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Le Terre dei Castelli

### **Principality of Castelli**

#### **History of the Nation**

The Principality of Castles is the smallest and least populated of the principalities that make up the federation of the Principalities of Hansa. Situated among the highest and most rugged mountains in the region, the territory has only been colonized in the last two centuries by brave adventurers and settlers. These pioneers tamed the hostile nature by building a series of castles to defend the mountain passes and establishing fortified villages in the few habitable highlands.


The origin of this principality is linked to the castles built by former adventurers who, after accumulating wealth by exploring dungeons and fighting monsters, decided to settle and defend the lands they had conquered. The construction of the castles allowed the settlers to settle there, making the existence of the Principality possible.


The capital, **Altopascolo (High Pasture)**, was founded on one of the most accessible and strategically important plateaus, becoming the political and economic center of the Principality. The history of the Principality is one of a constant struggle against the forces of nature, monsters, and economic hardship, which has forged a resilient and independent population.

#### **Government Structure**

The Principality of Castles has a government based on a form of feudalism adapted to local needs. Each castle is ruled by a lord, often a former adventurer, who has control over the surrounding fortified villages. These lords offer protection to the settlers in exchange for loyalty and resources. However, due to the harsh and pragmatic nature of the population, the relationship between lords and settlers is more egalitarian than in other regions.


At the federal level, the lords of the castles send a representative to Diamantea, the capital of the Principalities of Hansa, to make their voice heard in the Council of Principalities. Currently, this role is held by **Hilbert Enfield**, an adventurer who distinguished himself by discovering a treasure-filled dungeon, which has given him prestige and authority.

#### **Political Parties and Organizations**

There are no real political parties in the Principality of Castles, but there are local factions and organizations that influence politics. One of the most influential factions is the **Mountain Keepers**, a group of castle lords dedicated to protecting the borders and managing the dungeons. They advocate a policy of territorial expansion and exploitation of resources.


Another significant faction is the **Conservators of Value**, which represents local settlers and traders. This faction opposes excessive expansion, preferring to consolidate current conquests and improve living conditions in the valleys and plateaus.

#### **Current Situation**

Currently, the Principality of Castelli is in a phase of consolidation. After a period of territorial expansion and construction of new fortifications, the lords of the castles are looking to strengthen their defenses and improve their infrastructure to withstand the long winters and monster raids. However, the presence of treasure-filled dungeons attracts new adventurers and settlers, increasing the pressure on local resources.


Political tensions within the Principality are rising, with the **Mountain Keepers** pushing for new expansion campaigns, while the **Value Conservators** are calling for greater investment in civilian infrastructure and improved living conditions.

#### **Important Characters**

  • **Hilbert Enfield**: Current representative of the Principality of Castles in Diamantea, he is a former adventurer known for discovering a treasure-filled dungeon. Hilbert is respected for his skill in combat and his pragmatic view of the Principality's needs.
  • **Lady Irina Falcotempesta**: Lady of the **Pietrafredda Castle**, one of the highest and most inaccessible fortresses in the Principality. Irina is known for her wisdom and ability to negotiate with the tribes of mountain creatures.

  • #### **Locations and Resources**
    The Principality of Castelli is known for its breathtaking landscapes, characterized by towering mountains, dense forests, rushing rivers, and spectacular waterfalls. Among the most famous locations:  

  • **White Saltapicco Waterfall**: A majestic waterfall protected, according to folklore, by the White Skipper, a mythical creature that watches over the region.
  • **Altopascolo**: The capital of the Principality, located on the largest and most important plateau, is the political and economic center of the region.
  • **Pietrafredda**: One of the highest and most difficult castles to reach, known for its impenetrable defenses and spectacular views of the surrounding mountains.

  • The Principality's main resources include minerals mined from mines, treasures recovered from dungeons, and wool from **Saltapicchi**, creatures unique to the region that produce a very fine and valuable wool; highly sought after by merchants.

    #### **Folklore and Details**

    The folklore of the Principality of Castles is rich in legends related to the mountains and the creatures that inhabit them. The most famous is that of the **White Saltapicco**, a mythical creature said to protect settlers and adventurers who respect the mountains.


    Stories say that the White Pikejumper appears in times of great danger, offering guidance and protection, while punishing those who dare deface nature out of sheer greed. Local legends tell of numerous cases where children who went missing in the mountains were returned home safe and sound, while those who sought only riches met a mysterious end.


    The population of the Principality celebrates the **Wheel of the Year Festival**, during which they thank the forces of nature for the protection and sustenance received. The festival includes singing, dancing and the consumption of **Wisty**, a very popular local alcoholic drink, and fine cheeses produced with the milk of the Saltapicchi. During this festival most of the weddings are celebrated and great honors are reserved for the members of the team that wins the Warwick tournament, a type of rugby very popular in the region.


    In the winter season the various villages compete in a sport played on ice and called Cesti (it is a game in which the two teams are equipped with ice skates and a forked stick with a net, a leather ball is used to be caught only with the net and thrown into a basket in the opponent's field). In this sport physical contact is almost mandatory and this makes the games exciting and unpredictable.

    Geopolitical, Country
    Government System
    Monarchy, Elective
    Parent Organization

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