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The Eye of Meropis


The Eye of Meropis occupies the central and oldest district in Meropis, but technically not the oldest faction. It was founded by Triagon Rotan, a dwarf from what is now Dranor when the city was first began being built. Its responsibilities were rapidly expanded after the Demon Incursion caused Meropis and its global role to grow substansially.  

Inhabitants and Role

Not many people live in the central district. Most of them are part of the Law Enforcement Unit of the Eye and sleep in barracks.   Contrary to popular belief however, the Eye is not only comprised of the guards that patrol the city, there are also those who venture outside the cities' borders to uphold the Meropis convention. Another large section of the Eye is focused on the magic that protects the city. The laws that dictate what spells can and can't be cast are not perfect and fail frequently. Agents and mechanics of the Eye often need to amend faults that are caused by these laws.   The Eye often recruits criminals who have found ways to circumvent the laws to help make the laws better. This makes it so that all walks of life can be found here, although species and cultures more associated with law and order are more prevalent within the Faction. A grizzled silver Dragonborn clad in Plate patrolling next to his young tiefling partner, a mage surveying the Green District with his flying familiar looking for any suspicious activity, an international elven agent undercover to discover a cult of Demogorgon and a notorious halfling safecracker given a second chance to serve the Eye instead of years in prison are examples of the types of people from this faction.  

Relation with other Districts

All other districts need to obey the Eye in matters of security, making them sometimes disliked by those in power in other districts. However as they strive to protect the city and its denizens, it is often seen as an honour to work with or for them. The Eye has to work with local officials and residents as they know their district best. Most times guards who patrol a particular district are from that district, as to not create friction between the locals and the guards.  

International Role

The Eye also has an international role as they often send forces to other countries to search for magical criminals and to ensure that countries do not secretly break the Meropis convention. Most countries accept these agents begrudgingly, but since they often times catch criminals that would otherwise escape non-mages, they are at most times accepted. International agents of the Eye also learn to work with local forces, as Meropis usually do not send many units to other countries.  


The Eye is seperated into three seperate branches: domestic affairs, foreign affairs & magical law.
  • Domestic affairs are concerned with keeping the peace within Meropis. The guards and diplomats that keep the different factions happy fall under this department. Its department head is Tyr Wurag Valrskagi.
  • Foreign affairs are concerned with making sure other countries do not break the Meropis convention and the detainment of international magical criminals and terrorists. It is headed by Mi'hihona.
  • Magical law is concerned with making sure the magical laws work in Meropis and repairing when it is broken. They also work to make the laws better and safer. This department is headed by Malsica Swifthand.


Meropis Conventions

1. The summoning of extradimensional beings, creatures and others is forbidden by any.   2. The making of a deal or pact with an extradimensional being of any kind for any purpose is forbidden.   3. The use or subjection of undead for harmful use, such as war, is forbidden.

We are the chains that bind Meropis

Ruling Organization
Parent Organization
Notable Members


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