorial agreements that avoid internal conflicts. Among the most famous gangs are the **Mountain Wolves** and the **Brothers of the Shadows**, who control different areas of the territory and are feared as much as they are respected.

#### **Current Situation**

The Magna Contea is currently in a phase of deep decline. Poverty is rampant and the population, tired of the oppression of the nobles and the corruption of the institutions, is increasingly turning to the gangs of brigands to obtain justice and protection. Family feuds are common and often lead to bloody conflicts, sometimes involving noble houses.


Viscount Enea Prisco is aware of the precariousness of his position, but continues to live in luxury, ignoring the needs of the population. His decisions are often made without consulting the people or taking into account the consequences, further worsening the already critical social situation.

#### **Important Characters**
  • **Visconte Enea Prisco**: Undisputed ruler of Magna Contea, he is an arrogant and cynical man. He lives isolated on his estate, uninterested in the problems of the people, and spends his time surrounded by corrupt courtiers and nobles.
  • **Bernardo Altomonte**: Leader of the **Mountain Wolves** gang, he is a charismatic and feared figure. His gang controls much of the mountain lands and acts as a sort of "parallel state", guaranteeing protection to local villages in exchange for loyalty and tribute.
  • **Mother Theodora**: High priestess of the cult of Danu, she represents one of the few authority figures respected by the populace. Although her power is spiritual and not political, many turn to her for guidance and comfort.

    #### **Locations and Resources**
  • **The Coastal Islands**: The Magna Contea is famous for its wild coastline, dotted with small islands and sea caves. Many brigands use these islands as hidden bases, while fishing is one of the few activities that provides a stable source of income. Some of the catch is salted and exported to other regions of Valenor.
  • **The Ruins of the Ancient Civilization**: Hidden among hills and forests, the ruins of the ancient civilization that inhabited the Magna Contea attract adventurers and scholars. These places, in addition to hiding ancient artifacts, are often dangerous and populated by mysterious creatures.
  • **The Old City of Maravento**: One of the oldest cities in the Shire, Maravento is known for its decaying architecture and its labyrinthine streets. Despite its degradation, the city is home to thriving markets and clandestine activities.

    #### **Folklore and Details**

    The people of the Magna Contea are strongly attached to their traditions. **Family feuds** are a central aspect of daily life, and personal vendettas, often passed down from one generation to the next, continue to bloody the countryside.


    Religious processions, the **Crocicchi**, are an important cultural and spiritual event. During these celebrations, the faithful carry in procession floats adorned with flowers and statues of deities, among which the goddess Danu stands out. Each community has its own unique rites and celebrations, but the cult of Danu is the one that unites them all, becoming a symbol of hope for a better future.


    The culinary history of the County is rich in dishes and desserts, known throughout Valenor and considered to be among the best.

    Geopolitical, County / March
    Parent Organization
    Neighboring Nations

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    Character flag image: by Alberto Zanini


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