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The Lorekeepers


When Bleakrock was destroyed, most mages on the continent died. Some of them either escaped the carnage or were not in the city when it fell. They were adventurers, wanderers or advisers to nobles. Some of them saw the loss of Bleakrock and all its knowledge as a great loss to Thellor. So they started collecting and writing down as much information as they could, hoping to reclaim some of Bleakrock's lost glory. When The Wizard shared his plans for Meropis, these lore keepers were among the first to join and they have been part of Meropis ever since. The first leader of the Lorekeepers was Bjorn Snowskin, a former arch-mage of necromancy in Bleakrock.  

Inhabitants and Role

Longer lived races are more common among the lore keepers, but in theory, anyone who is interested in history or education could be part of the Lorekeepers. Old looking elves sifting through tomes looking for ancient cures for diseases, young bards collecting long lost knowledge in remote dungeons, scholars who stury long-dead languages to understand the cultures they come from and more can be found in this district. Inhabitants of this district are responsible for the recording of information new and ancient.   Temples to gods and enitities of knowledge house clerics and even some warlock. Attatched to most of these institutes are libraries dedicated to the keeping of specific kinds of knowledge. There is for instance an entire library dedicated to lost civilisations and a library dedicated to healing medicine. There also exist extensive records of lineages for sorcerers, these are actually used by the Lorekeepers to predict potential sorcerers and to help them control their powers.   The Lorekeepers as an organisation also are responsible for upholding the educational standards of Meropis in the schools. Colleges that teach Bards and Wizards in multiple disciplines. This is why most teachers in the schools are part of the faction, even through most students are not.  

Relation with other Districts

All districts have to deal with the Lorekeepers in some way or another. Everyone needs access to old records, maps and tomes. The Lorekeepers are generally respected, however, their general image is bookish scholars who are mroe interested in collecting knowledge than using it.   The Pathfinders frequently use old knowledge to create new knowledge, and that knowledge, in turn, needs to be recorded. So the Lorekeepers and the Pathfinders have a fruitfull collaboration.   The Lorekeepers and the Sheperds Flock often time work together as records of droughts, weather and agricultural methods are kept by the Lorekeepers and used by the Flock.    

Student Support

The lorekeepers cover the cost of learning new spells for their students, paying the 50gp per level fee to copy these into their spellbooks. However, acquiring these spell sources is the responsibility of the students themselves.
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