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The Minters


The Minters who occupy the Silver District were among the founding fathers of Meropis. They are led by an individual named Altaniun, a mysterious seemingly immortal man who is also the owner of the Platinum Dragon, the worlds biggest and most influential bank, also situated in this district.  

Inhabitants and Role

The Silver District is the outer ring that borders all different districts. This makes it so that inhabitants from all districts can be found here. Most of them do not live here however. The people who do permanently live there are shop or innkeepers, who live in or near their business. But there are also street vendors and entertainers who own homes in this district.   All trade is done in this district and the Minters keep track and collect the taxes all other districts are owed. It is often said that no coin in Parima hasn't passed the Minters hands. Some scholars argue that without the existance of Minters, each kingdom in Parima would have minted their own coin by now. Some kings have tried, but they always seem to fail and when they do, they get visited by an envoy of the Minters who will often times buy up the failed coins for a very low rate.  

Relation with other Districts

The Minters play a crucial role in Meropis. Everyone pays taxes and everyone who needs a loan, wants to store or invest some money can safely and quickly do it with the Minters. This has caused them to have a muddled reputation. Often times investments fail and insurances are not paid out, causing people to dislike them.   However, everyone needs them and wants to stay on their good side. As people or organisations that get on the Minters bad side do not exist for long.

Silver, Words and Ink

Corporation, Commerce
Parent Organization


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